<br />
<br />l03-A-WAI'lItANTV DEED (Revl.ed lM1)
<br />
<br />83- (J (J 412 8 Th~ Huffman Oflnl!ul Supply H<m... Lincoln, Nebr.
<br />
<br />I
<br />I iT
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<br />
<br />THAT I or We, Donald J. Willi_a and Margaret A. Willi..., Husband and Wife, Each In
<br />Their OWn Mght, As Spouse of Each Other
<br />
<br />, herein called the grantor whether ODe or more,
<br />
<br />in consideration of Twenty-Four Thousand Dollars & No/loo ($24,000. OO)
<br />
<br />I received from grantee, do hereby grant, bargain, ...11. COIIV<'Y and confirm unto
<br />!
<br />I Robert Michael V..ey, A Single Person,
<br />
<br />I herein ealkod the grant~e whether one or more, Ih~ (oU"Wll1/t dl'.cribed r<>a] property in
<br />!
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<br />
<br />Hall Connty Nebraska
<br />A tract of land cotapr1sing 4 part of Lot One (1), Voss Subdivision, City of Grand rslud
<br />Ball CoUl\ty, Nebraaka, and .,re particularly described aa foIl..,..: Beginntng at a
<br />point Oft the South line of said Lot One (l), said point being Three HUI\dred Five and One
<br />Tenth feet vut ot tbe Southeaat corner of said Lot One (1); tlulnee running No.rtherly
<br />parallel to the east 11ne of said Lot One, a distance of Two HumtTed. Tet'i feet; thlmce
<br />~ "8l:et'ly parallel to tbe !tOuth line of aaid Lot One a diat.nce of Sixty Si:x feet
<br />tn.:u:e running Southerly ll'Ilrllllel to the east line of uid Lot Oae a dtatlUlee of Two
<br />lhmdred Ten fMt to a point Oft the south line of said Lot One; thence running .ute:rly
<br />alouK the south lIne of said Lot One a distance of Sixty Six feet to the point of
<br />begi_in~, avbjeet to tbe road ri~ht of way on tne south !!ltd..
<br />
<br />Tu h-.vt" And to hold tnf &bo1<~ dt"-",I:rjrwd pn'HU~tf:'i, tugt~tht:;T w'llh aU t~n~nu~nt.'iJ.f he~litanlellt8 and ap.pnr'-
<br />~ tJl~Nt{) ~!-Qflg'Ulg' Ul1-'U) t-hF grant~~ .l\.nd to l!rn,tlte~"!Ii h~...j" and a~i~ll~ fQ.r--ev~r.
<br />AlH.i tUf! ~rnn.t-I)f d-t.H!# iH~r.:--b:r ,")\',,"'U.Il.nt w ~th dt." Jl"rftllh""" and wtth grllnt~t" '8 lleirs. and AS$igns that .granto.r
<br />i.>> la_fuU," 8e~ of utd pf~m~f!~, thnt th*7,"/ are fr-~ frum f<i.leumbranee
<br />
<br />Kxeept &Ia~t. and Restriction. of Record:
<br />
<br />tbat ~tor hu j,:<><><i right ami I.... fill li.utll"'1!~' 1<' ,,"',,'. Y If.t' ""Ill'" and thltt itr"n\"r w..rrlinlll and will defend
<br />t!UI! ht1~ to 1i4td pt'~miHJt &lain~t tht" !awtul d~lm~ \if ;iU w'r-ntUli wbumwev~r,
<br />
<br />Uat~d
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<br />Aua'" t 4
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<br />MultUet, A. ,Willb."
<br />
<br />C'"mty of &11
<br />
<br />~ft\t'1l _. Il uul.aty publie qualtfl:oo i..r !4\h.l ",,'wly, pN',wllaUy <IIDle Donald J. Willi... and
<br />Mitr$aret A. lIillta.., R1dband and Wife, Each In Their Own Right, .u Spouse of Each
<br />~r
<br />
<br />
<br />fa
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<br />And filM
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<br />or
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<br />r"r r..c<>rd IU the Regi.ter of l~ Ollie.. "f ....id (:<>UIII1 th~
<br />,at. .,,'doek and, .mmut"" M"
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<br />lOt {lAg''',
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<br />~g, "r n""d"
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