<br />
<br />~ ,,;,
<br />
<br />F.lton &. Wolf Company, lincoln, NN',
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />83- 004125
<br />
<br />Michael L. Nahorny and Jean KrN.hormr.J,~aSDouseo.f~eh .o:thttr a~e~ch..
<br />lnhJ.a arKt her own right ' I1'llrem called thll gran_I' wnetlillr one. or mON,
<br />
<br />
<br />inconsideration of TINInty Four Thousand Seven HundredFittyat1d no/loo ($24,7S0~OOj
<br />received: from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto
<br />
<br />Marie JakuboWsld., a single UIllIlarr1ed widow
<br />
<br />herein called the grantee whether one or more, the following described real property in
<br />
<br />__m.n...........mm...B.aU..........m..................... County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Easterly Fifty Seven (E 571) Feet of Lot Fourteen (14) In Block
<br />
<br />Six (6) in lC:>ehler Plaee, an Addition to the City of Orand Isl:ud,
<br />
<br />Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />....,,- ~TT^C\4I1Jl
<br />ST(>.TEME,.. .
<br />
<br />Also Known as SlS East Koenig,
<br />
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />
<br />AUG 4 1983
<br />$al1~BY. ~..
<br />
<br />To have and to hold the above dellCribed premillell tOgllther with all teJ1l11DlIIlts, heraditlwl.llIltll
<br />and appurtelUU1C83 thereto belonging unto the grantee and to granteo's heirs and assigns forever.
<br />And the grantor d_ hereby covenant with the grantee and with grantee '9 heirs and aasigJlll
<br />tbAt grantor is lawfully &<tilled of said premiaea; that they are free from encumbrance Except
<br />lbtatricticma and Co_nants or Record
<br />
<br />thai grAntor bu good right and lawful authol'it)' to convey the _e; and that grantor wurantll and will
<br />defend the title to said premille8 ap.inlli the lawful claims of aU persona who~ver.
<br />
<br />
<br />Dated AUCWSt. 2, 19 83
<br />'-'1/''// '1/ .~'.'.~. f:;.:J)/./"
<br />"1.:v1/ M-"'1-' C j /~~".A- ~~ <1--- _~.~,It
<br />. '.:{4.. 's...r.l.k.~..m' ""...J............. ..:.d(.I.... '...,;......,.k
<br />(." M1ehMl L. N, ..
<br />\ '\ ..' '-f\\ '-1 \\..... .'.
<br />.,....:"'..~J;,~..."'.....\.......\<....X...,..~..lJ\....t.'"\.,\
<br />~ Jean M. Hahorny '\ (-'\
<br />. .
<br />
<br />8'l'AT8 OF NJ!lBRA~K ~, County of ...............n...BalJ.............................:
<br />
<br />Before me. a notary public qualified for said county, personally came
<br />
<br />Mic.l L. NaboZ'ny and Jun M. Nehorny, As spouse of eaeh other and
<br />~, ~.. na.....Z' OlQl~l!bt
<br />
<br />. ~o.1Ol. \0. f\U\tobe ~ illantiCAI WlIOl/. or perlIOIUI who signed the rOJ'llSUin.g ilUltruUlllllt and I\<lkn()wltl,~d
<br />~~Hl~to~biI, he ()t' their voluutAry act and deed.
<br />
<br />Wj~llif~lWd,llOta,rW seal on ,....,...............Atipat......f,#..,... 19..,.. (63)
<br />i"-"". _':: "; ,-,
<br />
<br />....,........;:r~iJ.~";,J.~,fl!......c::.~'..:.~.'.::F<;1.:~.... Nut.ary Public.
<br />
<br />Kyc~<)ll, upiru ~~~~!1:..",....1l1 l!L~~:(86}
<br />
<br />~."/.....
<br />S;-";- '.', ':"~C_ ,'c
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<br />'... . ..,F -'-'. .g. "",,___ '.'_' _,-;
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<br />