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<br />83- (J04133 <br /> <br />Lender's written agreemenl or applicable law. Ikrrrower shall pay Ihe amounl of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amount. djsbuned by Lender pursuanl 10 this paragraph 7. wilh interest thereon. shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by tbis Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other tenns of payment. such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender 10 Bormwer requesling payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the <br />date of dkbunement at the rate payable from time 10 time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at such rate would be contrary 10 applicable law. in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />permillible under applicable law. Nothing contained in Ihis paragraph 7 shall require Lender 10 incur any expense or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />8. ~. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable eotri.. upon and inspections of the Property. provided <br />that J...ender shall give Borrower notice prior 10 any such inspection specl fying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. COIMhIll-'on. The proceeds of an)' award or claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection with any <br />condemnalion or other taking of Ihe Property. or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and shall he paid 10 Lender. <br />In the evenl of a total laking of Ihe Property. the proceed. shall he applied 10 the sum. secured by this Mortgage. <br />wlth tbe exce... if any. paid to Borrower In the event of a partial taking of Ihe Property. unless Borrower and Lender <br />orhe"",,,,, agree in writing. thel'<! ,hall be applied 10 the sum, "-",,ured by this Mortgage such proPortion of the proceeds <br />'" is eqthd I" Ihal prl>p<'t1ion which the anlOulll of the .um' ,,,cured by .hi. Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bean; I" the fair markel value of the Propen\' ,mmedintely priM to the dale of laking.. wilh the balance of lhe proceeds <br />paid to &rrnwer. <br />If lbe Property is an.ndoned by Borrower. or if. after notke Iw Lender m BOrTower Ihat the condemnor offers to make <br />an award I'r "'ttu, . claim fM damages. Borrower '" r"'pond to 1 ,ender wilhin 10 day. afler Ihe date such, notice is <br />mailed. Lender i. authori7"d '" coflect and apply the proceed.. at Lender's "ption. eitber to resloration or repair of the <br />Property nr to th~ sums ~ec:ured hv !h~ ~f('trtga~c- <br />Unl",s Lender and Borrower otherwI"" agree In "riting. anv "",h application of proceeds to principal sballnot extend <br />or poot;x>oo tbe due dale ,,1 Ih.. montbty "',I"Ument< referred If' ill paragraph, I and 2 hereof or change the antount of <br />'iuch innaUments. <br />10. Bono-wf''' Sat ae....... E'Jcn~mn of tht- wne fOf payment or modifiC:.ation of amortization of the sums. secured <br />by thi!\ Mortgage gMinted hy Le_nder t(.\ anv sU',t;.-e~ior m intere~t nf Borrower ~haH not operate 10 release. in any manner. <br />the habdity (\.( the B-orr(}\\"<t-r :and Bormw-e-r\ -~m:'-c~so~ If) infereit Lender ~han not be required to commence <br />proceed-inJ!. ~1Unst such SlK'I..-eRiO't ur refuse t(t cxttmd rime f,ir p:3vment or o!herwi-se modify amortization of the- sums <br />teCur-erl by tM~ 0\1 ff3'Wn of ;~nv dema-nd m.tde: b.-v the {trtglOaJ 8or-ro-w~r and Borrower"s successors in interest. <br />It. F~ by I....... Nm a Walvor. ,\,,' fnrhear..ncc bY I coder in exerclSlOl( right or remedy hereunder. or <br />,>the~ ..ff'ordedb'll al'fllkable I"w, nn' h" " w;mer "t "f I'",,,,ude the cxerci.e of any weh rigbl or remedy. <br />The :procurement nf l-M.Ufafl'CC' -Of trn:- pavmem OJ la\e" ~-'r nth-in !ten\ or t:'har~~ hv Lender shan not he a waiver of l.ender'.s <br />right to a-c~clerat~ the M_.turitv 61 t.h.e mdchtoorte.,'i ,>e-cun':'1:1 hy tn,., M~JrtJ;!a~e <br />t Z~ R-etIJt1Iift CUillUlatfft'. An remed.H:':'!< p:rr,;v!ded ,n ~hi'\, \,fort,#-1ige an: dt5.tlOCt and cumulative to' an_yother 1'ight or <br />remedy undc-r th~~ Mot1J.p1#C or iiffo-rdc.'d hv itl,'A . 'f e-quHv ."nd mav he -c~C'r(I'icd c(mt'urrendv" independently or $lH..--cessively. <br />13. ~..M A....... Bound, Soia, ...... s.,.'...... Uablllty: e..plio..... The ~o'''nant$ and 'lI,<<menlS herein <br /> ~h-1t1t htnd. Jind the d:~ht!l het'Cunder !JhaH IfHHC to" the ft"'P'CcHve ~tl<-_c<<"'~'tf"\ 8tHj -S.$'J.igM of Lender and Borrower. <br />'!;ubl~('t h" the J1ro~i'\-Uffl~ .:;if pu-u.g:raph }7 h-cr.eoi '\H ('t-"venanh. .and 'lgl'\.~-cm-enlS nf Borrower '!haU be k,int and several. <br />'n,.c (~aptton!i .t-M hc:adtnp of the p.Hi1g.f:ti;f)i,. ,-,{ ~h!'\ M(~'fl~a.~e aft"' f.-,r \.'!:lfiVen-~nce only amI are ll()l to be Ug;ed to <br />~nh:::'fprct (.H define the PTiJ"'IM(}H'5 ht;:t'I;:'\J! <br />14" .N~,<- Ex,,;ept f(\f >>n}" nO(:t(;~ 11..'4_"Hft~d un&r ~lpph.::a-hlc h'lv, w bt. gl\'t,'"n Hi an,other manner. {a} an)' notice -to <br />at'}tr(~r ~fi.wldcd for on thi~ Mfntga,#.-t; 1r-haH he &~r"-',,-~n hv nLulin-~ ~H\...h tl(,H\.'c by v,,'rtined m-aH dddt~-iCd to Borro~\~-r al <br />the P~rt-y ,"dd;:-e~~ ..'ff ~! ",~n.:h o:;".-er ~ddn;-...~ ,;I;; Bf}f!'Hwe, fH-;f\. "ie,':,l-gn:H-t' h', tj;("'fCe- to). Le-nder u prov-ided herein. and <br />(0) au\' flO!itX' to Leu:dc! -\\futU he tt:1V'~~'i hv ..'t:-fHtlet! m.-llL :eturn r<<J;:'lpt rc-que.stt:d_, tn Lender'\ adufC$1: "tared herein or to <br />}<uc-h ~~dlef iadd~~ .:is, Li;:flde-r m'li) >\,tC'i<t1(hatt:' "v Ho-H(-e h, B.,";(fp-""ef ~h pf!'>YK1e'IJ h't~!~1n., Arty notice pmvided in (hi; <br />\f(\r1-gaj:e 'titan ~ \ieefn:~-o w h:;i!...e fx-:e'o gT,'i;':H hl H.'\tf'!)W.;cf -('If i r-nd.-er ;.0, hen ~tVe.n to} fhe tn'anner derdgn_ated herein. <br />15. lJQ:ffG-fBI ~;f-: (;o"l"m.. 1.-#1$"1 Se-ve-r.biiit~-. f).'1"- kno-m t'~t -!'nf'f1!tag~ \.-fJrnhines uniform c{wena-nts for national <br />u.~ .inti !'l()n-unifj)nl~ .;;,.)"iCtl-ljru\ '~!,h imUh...<;J "',H~~h'-Jrh h\' j'i!l"Jli.!HH'l h' ;,.-nn~tHo!~ a UOtffrrm ~~Hnt)-' in~tru-metlt covering <br />re-itl Pf"ope,rty fht~ Mort!t/t~:e ~h.j!H he go"<-e~ 1'R'-d h''I' ~h.: Id"" ~~f fr:.--t" mfl"dfdl...n III whkh the Property ;:s loe-atro. In the <br />~n-"ent th~t any f'i'rnViM-(';;ft '-;If {:'hw~ .,..t th-t';, M(1n~;igc ,If ihe- ~(l-h.'- C;d'1t1h:h "''-fl.h ~ppik01htc law, _'\..uch conOid lllnaU not affect <br />-r~thei' pr;"~"t5.'Km~ (Jt Itns. Mongag< \If '1he N\H,:; ~ h~1. h ~ ~ln h(' gl',e:n df,:_.;-t wltho.ut the_ l.:Qnth~~tif}-g provi"km. and to this <br />end ~:bc pH'~Hlj.k);f\"\ ~)t t_ke MOllliliC and th~~ 'Uft: "*!~ .:ied.ared h, I"t: w....-craN't: <br />16.. Bof'm.wer'-s Cop). Bon..)W~f ....haU ~~ f ,jrl)~...h-e\j ~ ..:,-lnh\mi-l~-d \"PP" \1! the SOh:' and ,,-'If lhi, Mortgage at the lime <br />~)f e,%<<,utlon 04' af'ter f'c..(;(),rdatwll heret.,[ <br />17. Tt1MIIf_ of the P.rope:rty; ,~Uon. If 311 ,-t{ ..BY roM! Ilf the Propeny n!' an interest therein h sold or transferred <br />by Bor-r-owcCf ,*,ithoul Lender''!i p-rH,}lf \.""f"tH{~n ...UfherH, t:',x...:,IwJ:i:u!! f,n the ...i::.aJji)f} of !~ Hen or en-cumbranc.e \ubordinate to <br />tn.__" )4bf1,&-q;o, (b) lht:- ,,-re-!lt.u)ft or .:i p-on.,,< m'}l~) ",e,.;unl\ st h.' ft:1\.! f~~r hnuwhohJ appham::es.. t'c} -a. tran~[er by devise:. <br />~"e-nt Of by o-po:..f--;l(JOO of bw upon the ~~"th ui ;t }nmt: ~en__;uH t.H :Ji t.~ ~raH! (If tin)' ka~hold interest of f,hree years or Jess <br />nQt c(:mtai.--tifi8 ''In (.>pticm to purchJUc, L.ender rn.1}'_ ~H i t'fH.ier".., 1\.;l-'Hwn, dcdMt:: ..B ftH:~ 1>-Urn, ~ured by tl\l~ Mortg~ to be <br />fmmedi#te!y due and payable, Lendt~r ;.hall ha'-'-c \\';U1iN .,;u...h o-ph(,,)'ll' t{l 3..:~'derate !L pf~i.}f to t-ne >;,ale or transfer. L-ende-r <br />;lmq tbe pt'f'l(.'ttl H) w'h--f)fU (hf:. P-ropertj t.~ to be !.-oi-d Hf Ham,rcnt"d r~a~-h ~r-et:.fn~m H~ >1,.l'1tm-g the credit o-f s.uch pem:m <br />is. s.atm.a,;.;:tOJ)' t,Q Le:ndet and that the: tnt-c-rc'!>-t pa)'.lbi-e on ~h~ ~Hnb K'Cured hy {hh. Mt)r-tg:ase ;:;hal1 be al such rate u,. Lender <br />sfmU ~~ It Lender has. wa.i1i'CU the optifrtl t.o <ic-l'derMC pf(Y'dJ~lj in (hi;' paragraph 17, and rt Borfllwer's Mlcces$or in <br />fnt-Crt'4t. has t',~-ecutcd 4. wfitte.n U'iUmj.'H!On agn:'.enw-nt a(~eptltd in writing by I ,coder. t ende-r ~haH relcaile Borrower from aU <br />obtiJ*'_ i.!llilff lbi. Morl.ll. And tM "me. <br />l( Lendc:t e..\~tt;~ ~och {,,'l,phon h;>, .lio":t;kr .;i.le, Lt ndt.:r ~h.JH mail Bono,"er flotu::e of accelerat.ion iH accnrdanc:c with <br />~f'.araph 14 he-mof. Su-.ii noh\;,,""ie gh~n provide .1 p<-Hl14 i.~f !11..,t ic~" than ,)() J~yj. from the date the notit."c h mailed withm <br />..hidl .rrow-er rn-ay pa}' the M.un1\: dedo1!N dUt:, If &rH"'-'C'f fcl'lh !(\ fHi)' MI{.;h :'i.Um.s- pnor 1.0 the J,~\.piratitJn (Jf sUi.~h period, <br />l.-~ may. witbt'Alt funnel notice (l:t' u-eroltud nil 8offu'\-\-n_ dl'o'''-li.e .aO) reme-dje--,'j. p<r-mitt4..':d by parag.raph 18 here-uL <br /> <br />NQM""lJNtft;.J.ii;M (~ttJ.,N:l.$.o Bonowe:r ano t-enJ.ct tunher C(H--ef1;l!1t .lm.J ~i~rel.': 4~ fl,Hnws <br /> <br />l"""~l'---' F:~<<pl" "",.Witdlll p""f1II'k 17 he",..!, "poD &rrowu'.bntlldl 01 allY <<n'''llaftt 0. <br />~ ef .~ la "* .M~, 1Ad1Mla.c tlMo ,,,.......... 10 pa} w....n due My....... _..rit<I It} tllls M........... <br />~.~....~ liW mail ~ to Bor.ow". ... p.."ld"" i.. p"rlll!npll 14 hr.reol' sp<<ify!nx: {II I.... It.....,h; <br />t%)"__.~hl__~a.-h; (.))...........t Ieio tlum ~......" !'''Ill tile "ale .Ile rwt.,." I. m_" ,.. Bor......."., <br />.. .... _~ ..~. __ k cttA4; ..... (4, IUt fallnte In COIf" .....1l~1l .... .... briere ..... dill" ....dll"" i.. Iht: ftOt!<< <br />.,.,...._~....__ -.MlltyllllJl '\1........ !w"'''''I$W''' lIy judicilllp__~....d....., m lile I'rop.Ifly. <br />Tk.... ......... w.u. ~ m liIc fICin I.. 1*um.1e alfti 8<,"rilltlotl ...... lIMo rich, III -.1 m lhe fOl''''' <br />fIlill'l;f rMli&..~~ of . ~ <If lt1>y ~ .,_ ... ton......, t.. lK'","ura!itm ...... f""""....."". If lbe bntllcll <br />.~dJftI..tlIr~" ......iNti in I. ootlt"" 1A'fll4<< *' I~'. ...... Inay """IaN all of fhe _ _....... h~ <br />_~ tit!w littl.lJl.~ ! .,"- -poty"" ..ltttovt 'u..."",,, .__ ...... ""', ["_,,,- by j....killl pnKMm.. I...,"", <br />~....... ,. (~ hi -" ~~ "" u...- of f......~.." Iftdll4lna, !JUt 00<< flmked .... t'O$l" ..f d"""_"~.fY <br />~.......- ..,...... <br />It., ~ ..... tcJ:......~ N~*~-b-!J3rniHl. l.e:rnk-t'; il4:t:'_-c;k:_~:a:ho-n nt ~tw ~H-ir!:!t ~~;uJ'e-d he", ttn.. MO.f(tt--ii~ <br />fk1t~ "J. _~ the, ~ h:} bj;Y~ an)' r':'ft,:i'(;'e'ccbnj'.1.\ ~u:r~ ~y L<:1-t<kr t'l-J ~l1f.:.~'{.:'i:" d'h-\ Mi,-\-Hi~,g~ '\-h\~,~lfIhnu'l;~d .it ilHi\' hm(' <br />