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<br />83- 004124 <br /> <br />an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br /> <br /> <br />MORTGAGE See L 22.523 <br />.. MORTGAGE LOAN NO, L ?.d, ns <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY TIlPSE PRESENTS, That Hal J. Maggiore and Jubi Anne Maggiore, each in his and <br /> <br />her own right and as spouse of each other t M~, whether one or more, in considedtion of the sumof <br />~ 'I'hn1,,,,,,ncJ Pi ~ Hnnclrt'!d and ro/lOO---------------------------------OOlJ..ARS <br />looted 10 said ttlOJ'tp&Of by The EquiUble Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebrulca, Mortgl&ee, upon 100 sbuet.oflllldt of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Cerliftcale No. L 24,135 . do """,by granl, rotlvey and morlPll" unlo !he said ASSOCIATION !he folIoWins <br />deteribed ...... esI>lle, situated in Hall County.", <br /> <br />Lot Eight (8), in Block Ten (10), in Ashton Place, <br /> <br />Nebraska . <br /> <br />1000ber W1lh all the l<nement<. heredium..... alld appwte""""'" thereunto helongmg, meludiDg at!acllcd floor cmeriap. aD willdow ~ <br />wmdow sIiades., blinds. "Om! _, aW1mlp. lteatlll!l, ... rondttion"'ll. and plumbing and water eqwpment and IICalSIOrieI tIlotrelo. pumpa.1lOWIlI, <br />,efr'll".nton. and otlte< fixtu,es and eqw"""",lnow 0' hereal"', attached 10 o. UIed In ronncctlon WIth said ...... estale. <br /> <br />AIId whereas the said mottPl!.O' has iIllI- and don hefeby _ tha, the mo~ .naB and will pa)' all taxa and _1I1nied 01 <br />....,....j upon said pK....... and upon ,to. """1_ .od the botuJ >rewed thereby ""lore lhe ....... .naB become ~I; to fumiIh apprDIIlld <br />- upon I.he bwIdaIotIs IUI said I'fl'1'IUI" "Iualed In the >um 01 S 10, SOO. 00 payable 10 said ASSOCIATION aucI to dcIlwr 10 aid <br />ASSOCIATION the pohcios lor said _; and nullo rommd fl< pon_ any wU!e on .... aboul said pnomila; <br /> <br />In ~ of default In lhe ponl""""""" of 8If)' 01 the 'er.... and roml_ olU... IIICXtpllC or lhe bood oecuRd bereby.the ~ sbII.l, <br />1m detnand. he entllled to _ 01 lhe mo'l~ J'f"flUSl" and .he lll<fr1llIr,\lr heteby ISIlICJfS. IfJUIlIfen aucI lets ~ 10 the <br />morlJlllll'<' aIllhe '''''I'. ,.........,. and lIl<>>mO to he demed lhe mo</pFd J'''''''- durq sudllime u the lDUft8llF inIIebtccIMa sbIIl ~ <br />unpaid; .nd the motl..... >8alI tts.. lhe f'UW"< 'oj '1'1''''''1 .ny aJlCftt '" __.. " may daue for lhe pIUpOOO of repairiJla said pnmtioeI aucI -tia& <br />lhe ...- and co&cr"'ll !.M '''''''. I........... and ."",.-..nd II .....y payout 01 !lUl mrom. .U e~ of repUrioa said pnlJIli80a aucI ~ <br />-- and e"""""" _cd In '-"'l! and _.ll<! """'" an<! "I c~"'lI ....Ials 'beret.......; 'M baIancc remaiDln&. if any. 10 be <br />applied 'o-.d II>< dtoclwt\e "I lOUd mort_ lfKIrl>lrdncss. tbtor .'l!lrl> of the mUf~ may "" ."crciIed a' any lime durio& the.......... of IlIdt <br />cirfaull. ttreopcd_ of ally 1CR1pl>fUY __ of tbe_ <br /> <br />n.e.. ltuwe".". .." u_ llor Cm..i"'..... 1m. .1 .lIe: said M...~ <hall trpay lOUd loan .... or bet_ lhe malurily ..f said slweI by <br />pa)'-' ~ pa) """'thly to said ASSOClAnON "I .n.. ".... lpcc,11ed '" .he Bond he.eby .. ",1_ and plioapti on said loan. On or baCore <br />I"" ol racll .ttd ~ry month. \lUld 5ald I<w. ... f uUy paid; pay alIta"fi and _ Lo~ ~ Illid premioco aucI OIl this MOfI8lr8e <br /> <br />and ,he 8<md "'<Uted .lIe:,dty. het",,, del_""y .lumu;b oppo.....t .........""" UP"" lbe bwl<hotts thct_ 1ft thuwll 0($10,500.00 payable <br />'0....J ..\SSOC1A.nON. "'pO) 10 1I.iUd ASs(X'IATl(~'" up..... d.m.nd.1i """"'y by tl paM! fo. sudll8lLC$, ._01. and insuraDc:e with intmoot al <br />the maxunwn.l J~te tMf~.lU from datc ,)( ptl)OiClIl aU of wtucl1 M(1JI~ hereby .,eel to pa)'~pemUt no wutcooaldpremilti;keop andQllft1pJy <br /> <br />>rith all.he "'~.''''''h and <u..dol""" "I lhe 8<md t... ~ l.O I SUU. UO tln..J.ty Ilf...n by ,he Illid MoIlJpI&ur lu Illid ASSOCIATION, and Qllft1pJy <br />with alllhe .cq.....,monh 0/' the t'OOSIrlliltUll and By,Lows .>t' said AS.'i<X'IA nON; ,hen I...... _'" sbIIl become oWl and roid.olherw.. tMy <br />""'II ..._ .n lull 10."" and llIO) he .t .he upt_ of lhe iUl ASS(Jl.:tA nON .fler lailllle fo. Ihree IIIODths to make allY of Aid <br />p;ay- ,w be U...", _tho In au"", '" 1I>11bn& said _tidy plI)......U. o. '0 keep and wmpIY WIth the ,,_"""Oh and oondilloos of aid 8ond: <br />IIld MorlPJOl ~ to ...... a ,_...,. opp>Hlted forlh..llb '" sudl f<>tedoawe pl~ <br /> <br />If the... .. llIIY cIwt&< 1ft OWMlIiup of the .eaI CSlllte """~ ber"..., by saIr o. othorwtoe. lhea lite "nlife ten\Il.inina indtl~ he""')' <br />II!llClImI sbIIl. '" lhe oplioll of The l'.qwtablr Ilto.ilttiatl and loan Asooaal_ of Gra.tlld Ialand, Nebrulu. become immedialdy due and ,..yable wil",",1 <br />f.. _ice. and lbe ,,_ .......m"'ll au< utlder $IUd bund, and any uthet bood lor any ad.ditiooaI advat>CCJ made lItereundet. shall. from the <br />.. of ellCtciae of Illid optioll. hear inl",.a allbe JDiWIfIWn kpl BIe, and lJus """..... may lhen be Corcdooed to atiofy lite _t due OIl said <br />..... and any otltel bood (0. a<Witional ~ t....the; with all _ plIid by Illid The E~...tabIr BIIikIin& and Loan of Gwtd llllud. <br />!lWlratb (0( hwmotta:. lues and _U,aad abstractlfl& "xl"........ dwp. witb IOtam thct_. from date of pay_nt al lhe muiowm <br />Itt&I1tale. <br /> <br />M providrld ill lhe II<>nd """"cd bereby. while .Jus tlIUflpj;< ,elll'iitls n' ellect .he """lllflF< may berufter ad........, additiooal _ 10 the <br />IlIllken o( """ Ilond,lhen ~ Of -. In Inte.est. wluch ...11.. shan he Wltlun the ",..,wIlY of this II....,*"" the same as the funds UJi&inaDy <br />....ed lberrby. the lolaI _t of ptlI1CipII debt not 10'''-.1 a. ....y ..""' the "'i&>IW amowtl of lhia mort...." <br /> <br />.by O( August A. f)" 19 83 <br /> <br /> <br />STAll! .0. F NEBRASKA.. f <br />... <br />COUNfV 01' HAU <br /> <br />0.. lbi$ <br /> <br />,ii <br />I day of <br /> <br />/.. / <br />., J 7'" <br />1'0/ ~~'fH!f>> . <br /> <br />1983 . befOtc me, <br /> <br />the undeJaiaood. " NuW)' Public: in and fw: lWd County. peuollllUy came <br />lial J. MiqJi.oxe and Jub1 Anne Maggiore, each ill his and her own ri~~rea.s\ <br />otbe,t:: . <br />JOl! 10 he the idotWoal fICIII,lft s ..llote """'" s are .fflXed 10 tbe abuw insl,_t .. morlltlfl19t S ...d they -.tly <br />~ tho ' _ tJ:.iai.L: ,-~lIAW)' KI and ciocd. <br />~.~.. , . . dale >>w:9Itid, <br />~'cSF, ~(~~N\\ . lQ8'3 <br />----::~~~~4iit~ ~./ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />. . ." _..., <31.~'~ <br />..........._~uy~. <br /> <br />-.. <br />