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<br /> <br />los._lIURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED <br /> <br />83-1 j (j 4 J 68 Hultman and Felton & Wolf, Walton, N1! 68461 <br /> <br />J\."'NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That <br /> <br />DONALD J. WHALEY and DONNA M. WHALEY, Husband <br /> <br />, herein called the grant.or whether one or more, <br /> <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />and Wife, each in His and Her own right and as spouse of each other <br /> <br /> <br />ineonsiderationof FIFTY-EIGHT THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/lOO($S8.S00,OO) DOLLARS <br /> <br />re",eived from gnnf.<oM, dt>e& grant.. bargain, sell NHlV,.y and ,'onfirm tUlto <br /> <br />JAY L. KREFT and SUSAN 1<' KREFT, Husband and Wife <br /> <br /> <br />a8 joint Mnants with ril{ht of stlrvjyors.hip, and not as t,."ant" III common, the foUowing deseribed real property in <br />Hall County, Nebraska <br /> <br />LOT EIGHT (8), BLOCK ONE (1). IN LE HEIGHTS SECO~"D SUBDIVISION, HALL <br />COUNTY. NKl!RASKA, BEING A PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTH- <br />WEST quARTER(~) OF SECTION ELEVEN (11), TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH, <br />RANGE TEN (10). WEST OF THE 6TH P.M.. IN HALL COUNTY, NElIRASKA. <br /> <br />To bave and w hold thl' ab,>,'., "..,."nb....l f'Tt'tll!1<'''' !olft'ther wltn all tenementll. hereditaments and appur. <br />l..n&n"'"" th"....l," bt'l"tlll"ing ontu In" l,"r1Ulte"" and 10 th,,1t a"~!il:ns, .jr to tile heirs and ltl!liign$ of the aurvivor of <br />th..m fo",,,..r. <br />And ~Ta,utfj-r does he.N'hy ~.'Hven3-nt With !hf" ~n~H!_~'I""'f< aud wnh ~ht'lr ~it{118 and with the hei", and assign.. <br />(.t t;bi" \Sur~t\~~lt HI' th~ln thill! KfftUhrr tf< i-iiwfnHy ~'I~t<d n-f "'~Hd ;"{f"('UHst',fd. that. th-e:.)" are tree from enellulb.rltnCe <br />except eas~nts and restrictions of record <br /> <br />tha-t ~ruu-tQr has ~(H-H,i flltlH- and inwrui authont,,- to- t;!",-ny-i:"J" ,-h~ SJUl1e; aad that ilf'antor w1t.rrauts and wiii d~fe-nd <br />t.b:l.' tltl~ to. MAd'I!! a~fl:it~s!f, th~ l;li,^"ful d_aJ.IU;l f.,f aU W""f1<i.t.f!U 'IynOttl.l!H)eVftT, <br />It l-lj, tht"' ~Uf.-4!-UlHUl ~)t ijH p~tr-ti~ ht'~h1 that w th~ t+\'{'ut ni' tht" d.eatb of either of tlit,'! g-rante-0S1 the entire <br />fJ;".... is-imp-le ljthl: h" the r~'i1;l ~tat~ ~haH '\'~--"'t iti tot.:' \ulr'\"i\.'m~ i!rau~, <br /> <br />STATE OF <br /> <br />Nebraska <br /> <br />1 <br />I <br />(S.L <br />~..t,'lt{.Ptty j <br /> <br />""IItiJ. <br /> <br />.r <br /> <br />da)< (-;1 <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />19';>.;f befare <br /> <br /> <br />!h,~ll ~~.r <br />/ ., /1 I/~ ," ~ <br />l hY! f'h>' ~f.'FI" ;/~4f <br />,',/(11:11/ J.,:~,r' <br /> <br />1'1.;1",') <br /> <br />DonM <br /> <br /> <br /><:t -~,'i':'-<.:V. <br /> <br /> <br />Rail <br /> <br />,~~ the wnJ{!r_Hg~ud a .VahJT)' Publi.€, duly (!)uuni.uiotwd and quab/I$d !fJY <br /> <br />!~ $IIW faitH!.). ,(:;,fTSit~ly nH1U'. <br /> <br />Dolli\ld J. Wh.lIJ.~y all,d ,iX>1U}'L}I. ~JE!~L H1,l~Q.lIpg d<u.14 .W'i.J~.L <br />each in His and Her own right and as spouse of each oth~ <br /> <br />~~a:;f-;J <br /> <br />h~ m,f ;;'~t~/JI iQ be tht id~1dir;al pn-Jvn iF" f'i:r:iUn.; ar!H)s'~ 'ffilfUt' is Dr J'1inJies art!' <br /> <br />alfu-i"d w th~ for:tfguffl.g tnslT-Sinu1,lt and ad:aw'Z.f/ledg,,;'d th€ thereof to be <br /> <br />his. 11fT or lit,,!, vc,b"'l/lry ad and. deed. <br />i-Vii_CiS t-ny h4nd and :.V ot-rJ.l'iuJ S't;~aJ the day iJnd YCftr last ~lbo1-'~ 'i(!rittt'n. <br /> <br /> <br />A/A4/: <br /> <br />,VOiftT)' Publ:, <br /> <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />"~l>!.i l.'3 n_ri<ml <br />n.,f 1I,L <br />aM I!t'i~Wld in Ikmlt, . , . . <br /> <br />.1 <br />.fss. <br /> <br />lmUo... aud filed t"r NlMM in ih" Regi.t.u of D{!edI! Offw\! of uid Gounty th", <br />,,19. "..., al.., ,. .o',ul>ek lU1.1., mtnu!..;;a ,.M" <br /> <br />of" <br /> <br />. atl:mge . <br /> <br />~. of ~dft <br /> <br />3y. <br /> <br />I~put)' <br />