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<br />. FEOat~t;
<br />
<br />Fe""o Nl>. 2I1CRI!v. 121801
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />83-004157
<br />loan Number _ _ _~~1.~3....:::,. ~... _:-.~~__
<br />9.."t" 'lpr
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />'PRA''IL....'_h.h...~..~.~,.~..~..~..~!..~..~.~~~....,_....,,.........................
<br />
<br />hereiI'iuti!ralled' MortgagorS; in <:on5ideration of the sum oL.__.........................,......'...m............................;.....
<br />~:~.~~~~~~~~~~*~...~...~~..~gb!;..fl..,4~LJ,\tQ~~~.~.~*.*.*.*!':~."!.*.*.*.*.~*.~,"!.*.*.*.*..,..;.,...,..
<br />
<br />Lot Sellen. (7). in. Lake Davis Acres. sea:>nd.
<br />sut:rlivisioo in Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />
<br />($J;O,028~25 ) DOLLARS, the receipt of ,,'hich is hereby acknowledged, do hmbyM()RTGA$)S'
<br />and CONVEY an. al$(i!ute title, indudlng. all. the rights of homestead and. inheritance' unto FIRST
<br />
<br />Mortgagee; its sucee!!.SOncan.dassip:s, the following described Teal estate, sittllltedin.__...__.~;;..............._
<br />County, SiateofNEBRASKA, to-WIt:
<br />
<br />TO. HAVE AND TO HOLD t.he real estate above described, with all appnrtenances<thcf!Junto
<br />bfllonglng ~t.a the said . Mortgagee, !orevc:, pr?\>ided always, and. t~is mortgage. is. uplln. t heexprcSJ; eon,
<br />dition . that 1f. the aforesallI Mortgagors, their heus, executors, admmlstrat4lrs or ;lSJ;lgnS shall pay orClIllse
<br />to be paid ta the !laid Mortgagee, itssllccessors OT assigns, t.he principal sum hereinahove set forth, all
<br />acatrding to the teoor and ellect of a certain inst.all1nent note of said Mortgagorsbcaringc\'endat.e with
<br />this mortgage. and . ~ pay t~ anrluSflSSmlmts levied .upon ~aidreal e,$~t.e, ,and all other taxes,le\ies
<br />and Ii~$mwts levied upon this mortgage OF the note which this mortgage lS gwen to secure, before the
<br />same or any inst.a!lment tMreof becomes delinquent, then this mortgage to be ,'oid, othern;se toremam
<br />in foIl force.
<br />
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That jf the said Mortgagor shall fail to.pay such tues,l:he
<br />Mort~g~ may pay the same lino the l'tml SO advanced -vil:h interest shall he paid by said Mortgago!'!>,
<br />andtnts morti;<l1iTshall st<md as sec~rit)' lor the ~. (2l That Mortgagors covenant \viththeMoTtgllgee
<br />that the\' are 111wfully stfi:l.ed of said real c!.l..ate and C(j\'enant to warrant and defend the. said real estate
<br />against ihelawfuldai.'1ll! 01 all per>'Otls whomsoever. (3) 'T'hat in case of II foreclosure. of this ITl{)rtgage
<br />nit' plaintiff in such proc<'Niwgs sh1.ill he t'ntitled to tAke J;:!slie5sinn of the premis~, protect thesaJTleand
<br />wlkct the lent!;, ISSUes and profits therrof. (4) That II ,lUlure to pay any of said money or anymstall.
<br />me!'flc therem when the lllll'OObecQn:!8S due, or a failuTe to comply with any of t.he foregoing. agreements,
<br />shanell~ the whole sum of money herein stlCured to become due and collectible at once at the optionor
<br />the Mortgagee.
<br />
<br />T'RANSFER OF THE PROPERTY; ASSUMPTION. 1f all or any part of thePrQperly or an
<br />intere&tdhl\'~js ~ or transferred b~' Mortga~or without. Mortgagee's prior writt.enccm\-ent, exduding
<br />la) thi!CNlilc~.ofaUen or em;uu:ilmmce ~bordmate t<> thl.S Mortgage;, (b) the neati(m of a,purcba.se
<br />.~... .... ~. ._. .7tl.ll. !t mt.erest. for household appliances, (c) a trans. fer. bv.de.\.'IIle, dtlst. ent Q. r. b. ".' ol'crat.i. on. O.U.ll. W
<br />l)~tbedeaw oj a jointte.nant or (d) the grant of any Ie_hold interli'..st of three vears 01' less /lot 'con-
<br />~. ..i.rtinc:.....l!lJl.... O)ltiOl1 t.o. ... ......~... .. ...., M.(lrt~.age;;may, at Mortgagee'$. option, dtldlU'e all t.he 'SUIDSFC.cUCed by this
<br />~..~ m be ~ie1y due and payable. .
<br />
<br />U:M~t;agoo (':t~J:Ci&essueb option tQ accttlerate, MQrt gll gee shall mail 110rt "l2 ~ornotice of
<br />a~~liQop~~ootiel! smdl Provide a period 01 not less than 30 days frolIlthll dat,e"the notice is
<br />~wi~.whicb~~i:lg.OI'ma)' P'lythe su..tJ.:U; ~edareddue, IfM':lrtgagor Iails to pay such su..tJ.:U; pOOl'
<br />.~tilf~plr..~of~penod, MQrt~agloi< m~y, wlthout f:uther notice or demand Oil .Mortgag9r, mvoktl
<br />,..powt!l'of~.at)4$lyothl<l'nt~ pr,1'nueu.d by applicable Jaw.
<br />
<br />
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