<br />83-+104112
<br />
<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />mariner provided under paragraph 2 bereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon. shall become additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower secured byth.s Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other tertns of payment. such
<br />lIlI1<lUnts shalt be payable upon notice from tender to Borrower requesting payment IherenL and shall bear interest frnm the
<br />datcl of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note \mle.o;s payment of
<br />intertstat such rate would be contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permimble under applicable law. Nothing contained in tbis paragraph 7 shall require lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any aetionhereuJ)der.
<br />.. '......nioe. tender may make or cause to be made re.sonahle entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided
<br />that I,ender slmlt give Borrower nolle" prior to any Slreh inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />interest in tbe Property.
<br />9. COlllhMIIllfliml. The proceeds of any award or claim for dama~es. di"",! or <nnsequential. in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. or part thereof. or for collveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />and s!mll be paid to I.ender.
<br />In the event of a tolal laking of the Property. the pnx-eeds shall be applied to the ,urns secured by thi, Mortgage,
<br />with the excen, if anl'. paid to Borrower In the evenl nr . partial te.king of the Property. \lnles, Borrower and lender
<br />olherwise agree In writing, there shall be applied to the sum, ,"",ured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />a$ is equal to that prOJX'flion whicb rhe amount nf rhe ,urns '""u",d b" rhis Mongage immediately prior to Ihe date of
<br />laking; beat< to the fair mark"l value of the Propertv immedi.telv pnor /(, Ihe dale of t"king, ",ith the hal.nce of the proceeds
<br />pam to Borrower.
<br />If the Property i. .handoned by 8orro....,r. or if. .fter nOlice lo" Lender to Borro'ffr that the condemnor offen to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Jk1rro_r fails f<) respond to Lender within .10 d.y" after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. l.ender is authorized to coll<<1 and apply Ihe prn<:eeds. al tender's option. eitber to te'llOration or repair of the
<br />Propeny '" to the sums ~Ired loy rhi, Mortgage
<br />Unleu Lender and Borrower olherwise agree >II wriling. anI' "",h application of l'roceeds to principal .ball not extend
<br />or postpone the due dare nt the monlhh' inslaUment. referred '" in paragraphs I .\nd 2 hereof t'r change the amount of
<br />such 'nslallments.
<br />1.~ Benown- Not R*-eeI. E.'ten~lOn ('If the Hm( f,,1f pa.\'ffient or nlNtificau-(\f\ of amortization of the sums.. secured
<br />by this M()"~e granted b~' I. ender to' aoy ~UC.cesSOf !n jntere,t 0.( Rorrnwer ..;.haH not operate to rele.ase. in any manner.
<br />the Habifit)' {rj the original Borro,",rcr and Borrower";, ~ucc-esw.N. In interest I e-nde.r "",hall not he required to t.~ommence
<br />proc:eedinp ilJamsr Mtd\' .\uccessor or retno,;e to e\tend hme f,"" payment ,)or oth~N'.I-...e modify amortiuttoo of the sums
<br />~red by thi~ Mortgage by reason pi any demand made BY fhe {'>-n~maj BOff\:\Wer and Borrower's stlcces.'I~ors in interc..'t.
<br />11~ F.......-.c~ by l..titder Not a W-.mr. Any fi'rbearance h-' f enact to exer-cf~lnil anv ri~ht or remedy hereunder..or
<br />othc,rwn" alronled "y applicable I.w. ,holl no' he " waIV.r ,'I <>r pre<:.lude lhe ",c,~i.e of ~nv such right or remedy.
<br />T'he' procurement of in$uratK."C Of' the payment of ta,-", nr other hen~ \~t (h.af1!~ ~v 1 ender ...haft not he a waiver ('tf Lender's
<br />right I., accelerate the maluriry "t t~ >lldebtedne" "'Cllrcd Iw Ih" \lo"~age
<br />t%.. Ih.....ue. c..........~. An rem-c-d~ p-rov.dcd In thi" \-h-'!rt~A~ :itrr di<;tincf <lad l'umulati",e to any (\ther flght or
<br />fC"mcdv under :his M-t'rt.g..'lC (If afforded OV 1,a>A- .~r e~UH\", ~lnd ma...r.e ('\crCt1,t,",i ~('''("Uffl:'1llh-, mdependently or successively.
<br />13. s..- lIlIoI A.... .........: Joml ...... ~....... I.iabllltv: ('.~ 1"., ,','venants and .!lreements herein
<br />\:'\.'mtained shan Nmt and fhe right~ ht!~under .;;halllm'~ to. th-t' fe-'\fl'b-tl\"(, 'It(ca~\N and anig:ns of I ender and Borrower.
<br />iub-iect to the prtW-KtQlfn, of r.arlp.r--aph i ~ hereof '\H ,;\lVt"Hilnt-\ ~Hh! i\~rt:'('nl('nt' nf Btorft\wer shan he iotOt and severaL
<br />'Jbe captitmt- and head;n-gs ni the pa.ragraph.. _,( fhi, \i('trtf;(a;::~ .tf~ 1',1, ~ onycnlt'!k-C ':lnlv :lnd arc not to be used to
<br />",\erl''''t "" denne lhe 11f<w.....'n' hef<<'t
<br />14.- Notire-~ S-x.c.-epf ftlf any flQ(k,'C' r\.~mr(',d under ap-rtic-dh!-c 1<1\\0 hl he }::.Ive-n ;n ant~ther mannw:-r, la) an)' notice to
<br />Bon,t)\1lr:c:r pt-('!'r,tded fOf '" th"- MOflgaj;(' 'thalt he f,!"'Cfl t'\' nuuiln):. "l.h.:h n~~tn:c b," ..:.....ttttied rn~tl a.ddf't~s~ti h) Borrower at
<br />the.!- Property AddR-!'-, \.1J" ;'Jt M.n:h t:.{hct ~t--ltdn...'\'" ~i;., &\fft'--.-n nUH d('~!~n.;ti-(' ~v n(IHi."t" H_' I en<kr ~1'\.. pnwtded herein. and
<br />t'h\ :rny 1h)(p..;e to Lendc.rr 5t'-..aJJ be I''\'ef\ h". C'C"fUB<<J f'i~:L ft'1.H-:'l' rt,;-I..T'pt rt't.tUC"leu. h' I ('flUet'" ad,irc't'S stated herein or to
<br />~ \.'1-ht-r -add~ as Le~ ma~' t.ie"".!tnAt~ ~\" !In-fKt: !" O\lHO'Atl."f .a p-r,-,"'ndcd nt'TetU _"\nv nNic-e r<<wlded for in this
<br />Mort,. j.ft-./t-H be tieemed h1> hlt,,"'( ~n -tZ'\'l:.:; h,.. lk)f'fl)--v'~'( tt-f i ~;-ntkr ~-ht'n gIven in the miltlnt:f desiaoateu herein,
<br />IS. U....... MOI'tI:iCt; (;i;Wt!"...... 1,...: ~,~,. r~;., h'tm {If filOttj;!:A#,C ...{\mbin~ unif\)fm I;:il\lenants. for national
<br />lro.e and oon~i,Ulth~ \::HVeiHiln-h 'ol.-tth li-mth_~J "'ilfHdnlfl~ h\ "'f;....t!~-t'nn h'- n~-n-MHtltt' a muforn\ sc...:uttty in~itr\tment covering
<br />re..ti ptop:l:ft). This. Mt)ttlligc- ...haH he gHI.CHlt'd h.- the 1.:-v.o ~,~ t~ !qn..dH.:tH\n ,l~ ,",,'hi..-:h rhe Property 1'- located. In the
<br />eve-ft. that an}~ pn':"'\'l:$to(.n Pf ",,'hiu..v:: -et In.,. \t\)n~Jt';l:' ,If the '(l-fC dt~dhn, ....Till .tP-rh~<lhk: la\\'. 'itKh ~{)tim-CI ,hall not aflect
<br />~')IMf pl(}\:-tSKIDli. ,~ thl~ MOftp,<, n- It-"l(' ~(,H... ~..h!..:h -l.<lH he !!;'l'H:f'i {'fh..~\:l "'dthl)~lt lhe fnntli-('fioI: prtwi,ion. and to this
<br />1:00 the: p-hW'~k1tU \-,t the M\-1tt'. >inJ In.e .....~..h: d.t~ df.~(LU'ed :1" f-<- vc"efjh-i'C
<br />16. ~w'. (~. Bor{\.~wet ,hall ~ futUf!.M'-l .., ".-pnh:~rtlkd ..-~"P'\ {It the Sott" .Hh1 +:,t ttH\ Mongage at the time
<br />ill' nto"'\;ut.ton {."-f ilih-cf f'O\:(J1'cUticl{\ hen:-'\~f,
<br />17. Y......... of.... ~); ."'-............... It ;JU .~t an}- p",n \It lht.. Prol-"l(:,u\' \\-1" .W lfIh::-re'{ therem is M)ld (1f trans.ferred
<br />by 80H\\~C-( W-U~H.it tcmk(s. pfhJf 'lkhth,'ll \.\In'!r4.'Ht t'\dudm-..,: ',H the _n'4tlNl l\[ ,t lien l)l' en,,"-umbran\.':c \uhot\Jin.\tte to.
<br />thi~ M(\I1Jap. f.,,, dw: \,.'watit.>>l (\( a pun..:ha...,; !n\\{1t'\: '~~lo.UHt\ ;nh.::f~'lot !pf h\Hi'Ch,lhj arP-h-an.:c-\, I.C} ~l tran-sfel' hy devise.
<br />dc!~nt ilf by iJpcrii{k)fl of la\\-' Up\-lfl fhe 'l..kalh ,}i .~ iPHH leHiHll pr 1\.1 i th~ EntUI U( iUl}' ka~ooid mtefc~t of three years \,l( lelis
<br />nQ4: .;;ont,j;HuA, an \lpt'k.1fl to pur~ha$(;. I e-nJer m-'l~, -at I cnJet'iI, .ppth'-'-fi, ;;:kxlatc all ~hc \oum... M"1,.'uf\:d oy thiS Mung-age tn be
<br />fmnwd:f~tely d~ -.uld payabh:. Lcn-der ...h.ll hfl\o-C ":.lc..eJ .,q~h \~phVf) ;.(~ ~..'-I,:l;;'kf.dC d. prtuf h) the 'J"alc Of transfer. LenOcr
<br />and dw rc-''S()li t(. whom the PrOpe,HY 1,"- \0 be ",,\.~...t Of Han"kflt.'J rt:i\~h ~~tecmcm in wfltlOg that the ~feJit .Jf "!l-Hch person
<br />I~ Ut"td'ac'l\.)t}' to t.~ndi."'-l .Jnd IhcH the int~r~.,.t pill~l1hk '.m lht: s~;n1" 't":CUfI.:"\i h~ thi.. \!ortJage ,haU he at su.:h rate a'i Lender
<br />~l! fO"t:ue:lI,- If l:e~r b...\ W,i$\'ed dlC .;'~p4~()>n t;.. .h:1i.~ekf.;::i:~( prv\-td-crl H'! dH~ paragraph 17. and !f Bornl\\"~r's i!'ou(:c~~)f In
<br />nt~tett:&t bti e.xec\llCd.. written J:MumPUOO -.i,:n.."Ctncnt a,...e;''4t.-d in i4tltH1:!! hy I endCL t cnJef 'ihaU release Borrower from all
<br />.~ under tbi. Mort&..... and the NQt"
<br />If l..ndef t-:i,e1\;:~ 1.lKb Qpl{Qtl n.... ~'-ekrat~. I enJ::r ,haH m.d Bt)-HU~("( n.,)hce of aco:c-lcratioo in ~li,,--(J,)rJann___ \\lth
<br />pu.",,,ph 14 n.trwf. Sui.."h ~'C jha-U pr4.)v.oe -a reH~;~1 {l~ n~ll k~" than .'0 Ja;... {hUH lhe date t~ n\~lk~ I-!. rl'H.~led within
<br />which Bont.',,"'et mil) p.a,- the: SUftl$ dedarw d(!-C'-_ If Ik~no""~r f.lih ~,) j)4)- '5u,h :..um! pnor to the c\piratioo l,f 'IO:ui.:h p\~r.(.>lt.
<br />t~f 1I\lt)'. without furtbc:f fk."1-(K~ ~'f Jemand t.-"n BorT\.\"'--er, in'1Ii.~i.c ..i!I~ f\"ulCdie'.\ perm~tle.J hy r~r.agraph 1R hereof.
<br />
<br />~-4J)itFOkM (~()V"NasT'S, Bor-f'to-~f anJ lender iurdlCf ';",,-'~~n;im aM ~~rec J:\ hlih,l\\<'~'
<br />
<br />.8. 4e~'--' ~.. ....ilkd ... pancrap/l 11 Mn..f. ........ s......wrr'. ~tI 01 ....} "0.,,_1 or
<br />........... of ~ .. tlllii lot........ itw........ I,", ...,,,......... to pay w""a d.... aD~ "'_ _""'" b, Ibloi Mor1lt!IIr.
<br />1.... ,.... .~ .... mall Mlicr to ..........". ... pta.i4rd i.. 1"'fllI.... 14 heffil( .p"dfyl...: m lite ",...,h:
<br />(2)..__........... -" ~ 131 ...... ....11eoi;, ..... .3lI da). fr_ tM date U... aoik.., .. mail.,.. 10 8on......r.
<br />"'.......... .~ _.... r~ lIlIoI 14. .... f....... to <tOle olKla IlfUdl .... 0< belo.., I,", ...... 'peciW 1ft I'"' _kc
<br />... ......~ of._ _ ..,vml by I.... ~..........., fOfff...... by ju4kW ......~ ..... uk of lho ~rty.
<br />.... ................ a...-<<, of ,.... ..... to ~. .... .....t1Ilft-atloa ..... tM rilllt to _ 1ft tM 1000001Mur..
<br />~..__ ~ of. .......01' MY' ou. ~ of ............ to lKeelerlillloa -' '''ff''''._~ If I,", lIffik-h
<br />.~~...,......u.._.......la 8M ~", I..,,,, at t.....J optioA ~......tlIre all of tbe.... ""'....r... It,
<br />_.. ...~...,....(!. ..I..,......r..._ll'lIIlI!I.. ...."..~~.._. ..."".iY- toiflts>Ml f..u.a ~...... ~ f_,..It, jadkial pr...-l. . lac. t...a4cr
<br />__ .. . to ~......~ a.Il.~ of f....cd....'". I~ "'" _ 11RtlI.,.. I.., C1lSta ", dor.._..,
<br />~.~...... .........
<br />.tf...~@lc...__......., N",,'qtlnUllt<ling 1."JldeI'>"~"....",,u"n "r the ,U'1\' """,red h~ n", M"rlll-age,
<br />~.~b" tlli< IIIhIUl iI<i"" 1m, 1,,,,,,,,JIdi~~ !Jq:1<1I ,,~ 1,,,*, In ""f<ll,'O 11>.. M<lflll"lt'" ,!'~'''''I",,~<l a' a", hm~
<br />
<br />