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<br />
<br />l05-lI-Co~poratlon 8urvlvoralllp W......nty Daad
<br />
<br />
<br />2
<br />
<br />
<br />!'XlI.t.AR3
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />a c&rporation &rgani.zed and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Staie of Nebraska
<br />
<br />in eonsideration of' SEI7ml"l-EIGfl' 'IHCUSJ\ND AND OO/lOO'lHS--- ($78,000.00)
<br />
<br />I re~eived from grantee, doos grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto WII..LI1\M T. HANNAN and
<br />I WIIlIEI.MI:NE K. l:JANNl.\N, Husband and Wife,
<br />
<br />
<br />liS joint tenant!! with right of survivorsbip, and not as tenants in "mum on, the following dl'.seribedrealpropetty, in
<br />Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />lot Fourteen (14), COach Place SUbdivis.l.on lri the City of Grand Island,
<br />being a mplat of a tract of land located in the Southwest Quarter (~)
<br />of Section 'lWent::y-Eight (28), 'l'ownship Elewn (11) l'brth, l0nge. Nine (9)
<br />West of the 6th P.M., Hall Cbunty, Nebraska, cont:ai.ninq a fracticnal
<br />portion of Riverside Estates [hit r and Lots Qle (1) and 'Th.t:l. (2), of
<br />~i by t.he Gl:een SWdiv.tsion, !TOre particularly deScribed on Plat
<br />reaJnjed as l:X:lcuoont tb. 80-0004:44, Plat records of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />
<br />1'0 ha"," and to hold Ill.. above de.."nht'd premise~ ,"g"tilt'r with all t<>uenwllt.s, lwreditllments and appur-
<br />lena.nct1i .bel'<'to beloupullllUW the 1lt1l!1I.!',," lwd to t!wi. ",,,i!l'll", ,)( ,<> the lwi", nnd lI""igns of the survivor of
<br />them for"v~r,
<br />And W-8l1t.(H' f~"H" itdf tHHj H.:\i ;<,;~.{~~('.#"Sjij{)r",~ di.l~~~ h~rt'hy ,"OVt'~HUH "t:ith tht:" ~.ra.nt{'e~ a.nd \\'ith. their a.wgns and.-
<br />'~:it.h tbt' llt~tnJ AU.d ~iKtUt 9f thl!' ~ur'vivur- \'Jf thf~lH tJuit j(rftato:r Ia..~duHy }:.etsC'd of Si1id prcUlis~~ that they are
<br />Jr.." from <'U\"UH,brnuCl' except e~ts and restrlcr..1OflS of record;
<br />
<br />thAt- itf'"ltut.o.r ha."5 good right ,lulll l.aw{nl <1-ut-h{,fnty t,', t'.nntl.~ tIh' ~aH:H~ and th.at gr.fi.nto.:r \Nlrrauts tlud will de-fend
<br />tilt"!, titl~ h) said p~ltliH~ aga.itl~t dv< Ja\\ rut d.auns uf all F~~r\"':ous 'W!hHilJH.H~\,j.'r
<br />It iti- f.b.f,"' intent-lOti Hi aU pllrtH;-}!. h~r'l.~H thtH lP thy I;Yt'Ht of tltt' df'at.h of f-itht"f of th.e ~ratltees.t th.e entire
<br />ft"t~ ;Ioalfiltle title 1Q l.h~ r(lH;.l t.'":.':'I,t.a.t~... sin.ill ','l':>it in. th~'" !>'n.t'vivt!l~ gra.'Hlt:>i~
<br />It 'wh:n~tt$ "yhfft;'t.~f. ~r~uHor h.aM !k'f<<unti, t~~~u~<:-d If...., I:-vrp-nrn.fe ~'al td bt' afnx(~d a.nd t-he1l0 pre~~uts ~i~led
<br />by it.< l'r"lUd",,!.
<br />
<br />nalilJ
<br />
<br />lmgust 2nd
<br />
<br />l!'83
<br />
<br />
<br />STnTE or NmW\SKA I
<br />\$',S
<br />Cl::)l.!1t:y,Of Iml:l ' J Ihe undms.gned.a Notory Public in and lor said County I
<br />
<br />~Qlly rome D:l)dldE,BenscIl , President 01 I
<br />
<br />"'u ~Placle' Inc'.. . '. ...ula corporation) ,
<br />
<br />to me ~"1Qll)" known to be the Pres,Qenl and the ld<;nuooJ p.>rson whose nom.. is afiixed to the obove oonv"1- I
<br />once, and ~W'~ the e,xeculi~ the:eol to be r.is voJuntary ~CI and deed os,such oHicer and L~e voluntary I
<br />!lCtcmd deed, of SOl{t corporation ano trKI! the CorJ:'Orate OOal c! tne "'clld cocporollon wos thereto afhxed by its ,
<br />
<br />&wI at ~~ +eland .in smd county the day and,,;yoox 10$1 obove wl'llten. ,f
<br />III!ifll!lI,lilIMllf."..._.... ,- /" Ii
<br />~t. GOfOA'tH ;.2Jz,.~ .di!_. L. :~;;;;!..,/~ f
<br />--.__Jl._ -:.cL. / Notary Puohe I
<br />'~~lM e~ t!w.IJ-:~ day o1.~*';11:d1.~ i9/5" !
<br />. . I
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<br />1
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<br />thi\ I
<br />i'd,. !
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<br /><XlI\Oi PIJIO;:, roc.
<br />/(/, . ,I '~4: .. ..........,
<br />{. ..". t.?"-~"'" . ," "J...-.",,) .' ~
<br />,I ,"~ . .. : . : .. . t <"'~~"\3" I resIdellt
<br />tius, (jOY 0: l\ugl.lEl "EL, ., before me,
<br />
<br />On
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<br />'tili
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<br />
<br />.l!ilrnlre4 ilA ltu\4!l'rk"l lml",oA "!HI m".!. !l)r r,.",jM m tl\i;.:. R"llister "f De.,.!", Offjt~e of ....id Cmwty
<br />d&14f< . l!i .. ,,~at.- ,v:~!;l(}(ik aud, miutH(~.s
<br />lt~~~ht 1144.,.. ,A. ,..tp"!,,,,.
<br />
<br />R'''tk of L,t"l,:ds
<br />
<br />Hy
<br />
<br />!1f'PUty
<br />