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<br /> <br />. 83"::-'fo ~fI'iO <br />.now all JIIen tip 1tbtlt .restnts, TAal, Whe".,., In an adion in 1M DiI~u:t Courl of 1M <br />~'!~~~!t,.......",..Judu:ial Diltrid of 1M SIak of N./multo, wiUtin andfor 1M County of..'.m.u..uu....Ii,Il,~}_'""m'..........u uu '.. , wherein <br />$..yJ.J!g!lLl!-.O~...1.g,~m...t.Jl'-~.9,~J~U9!!..QLJ~JI}~Q.l!!.~!.>"'.u..~,~,!,uG.9,rP.Qr..~,~.~.Q~........plaint(tJ..., and <br />!?e1-~r.t"'.~~_uThe..!!I.~,~rJ,u.k!,1,!lu,.~.!....Th~,!!I,I!!!!!!y~,r..~.n...!!,l;,.nllJ~..umu. . "',,',u"n ......'n.'...def.ndant!!u I <br />at thL..J--.,...l.-t.......uu..mun Tum, A. D, 19,83., of mid CQurt,],tnlt..f.,edeX'...l...Say.1.nlULa.J!.d"J.,Ql!-J~...A!l!!,~J,,~~on I <br />did obI4in a <kort.e finding iMl IMn iI d"'from.J!~JI;l~,r~n}>'LTh~lI,!I!!!.~Y~r...I.g.~.lIut\...uTh~,".lIl11~'yerLnetuIol1..n.. u.. I <br /> <br />:-:~:';:..:':::~~;~::';i~::~"~:~~::;;;:::~::::::~~i;;~~;(u56;ii4~2~).m ...n.. ::: I <br /> <br />and _/$ af .au I<1=d at.,. ",dollar<, and, w/ut....., it was then and there <br /> <br />furthu onkrtJ in ihe mid adian thrd in d.fauU of /II<' payment of the...."' ."'found due by the .ai<L..D.~P),~!,~,",J>.!:J:):1~!!I~}'~J:.~ <br />Lo1s A. Theasmeyer, et 81., thm Chsrles F. Fairbanks <br /> <br />Sheriff of Nid CoonIy of.... <br /> <br />.1i,aH <br /> <br />, .\'hould CGU$e the land., and ienemenh hereinafter described io be <br /> <br />adverl~ and 80ld cuxording /0 law to pay 1M $~. and, whe~, ilt>Jault h(1t1ing been nwne Ih~N!in. the said. <br /> <br />u u , ... . . Chade.sf"Lfairb,anlta <br /> <br />, Sheriff oj said county, und~r and by 'Dirlue oj the .mit! decree and <br /> <br />1M ankrofsak to him duly,lirrxI.ed, did on the 17tJl <br />at the.)()1lf4!r . lobby ~of the CounIy Court Home '" II" <br /> <br />dayoJ. <br />.GHY <br /> <br />~I ...... ... ....A. D. 19J:I}, <br />of. G!:t!!!!L.t!JJIl n.el u <br /> <br />in .aid ['.ounty of ' lIalL . first giwn d"" and kgalnotice of the tUn" and place "fsaid sale <br />"y pL-lMiNtiion unu in each wet'k for (our Slu:rt'.'.3irr H'rrks ff/ Ow __~~.~_I!.~ u_~_~_!~.!!.~._..l?.~4~4!Im~~.~~_~;~~1~~~t"r printed and in gent:ral <br />.ireulaI.ian in .aid Count.. of. liall... .. . ..,'. sell pm"'... a1 public aadion Io...m <br />Norman A. Buck for Ihe sum of.,,u,r,J'b.oq'an!!..,!H~V!!U\.ty, <br />1}1!!~..1I:tl4..161100 (J 74,079.16) dollar.. ",hid> .uk It.... af/eruoard at IMJlln.. l~tn...Ter", of said coUrt. <br />... D.. 19.~~u. cz,,",iJ...J an4 mnform<d und lk sa"LCharles F. Fairbllnks , as such Sheriff. QrtUrm <br />Norman A. Buck <br /> <br />to ~ the $uid prem~t4 in/a! $i.mpie to "h.e lw.i.d <br />JlobJ ~btrtfOrt, I. lhe saul <br />Hall <br /> <br /> F. Fa.1X'ban.\<'s <br /> <br />. Sherif! of the County of <br /> <br />1M ufor~!lai.d. J.fl Cl.#I,sidcroium 0/ lr.~ p~mue4 alld by t'iriue oj lli,. ,1OtIJe1'S t'p.<;kd in m~ by law and the <br /> <br />~ oj #4id oourl. do 1J.eN;by Giw. (~ra'J.. ana Gont!ty to ll~ rouL <br /> .^~.. ~t..k }~lr' aruJ us$igm. iht! pff.mi#4 $0 as aJvr~4aiJ sold. to wit: <br />!..o!..Hye (n..1UOCK One.Uundr.!ld FUty-TWQ q~Z) <br />in Union hc1Hc Railw&y,Company's Second Addition <br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County,Nebraska <br /> <br />~ Jtatte aldJ to JIolb tUt .amt <br /> <br />o p.\f:~'\) \ NEBRASKA OOGUMENTARY <br />, t,\ \ STAMP TAX <br />r,,<' <br />~ tr"",t <br />'6"'" AUG 5 1983 <br /> <br />41ft1'l.:?~.Q~.,. <br /> <br /> <br />with the appurleoonces. <br />Norman A. Buck <br /> <br />unto ihe .Qui <br /> <br />Ja lk..monp l>>\ltrtof. <br />..~~.~,.t. <br /> <br />.fH:V$ and a.uiu1U~ and llJ Own and tJie-ir We' and bdUJQj forever. <br />f h~. as ~Ui:h ShL-riJJ. }-W:ffwdo .;.d my luuld this... lrd day oJ <br />..4, i)" t9._~~ ...., <br />C;;..~";~-<.~ <br /> <br />~ and fklioeretJ in 1M _ "j <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />.wr<1! of...... u <br /> <br />Couniy, N~. <br /> <br />ll. L. :w.gJlf!.L <br /> <br />-,;;.."';:;:;.":"=~~=.-;.:::...~~,:.::.::.:..--,; <br /> <br />~~gJ~T~:~..:;~~~~~KA. }u. OnfAiI..... )r,d, . ~o/ AUJ~~t <br /> <br />19J!;!... t>q",. _. the ,.m< l.!..\JUJ t~l!... <br />in andjor said~, pmoM.lq "p~ 1M said <br />.GbJlt.lltl...f~~_..t'W.9"L.....u..., ........ . ...... "'>Ntriff fl! .a<4 (;m.,... <br />~ 11M idmJi.a1}><<'_ wll4 .iqn<<J n-.. 1'"""",,i1l{l' ..nltt\l "" """""', aM <br />1M -.. It> b. It!, ~ acl twl tk.J. "" ...,,/i '^"ti 1M _ "".I pltl'Jl'l4U <br />~/ <br />.,.,. ,'J,f ~ <br />:"'>~./-f~ 11'1 <) <br />+..,d......!I.._~.._- '_.m <br />