<br />I
<br />
<br />83-004137
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />This Mortgage is ente~d into between OCX>ER . G. ANDREWS and. SHIRLEY J. ANDREWS .
<br />
<br />Husband and Wife (herein "Mortgagor") and
<br />
<br />'ntEQVll1U.ANO NATI(]IIAL ~. OF GRAND ISlAND, Grand Island, Nebra.'Ska (herein "Mortgagee"):
<br />
<br />M:~r is indebted tf} Mortga&ee in the ptinCiP*l sum of $ 25,000.00 , evidenced by Mortgagor's note
<br />
<br />. . AUgUst 2, 1983 (Mreln "Note") providing for payments of priDcipaland interest; with tbe balance liftbe
<br />
<br />i~~~o:tsoonefpaid, dUe and payable on October 15, 1993
<br />
<br />, "i;W 'foHh~ 'Nole. wjth inlerest as provided therein. the payment of all other'Dms, with interest,
<br />adV4n'7 .. .": .. ........ .. ..ticl. thefsecurity of this Mortgage, and the performance of the Mvenallts and agnltments of .
<br />the ~Pl!I'r'~.,hiireln; MOrtgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the following described
<br />
<br />property loeated In ...JIaJl__,___ County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Nine (9) in Block One (1), in Parkhill Subdivision,
<br />an Addition to the Ci.ty of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />
<br />
<br />Transfer of Property. I f an or any part of the Property or any interest of
<br />!tbrtgagor therein is sold, tra.n.c;ferred or further encunbered without the express
<br />written consent of the Abrtgagee, lbrtgngee may. at its &lle option, declare all
<br />SU1JS secured by this MJrtgage to be :imrediate Iy due and payable.
<br />
<br />T.ther with all huildings. improvemeutl>. fil<tures, stl'ef'15. at"'y,. pat;Sallt'ways. ease/l\t'nlS. rights. privili!geSAlId
<br />lippu~ 10000u>d thereon or In anywiM> pertalnlnt tb_to. and th... ....nt' "su.., and profits. revl!l$iOQS and remtindels
<br />then!Qf; llldwlillll. but not limited to, heating and <;OOling ~qUlpmf'tlt and such penu."lal property that is attaclledto the
<br />intpro...,_lllllO as 14 eOMtltuw a fixture; all of which, IfldudlDll ....placem"n'" and addiUons thereto, is hllleby ~
<br />tf} lI4! apart of the ...... ,,"taw ....wrt'd by th.. !hm of thl. Mortpce and all of th" (oregolng being refemd to hemo .. the
<br />"Property".
<br />
<br />~ furthe.. COD'reIillllts and llll~, with Mortga&ff, ..' follow>:
<br />
<br />1. l'a)'1U4.!1l1. To ~y thto ind<!bwdn"... lInd th.. ,"t.."..,t Ill.."",,, a. provldt'd on tilts Mol'tpge and the Note.
<br />
<br />2. Tiu.. Mor1\lll&<>l is tht- ownt'r of the l'roptony. h"" Ih,' "gilt and .uHamtl' to mortpgtt the Property, and
<br />'II_to iliat tM lie" ereaUld hereby IS II f\n;:t and poor h..n on tll.. I'rt'P'.rty, ,.",...pt as may otherwise ll<" ...t forth herein.
<br />
<br />o 1'be Property IS .ub~t to a M....tga&.. IN t,..,..",
<br />
<br />is the ~. rerorded at Book _...."._. ... , I'alt<' "I' Ih.. Mortgage Itl'Clfflj, of <"., ,.,_""__"'~"_ County,
<br />N~ka, which ~ is a lien Prior It) till' h..n rrt'alt<d h......b~
<br />
<br />o Otber prior iiens. Qr e1\cumbnlnCt":
<br />
<br />'"
<br />
<br />
<br />3. "'es. ~f.I" 1'0 pay when aU<' all talU"'. sP""ial _.menu and all oih..r cllarges against the Property
<br />ao4, IIp<ll\ writulll' ~lIDd by ~. to add to th.. paymenu ....quin>d una.,r too Not.. secured h_by . sueh amount as
<br />llllI)'JK'tlIt't.'kiiImt w t'flUle die ~ to pay such tax.... as;emnents or oth<< charges a.s th..y bt'come dUl>.
<br />
<br />... ~, Tt) keep the impruvelllitlltli 0010 0., hereait.er ~ted un the real ~Ie dtJ$erlbedherein insured
<br />....~.by lire and. SU(:l1 9tbm' hu.ard$ asJ4ortga&ee m&y require, in amouDts and With companl... IK"'''ptabl" to the
<br />~, au4 with.lolllt payable w the Mqltp&ee. In CAW or 10$S una.,r such policies the Mo.rtgagee is authorized to
<br />~. ~uq ~, in)1s. d1scrf,+iun. all claims. thereundt'r at its sol. option, au,hunT-cd to either apply the
<br />~ tji~ ~ of tlw .~ of UpQll th. inde-btednt1$ll !M>Cured hereby. but paymenls. n\!re.Ullder shall con.
<br />~unijt the$tlUl!l8ll\!llmL~- pald.ln full.
<br />
<br />$;. 0 ~f'.'J'.1lS .MMlI~ Notwitblltand)ng l\!lythiul contain.d in paragraphs awd 4 hereof to the
<br />~,~~Ipay tot~. ~at th.time ot paying the monthly insta/lmenU or printlP*l and interest,
<br />~~~~..~....~.. ~~Is., ~I~~miu.ms., Ind grQUll<i rellt5 (Ir any) which may attain a
<br />.>~~i..u....~.!Jm&UId.~tl~ totl~.by the Mon'-gilt" The amount:! so paid shall be
<br />~~~1II~ uo.ppl~ tel t~ paymellt l>f th.. Iwma in respect 10 wmch such amounts...."""
<br />..... .~..trl. . . b~\Hldtr~ pkdp4.111 a4diUooal ~ty 10. tlw lnoebtt>dDe:\$ .wcurv4 by thia
<br />.~.Plt. .... . ..... . .... ~~tohny de-ncwnt,')' bei,We.n the actUJlltal<",", tiSl'1i.SIDenu, 11l$llran<<
<br />.'Nlls. p4 .1l\It....~ ~wltltln 10lfa,ra .ne. de/lWld i& ltladt< upon Mor!;p(of reqllt'iltliig
<br />
<br />\ .. .>~:''''~'l\~~-u.~ .T~ ~flf.lY "pair, ~ Ol' r"wild lID)' bllildl"lS Of Improvement:< no.w Of
<br />~~~~1,,~..,tM.~)l.mJ\lO'i~ ud~.. without waste, Mil fref< from mechanic'. Of
<br />. ~~\~~~Il\"'~t4~~~;1lOt .((l~i~ Of pe'fl\ldt any nuiY"ff to l'~ist. nor to dimitl
<br />...~~..... fIl.""..~ II')' all)' Jet Of or:ninloo to ll<'t; and wromply willi all requirement< of Illw with
<br />i'{~t~.,.~...
<br />