<br />
<br />83- 004131
<br />see L 23,892
<br />
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. ,r. 24, 134
<br />KNOW,\LUIEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ThaI Gary L. Klein and Mary M. Klein, each in his and her
<br />
<br />own right and as spouse of each other, MOI1Jltl!Or.wbetberooeormore,inc:onsidentiollofIMmmof
<br />TwPnty Thousand and no/l00---------------------------==noLl.ARS
<br />Ioaaed to said 1I'IOItllIIJIOr by The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebruka, MOftJIF, upon 200 ........of lIockof
<br />Slid ASSOCIATION, Cmif"Jcate No. L 24,134 ,do hereby grant. come)' and mortpge unto the said ASSOCIATION 1M foJlowinc
<br />described real esttle, siluated in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />wt Ten (10), Irrq:lerial Village Seventh
<br />
<br />Subdivision, City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />
<br />county, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />lopther wrth all the I_IS, hw>dJtamenls and appuncl1llft(:eS thereunto beloogin&, including attadled /lour ~, all window -.
<br />window shades, blindo. storm windows. .wningl. heat"'l:. all nmditJoning,...d plUlllbin& and water equipment and ae<:eaIllriea thereto, pumpI,-.
<br />re!ripntfl'B, and oLbeJ fl1<ture$ and eqwpmenl ltUW Of hereafter lItlacl>ed to or IJ:!iOOd in conoeaion with said teal_e.
<br />And wbcreu the soml """tN<>< !w ~ .nd don hereby "ll''''' thlll the mortgagor shall and wiIJ pay all ra- and_ta Inied or
<br />usesaed upon said ~ an" upon this morlgal\<' .nd tbe Ixmd $:cuml Ine,eb)' heforr the ....... shall bec:ome deJinq......; to funtisJl appnMd
<br />i_"""" ..pm tl1c boildltlg:o on SIJd _ ..."".ed 1ft 'h. $Ultl 01 $ 20,000.00 payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliwr to aid
<br />ASSOCI A TION ,he polIcln fur soml _: and no; to co""",t 0' penml any wut. on Of about said ~:
<br />In __ of defaull in the J"O,for""""", of my 01 II", I.,ms and cooditJono or tJm mortPI!<' or the bond JIlCII;fCd hereby, the ~. 1haIl.
<br />00 demand, he "n.itled 10 lttImcdiau "'.......... of ,'''' mor'lgaged _ and lhe ""...tpsm hereby ......, .WllCers and ... 0Mt 10 tIie
<br />~ all the nmts. r__ and IlJeDOlC to be den><<l !tom lhe ruorlpged p"'_ dlltin& such time u the mortpge ~ 1haIlmuai1t
<br />unpaid: .nd the """Ipp" shall hne t"" puw<t, to 'ppOOll any.... Of 'Fots .. may desJte fot ,be pIIIpO& of n:pail'jJl& said ptemiaDs lIII4 -...
<br />the __ """ <ll>lled"'l: the _to. r_......nd inrotnr. """ .. may poy oul of ""ld IDron" all exJ"O_ of tcpairitIa oaid ptemiaDs lIII4 ~
<br />co~ and""""""" mcurml In """n!It """ ~ the.._ and of coIkctlDll ""'tal, tbetefrom; the balaItcot "'maiftio&. if illY. to be
<br />applied 1_<1 the diJdwll" of ..... .001'_ ....debtrdneu; the.. 'I!l<h" of lhe ......tp&ee may be cxen:iIod al any time durina tire ellistuce of such
<br />defalllt, in"'fl"Cliw of any I...........y _ of the "''',""
<br />1...... l'r_OU. -"', ..e upon ,Iw Coftdttiofl. n"'t If the ...>d """110&'>' >hall ,epay soml loan on 01 bc{..... the ..twily of said Jlwea by
<br />poymem: pot)' IllOIftIrIy tu ..... ASSOCI A nON o( tbe .."" _..(...a 1ft tlw Bond .,..,...cd ,",""y as inl_ and prlnl:ipal 00 said klan, on Of bef_
<br />tire T...",tiethdoy of eadl and evony mtmth.unhl !iIOItllu,," IS fully pod; POl' allta___lIle\'lcd.....,... said ptemiaDs lIII4011 11m MOftIlrIt
<br />and tbe Ilottd ~ lbefeby, befo.. dej~. ''''''>It. .l'PfU\"Il'J ......,.."'" upon lbe btlil<linp tbet_ '" the _ of $ 20, 000.00 payable
<br />to...it! ASSOCIATION; repay to wd ASSOCIATION upon <le-oo .1I1ltooey by il pow fm wd. lUes. _tollll4 inIuruce with iIt_ at
<br />the muimutn 1opl11... ,hereon f,o", dirte of I"'y"",,,1 all or wiut:lr .."'I...... hc1eby "li<<"" to pay; penoit no _ on said pre.......:keep lIII4cc:ompJy
<br />with an the "",_t, """ """wt...... of the Bond 1m $ 20,000,00 lit.. <by gI..... by tlw ..id "orIpfp 10 said ASSOCIATION.lIII4 comply
<br />with .n the requJfcmonto of tire ClJfl>lllulJoo and lly'....... of said ASSOCIATION: then IbeIe I"_U obaIl bec:ome null and void. otlrerwiaetbey
<br />IiIaIl .--. in full fo"'" ..... ml\)' be forer;;loocd ., tire option of lbe said ASSOCIATION .fler f.ilwe (Of tIuee ot<ltIths to maItc any of said
<br />pory_tII$ or he tht<>e """"ho '" 1II...... '" ...."'1: ..... moothly paYl"""IS. 0' 10 keep ..... ""...ply with lbe lIIf-lIII4 COllditioM of u IIom1;
<br />and MUrtw>< ~ to ........ recc..." .ppuuttcd fu,thwith lit such (olOCk__ pr....~.
<br />If there ;.. any ..... in ""'....1bip of the ,.'" ...- _Ipeed be._. by side or otberwJoc. theu the entiJll ICBIIiJtiaa indebted_ beJeby
<br />*""""" 1IraII. at the CIjltion of The Equitable IluildU>& and Loan Msociatioa of Grarui Island. Nctnub. ~ im1Ilediately due and pot)'aWo withollt
<br />flll"tllcf ftOtiee. ...d the _t "'-ialn& due IUI<let said boGd. and ""y otbct boGd fm OIl)' additiooalad_......Je tbommder, tIJaIl, from lhe
<br />.Ie of e_cia of _ lipOOn, boat iDlcteIl at the ............... lite. arui tJm .......... o:ay theu be forecloaoct to satisfy tire _I due 011 laid
<br />~and any ~ bIlI>d for ~ ~. I....lhcr with all_ paid by Iai4 The F.quJt>ble IluiIdia& and Luan AIIo<:iIIioot of C'.nad 11lInd,
<br />~ ror ............ luesaouJ --u. and ~ exteuoioR ~ wJth irt_ thaeon, from dale of pay_t .t the naaimwJt
<br />lIpl_.
<br />AI ~ .ill the Iloot4 .,,,:,,..-'11 heRl>y, wbik this mor:tPF'''- in err_ tire l1tOf1pgee IlllIY hc:re.cler JIll_ additiooal ...... to tire
<br />mak""<tlIai4.~, theit.......or ~irt...teJ...., wlticlt _aIraJl be within lbe Iltcunly of thJo ~ the...... u the flUllko'ilIinaIly
<br />_cd thI.m:lly,lbe 1....1 amoool of prWcipol debt nollo cJ\<<:cd II my lime the origillll1lilOOWlt of thJo ~.
<br />o.led G'? 3~ ~y of Jwgu$t A. 0, 1983
<br />
<br />
<br />!.JflliY K.J.q
<br />,
<br />W.IllOl'~.l. to.
<br />OOUHIYOF MAtt. {
<br />
<br />On thJo
<br />
<br />3rd
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />Augus t
<br />
<br />19 83 . beforc lUll,
<br />
<br />the ~. . Notaly I'ul;Jk irt ..." far aid C_ty, pcn""aIly_
<br />~ 1:.. Klein anQ Mary M. Klei.n, each in tll.S axld her own ri9ht and ~spouse o~~
<br />~,") are 10
<br />-... ...~ ~ ~ AiUIIlIS .au:El dlIud 10 lhe IIllovc iMtr.....t as ~ S and they .....wIy
<br />..... "........llIUol__liitll<o tbei.r ~ ~ ud do:od.
<br />~ ~ UM&ttdl'ibW:Wl\Iofl tbe dale at",UI\iIl.
<br />lfy~
<br />
<br />
<br />~, ~~..::~:~:f:L-'/!::? ~:;2f:;;;'- /&'~
<br />(. J ~ ~
<br />
<br />.... lit
<br />