<br />r
<br />
<br />83-&04165
<br />
<br />
<br />Terry T. Kitt and LaVerta L. Kitt, husband and wife, herein called Grantors,
<br />
<br />in consideration or One Thousand and no/l00 Dollars
<br />
<br />, receipt of which is
<br />
<br />hereby acknowledged, hereby grant and convey unto the
<br />
<br />
<br />a municipal corporation in Hall County, Nebraska, herein called Grantee, a
<br />
<br />permanent and perpetual easement and right-of-way to survey, construct, inspect,
<br />
<br />maintain, repair, replace, extend, remove, and operate thereon undergro1.IDd
<br />
<br />electric utility lines, cables, terminals, transformers, surface markers, and
<br />
<br />other appurtenances connected therewith in, upon, above, along, across, 1.IDcerneath,
<br />
<br />and through an eight (S.O) foot wide tract of land located in part of Lush
<br />
<br />Subdivision, a subdivision In the City of Grand Island. Npbraska, the easement
<br />
<br />tract be-ing more partic:ular1.y descrined as follows:
<br />
<br />The easterl y eight {8. 0) feet of the west"~;;rl y thirty (30) feet of Lot
<br />Two (;0) of the said Lush Subdivision, said t:ract of land contaLiing
<br />856..0 squar(~ feet morf? or less as shown an the plat dated ,June 3. 1983.
<br />marked Exhibit "1\", attached hen>tc' and ir:corpora1:ed herein by reference,
<br />
<br />
<br />together with the foIl md.nq rights:
<br />
<br />Unrestricted lnq.~~ss ,'~ncl ~qress t8 thp ,;:tbov(> described trfllct of ldnd for-
<br />
<br />inst.al1atim" m.ainterlarl(-~'. ,;.>p-.erdtlrJr:, Flnd rf~mQval '~Jf such utiliti.es and
<br />
<br />appurtel'lc,,"!5f.
<br />
<br />Such rights ,:Jf irtq:'YfS$ d.r~d ti"<]rl"~S5 :sF..Al1 includt? .~ll riqhts nec€::~ssary for
<br />
<br />the- full and (:omplet~ U$-tt''I' '..\.c("U1;u;,~t:ic:t1J ,:1,nd ("'nj(~~t of the e:asement hereit't
<br />
<br />gr-drlted. including thtt right..: to ""X;:-~\/dtf" ~ind !'t:"-f.t'11 ditches .3nd trenches" to
<br />
<br />!:"emt.we, ch,;,.x, il'f,d keep cl<i'6r trf.'<2's, bushes, hedg..s, ,.ndergrc>Wi:h, and other
<br />
<br />ol)st:X'..Ict,icxlS interfering with the surveying, cOf!structicn, insp€ctian, maintenance,
<br />
<br />repair, replac_t, eJtt';>J'lsi=, removal. or op;<ri'lt;ion of such ,;t111te5. No
<br />
<br />:;;trw;turEl'$, btiildings:, fen\:,,:s. c>r ether ODS t ruct ions of any lclnd whatsoever shall
<br />
<br />~ allowed in, u{c'Ol'l, alonq, across, Und",nle6r{:h, or through thoe €'asement hel:'.,.1n
<br />
<br />q,rSl'lft~.
<br />
<br />All ele-ct-cic utili.ty lines, cables, terminals; trQ;nsfortne-rs, surfac~ It\'erkers,
<br />
<br />!!l;l:\d ",tMe ..~ten",...:;~,g connected th<"".-ewith placed in, upon, ,3OqVEl, along, across,
<br />
<br />~~th, and tJ::w(lU<',lh such t'i1i!>Semet1t shilll remair, the pr.operty of the Grant",,'!
<br />
<br />llAd..y ~ rt!lllQv~ ~ ~place-d at any UIM!.
<br />
<br />