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<br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />83-"004129 <br /> <br />MORT<;AGE WAN NO. L 24,136 MGJC <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS Thai Robert l'lichael Vasey, a single person, <br /> <br />Mortgagor, whether one or IDOn!, in coMideration of lite IlIIIl of <br /> <br />~~~...~<IDQ..~.!)(.J!~.~..~.d..JPll.9Q=:--:-::==========-_______OOLLARS <br /> <br />IoaAfillo said..-ttllll<>< by Tile Equitable Building and Loan A""",..lion of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 216 shares of stock of <br /> <br />said ASSOCtATION, CertiflCale No, L 24,136 , do he,eby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION lhe following <br />described real _I", situat"" lD llall County, N"""''''a' <br /> <br />A t.ract of land canprising a part of Lot One (1) Voss SuI:xlivision, <br />Cit.y of Grand Island, Hall COunty, Nebraska, and nore particularly <br />described a s follows: Beginning at a point. on the South line of said <br />wt. One (l), said point. being Three Hundred Five and One Tenth feet <br />west. of the Southeast corner of said wt One (1): thence Northerly <br />parallel to the east line of said Lot One, a distance of 'I\NO Hundred <br />Ten ff..<et: thence running """'.st.erly parallel to the south line of said <br />wt One a distance of Sixty six feet.; t.hence running Southerly parallel <br />to the east line of saLO wt One a distance of 'I\NO Hundred Ten feet to <br />a point on L~ south line of said wt One; thence running easterly along <br />the sout.h line of said wt One a of Sixty Six feet to tile point <br />of beginning, subJect to the road nght of way on the south side. <br /> <br />b.tht':1 wdh ~U tht: H:JW:mc'fi!.\. hr:reloh-l;i.fl'Jt;nu. .1M .),'!. t~J(:u.nto hel~, mciudrng attached floor CO\"Cfings~ III wiDdow saecms.. <br />w'lf:tik.,.., duade'ic. b-b."ltt-J., !.1Uffll wlr..doW1. ~WJU.rtj$, lH!"I.Ufl1lt. >f-U I;lmdihofiU\1t. .and pium~ and wat-er cquipmmt and acces:soriet tbe:re-to. pumpI.ltoveI~ <br />rcfnl'''UMJ..;utd ,l,HMI frxturt'.J 1M eqtUpnlCf1f now Of MU:J:h-rr Ju.k.htd ~o or used In c:;onn<'cHlm Wlth wd reg! estate, <br /> <br />And wbercQ. t~ ~ ITlOn~Jt on <lfJ~ af".p.J t}on ncrclYv ilif..f{'{' 1 hit (he mH.ft~or \flail and. wilt pay .U tues and. aaessrncnts tcmed or <br />a:_-acd up..--.n Sii.wJ piCWlK"\ i'ifld upun tnj,1 i1')(lft~ )f;nd Ute t"ufl-d :fit.'{,uH'd !he-reh)' hclnte tllC -same: shalf become delinquent; to fumi1b J:pprowd <br />,__~ "P'''' the bmid_ '''' "WI'f"'"'''' ",,,,,"J '" "" 'urn "j j. 21,ovO .liO f"yable lQ :."d ASSOCIATION and 10 deliwi' 10 said <br />.""~~~fAI1{)-N (be ~thc," hJ.t Q.1 mRJ11t.ftt."-t:, ltOO m~t tn cU1nmd Hf r~Hrnt lift) wute {m m anont saKi pt'cn:n... <br /> <br />in cue of dd"~vU m ttw: pcffnnn*ft.(~ of ~n." ~Y4 the h:'tu}! :uxl ...-;t}fWlbtlf"li5 til tiu.) tl)Oftptr. .01 lM bond If<;W'H hereby. the ~ shaI" <br />on 4.~nd~ t~ athtied t-o ~Q\(, P'l".~~m ~~l Htr !!'l't-llt~j PJCJll.bLe')' i.OO Ihc fnof1Pit~ hereby ~. t.ransfers md tell OWl" to the <br />morl~ an tbe teall, H:!fl:flqe$ ..00 m;;.,'Utlk to be ih':t~~J jrom lht: mfJf'-~-d pr-e:~ during wclt tifnt as the fllUf'tJIF mdc:btedneu shall tcmaia <br />impaw. :ami t~ ffM:lft~ ~ h..~ 1m: pt1o'W<S hl ~Pt)ilUfJt .-n. (<f .nh d auy Jem-e fOJ tbe purpote of fepUriDa Mid aod nmting <br />tbe aJUl;I' 3nd: c<Ptkdtflj; tPtr n"J!!i" fe~H~ .uK! U14.;f.:trnt. :and Ii Ittl'r p.i-)' nut Hi said H_'.\:,Vfne all t-XptfUltl of repajrifia Iiirid pn::nUteI atKl neec:aary <br />~)Q~ ~flU t";iI,pe'tl~ ;ft<:U1'-i'~4 in !~f..ttf~.t-nd '_~I. thr ~- .tnti uf Lnlk(.,'1U18 n~nt..b: theR(fO'I11. the bala-nee fe~ if any, to be <br />~ hiWu'l'-d f-tu:- .-J-j:KJ~lg.t' 1.01 wiJ HX,"t-i~ .n.d~b(eUO<14-!', {he-lit n~hh ..f (fl.,!, ftltJ:Hpg<< (UiI)' bt:- (!:(t-u;ued al any time durin& die existence of wch <br />dCf-;t-uJt. l-He.-"tfW -oj au)' H-::fn~'K."ilif) \\-'al~1 nt tbt MUlot" <br /> <br />11~w- P-:n:~e-nh" h~_tw(~f, .u~- upt..U-1 (he i '(j~d.fof'j" H'ioii ~f lM ""'Hi M..!fllt~}f ;.ha!! '~J ~td ~l;;jIll un Qf l:~J",c the mahltjty of said:s:ham by <br />pit)'It}(:$lt. p1i}' t'JfOtl-thi) h~ ~~-d A....\.'SA_)(..lA Ht)N lJf (fit' OWll\"1:1tleJ, let fife lkmJ ~'-'-UfC'-d Mt11-b,.. .u inle;,,)t ilnd princ:iptll on Iilld loan, un or <br /> before <br />the T.em.etl-i~) nf c-..~:h;4rnl ("Vel'," ftk-~lh. WUtJ ~ k~-u l$ fldly V-*.tti, poty aU ta-'le;. .ndUlc~nh leried ..tnst u.Kt ptetllJJet aJ'idon this Mor-t&IJe- <br /> <br />dd the ~lUJ Y><<-uf~d {MUrDy, tw.:tUft' ,-:klH~~t:~J' .,ll,ill'inoh ;tp~nowd m:'AU-Ua~ ~ the- buUdu~ lhoe-INn m the-wm of S2..}. 600. OQ JXlyable- <br />to sald AS..~X~t" tlt1N '. ~~p.I)' to AS.."\!,JCI,\ nON upon J~ni;illJ J11 mutl(') hey It paid fur :SUCh tuC$. ilSlCJlmentl .na ulsur..ncc wilh interest at <br />t:M IIUXmlUln Icpl f-".t.e t~r(Xm fn)-th..bU ~~f r""'S"HwttU .ill of whtd-t MOftK.#!&Ol f!!C'f"'n~ il:gtCC$ h.l pay,pefRUl RQ WiUlCQOilWprem8cl;kocpandoomply <br /> <br />W,IIt...u .lw "tI'",,,,,,,..U a",dc",idll~>(" ". 'lw Su"" /w S 21 ~ &00 .00 . II.'" d'YB-1""" by lhe ..ud MOf.. tPJ<'1 to wd ASSOCIA 11ON. and oomply <br /> ...u .1>< ''''I'''''''''''''' ul 'lw c.",~,.Uh"n :m<llly.L.......,. ....t<! ASS<.M.'IA nON; lhen ,he", pi""""" shall bc<:omo null and mid.o.hcrwite lhey <br />mlt r~mam tn hill fo-r~~ liiB.J m.;&} h< lo-n;:-".k>w:d at tilt Opt.h)lj -at !~ WJJ ASS(X]A nON after (mUle for uuee montJlI to maJut any of said <br />pa)'''''''''" '" be Hit"" "" '" '''.~n in ,....".lg ......J .",-,,,,My p..Y...."... ," ", ,..:p ,",W comply With the ._nls and oondilion. of said Bond; <br />and Mmtp80J .~ lO haw:: ii rnx:r~l ~ppuir'1ted fortfnlotb tn ~l f(n~tc pi(~~, <br /> <br />II it..... IS ""y clw~ '" ""''''',.nip ,,I the ,.... esIJI'" _,.tpjpl<l he,,,.... by _ Of ,J{herwlM:, then the: ""un: remainina indIIbtcdnea hereby <br />_....,a olWI, at the .""',,"'..,( 1"1>< l'quillble Bt1iIW"1I ond l-<WI ~UOll "f Grand 1.ww,Nebralika,l>ecolno immediately due and payable without <br />f...tbet notice. and U.. .",ount ,.maim"!!', due oodc, ..,.j .,.""'. ."d .,,)' u!l><r booil ror '''y ..w,liomolad_ made tlweundc<, sh.all, from lite <br />dalt! oj e"",,,,,,, of lllid option, ""'" Ult<<","- a. II>< "'ax"""m !ego! ,...,.".J 11,.. mo'1pg< ",..y then b. foncl<>lll<1 10 utWy lite amounl due on said <br />bwld,and....y olho:r booil rm ....nht"',t.aI ><1.,,,,.0,". ,"S"tl"" Wlth..n s"m. paJd b)' ...., The EqUltable BuiIdmc and l..o&l1 AOlI<J!:iation of GrlU1d l"""'d. <br />Ncbfuka fOf 1tUUfafk.'".C~ Allii ~uts-. IJ~ -lb:JtI~'1.J:nJ cxte-rwon chalP, w1lh lrlt.cte~ tbe-frotl~ from dat.c of payment at the maximum <br />!oplt.u,. <br /> <br />At pi~ '" tOO Bood """w<<ll",,eby. while th.. "lV'tpgt ,.""".... 111 oil"", ,he 'OOtlp&e<: may Iter"..fter ad"",,<< ..w.t....",,) ....... 10 the <br />....un ..,( ..... Bond, theit ~ m _""...... '" '!lIW''', wi"c.h 'lID" moll be w,lhm ,h. ",c"nly of thi> mortgolge tl>< """'" ... the funds originally <br /> t-hc.f-d'Jy~ it. ! uf psincipal debt not to an)' tunc the ut~ .lmo-u_nt of thli nwrtPlc. <br /> <br />Dal"" till> 4th day of .l\ugust <br />n~ -y m ,1:~~r')./ <br />~L~~~...... <br /> <br />-~._._._- <br /> <br />A. D, 1'1 &3 <br /> <br />UA'J.i; llf .NllaRASKA. t .. <br />l'lW"NTY Of' HALL , <br /> <br />On thls <br /> <br />4th <br /> <br />Joy of <br /> <br />Augus t <br /> <br />l<l &3 . hef..... nlI!. <br /> <br />liIob$rt bUchael Vasey, a Single person, <br /> <br />I"" uI><le<signed, .. Nolo" Pubh;; U\ and for Counly. 1"'........Uy aunt <br /> <br />woo 1s <br /> <br />1'"...o....lly known to <br /> <br />IIW to .. IDe id<<I.Jcall"""'" ~ """'" lS .frtud .0 ,I>< abo.., ""'~~ """'IMO' <br />tdi_lodp4 flot _ IMII'_t to be hill'My aa 'M <lw1. . <br />'NfTN.l;s$ my '-l and 'l<>t>llal Sallhe dat. .r",.,.,a. <br />My (."..""',_ ........ <br /> <br />and <br /> <br />11<.1 <br /> <br />.."",,-ally <br /> <br />...-.., <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />, y <br /> <br />'''''P'6'~ <br /> <br />~ / ~" /7 <br />,/."-:z/ -""''4/ <br />.o/.-"'~ ....; ..........:t ""<; /"" /" -i' , <br />.' 'I"''<'--;;-''''-:.~::.E~~_ ':'~~1!.~ <br /> <br />I A ell.U'M !lC1AR' $;.1" 0' '1<01"..1 <br />,:Jjf J-lMf$ ,~~ Ci. ~{;!" f <br />~ M:~ [;:!\~m. ht_ ~;'( 1:. Ittl1! <br />.~~_--J <br />