<br />
<br />83- 004088
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />KNOW ALl. MEN BY 11IESI" PRK'iEN1'S' That
<br />
<br />MORTGAGE WAN NO,.L 24, 1 ~2
<br />
<br />Wayne E. Foster and Judy L. Foster, each in his and her
<br />
<br />own riqht and as spouse of each other, Mortgagor, wheth", one 0' more. in ronsideration of Ihuum of
<br />
<br />-TlIiIen~-Thnl",;onrl ~aur_.lhmdre,tand.noLlQO,-:~,:,=-:=-:=:-,=:::--=:----------------=-UOLLARS
<br />
<br />iolI""" 10 u.id IMrtgagor by The Eqllilable Build.ng and IAmn Association <1f Grand Island, N.b"'.... Mortgagee, upon 224 sIt_ of slodt of
<br />
<br />said ASSOCIATION. C.rtificale No, L 24,132 ,do hereby granl, conYe'!' and mortgage unto the Wd ASSOCIATION the following
<br />derctibed ""', <St.at., situat.<l in Ball Co..nly, Neb""".
<br />
<br />lDt Four (4), in Block Twenty (20),
<br />
<br />J.n Baker's .Addition to t.'1e City of
<br />
<br />Grand Isla.'1d, Hall county, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />lopn.her Vlfun ail the I CflefUCJl'tS. heredItaments .:4.od :ipt1U1tenances. Ihcrewltu heton~mg4 i:nctud~ .ttaclxd HOOf COyeriDgs~ all window saeens~
<br />wmduw ~ bbmb~ ~i,)fm wmdoWl.. ;:twlU~. !~'atfflE.. ,m ..'.un:dllK\fImg.. and piumbtllJl and watct rqulPft1Cfil and acccuorica thcrcto.pumps.stOYel..
<br />reI1l&elluon,;.tOO othC!r HX1Ure-J Jml cqwpmcnt BU" U~ h("f~l-Cr lutached tu ur uscd: ill t::'_lnn<<Uon With saul real esta.te.
<br />
<br />And w.bneas the ~ mtnt~lf hu .JYt'"-t~d ;lud doe.'! heft-by~<< tnat the mv:t~ ~'laH and Will pay All lIXn and UlCSSlDCftu.I.cvW or
<br />~ upon 1Ui pn-mtfi<. Mnl "t'''" 'h>> 01<"'_ 4nu the "'md ,..cuted ,I""ehv ""','" ,"< .,u"" oj",a become lIeImquml; to ful1lllh appnMld
<br />_,.".., upo" ,he ltmkl,- "n """ I"e""... ..."",,,,j m ,he "u" ,,' s 22,400. UO "..,bl< ,,, ..1<1 ASSOClA 1'ION ami 10 doJiwr 10 Wd
<br />ASS(JL'AnON the pohG~ fut said !iUtUah~, :thc1 flU~ hi I.:\~mmu t)f penrnt !joy w:nte nn HI .roUI.saKi pl~mnel.
<br />
<br />In ;;'"UC- ul dei.au.h IF. the pedotmam..'C of at\)- ~.ll tht- lNfftll..wJ i',.'unUJhum .~l Huj. nx.n:~ \lJ the .bt.ttKi -&ecweQ heRl:t-y~ the morlJ;lleO- shall.
<br />un d('JtQUld~ be ~nhlkd h.} !mmc\hatc f1't~~ IJ.t ;w,: fUt>>'~ J1ft::m~ Ml-d !f-lt:' t.ll:,n-t~ llitfeby il~. transil:l$ and setJ (lVC" to the
<br />mu..-l~ all the: lt1'-tU~ ft;Wnu<< ~ulJJ lU(.t!Hte in be tktlVe1.i :ru-tn Hil: n'\OHy..age~ ft!~o:ux-t- '.!UJUIt(. ~ucll Umc- U lbc mOf..... indebtedness sballl'C'maan
<br />u.ttpa;td~ and rhe mt);t~ $hall haw lhe- ~)WC; {o <tf.JplUnE l1.H~ ~tH Ht 4,Cn-h :! may Je~Jfe h>> ib-e P"UJ'O*=' of rcpuru'l SlId pretniJos aDd tendo.
<br />dw Slln'~ ..oJ ~Uftl tht- It'Uh.. fIt'Wm.''\ olJtli ~th.-.vmc;', .H-W It m"r ft4.y unf ,,-, U-JJ lfill.'UffiC all e~pensa ui rt'plWUlI said ple~ and neccs1lU)'
<br />COt~m~ ;t;l\d e-~-Ne~ ~~unt'-\! H1 {t'Uh1lt ~~ IH'~~W& tht- '$,ittfk: .aLtoJ dE ,-"hHe~lU.-I. ft"m.b IMtetTolll. the b.~ feU\&tJlin&~ if -Iny. 10 be
<br />appUe-d- hYW:aHi tOle Jisc.fta~~ oj ~ ~rti.Ul~ if~h;e~b-MO;". thcfj(" ft~hf, 'O..t the Hl\.HlPl'" ll~)' be (:'Jl-('ft.:1Wd at any tifDf; during tbe elUStCnoe of such
<br />de-f.uJt. iir~hw vi my usmp){4f)' w;a-,W'f vi u~ '5aJf"~
<br />
<br />l~ Vresc-nu-, hnw(,wf, .ut:' upuu ~t;< (ontJHum. fh.ti it tM Mtd M-i.H(&~,H ~ tepa-)' :-..tad loaf! '-.->:1 Of he"ou~: l~ Ina.tunt)' 01 said sharei by
<br />paYU-W:.UI, pliy mumbly tH ~ AS}{Jl-TA,TH.)!.,; ">1 U.... wm ~~lC'd m the f~:mJ se~u.r~d hcu:'.b)' u !Olelnl ilnd punapal on aui lo-&n. on or before:
<br />the T'ttfCnht-J.hdJ.)' of Cw\ M1d ~vt:.ly !UvUlh. iJUbl satJ luau 11 fully p.uJ~ pit) .ul t"-'t~~ ,jJw~nenu kYW\liplD$.1 iil:Ud p1CrtUlil-:l-&nUun lh.isMortpp
<br />
<br />~ tr..e BowJ ~~t!d Ihc.cb~. bdOliJ Jc~Uhi~H...-;. .;u.mu...~ .ppt~n.'C\i i!lWJ<JfKC Up.l\.f-l. the bulidmp dleteull m the: JUnt of $ 22,400. 00 ~laYlble
<br />to iaJd A,S,.'i){)CIAnUN, .lepa; tl) .iia.JJ ..\SS{X 'fA 1 tos upou ~kn~Jld .di fr~J.(KY hy ii p.atd 1'0( :;.u..il taxclo. 4~nU -and lnJUf.I," With mtelHt at
<br />tbe llIltXUnu.nl~' (lite ,het<<m 1!'i,)W.u{i; (it ~}n}.l;.m AH at wh.&;,h M-url~u neu:,by 4-iC'(:!t h.) p.;t).ptUUd no wUiCon~ple~~k-e-epandwmpJy
<br />
<br />",.111 all ,he >&""'''''''''' 4',.j ,,,>>lIlltl(nl> "I the ll<..1Il 10' $ ;U.,40U. Ull Ilia day g"wI by Ill< ...iJ M",'W", t.l oa1d A.S::iOCIATlQN, and comply
<br />W.lUl all UN: 1eq\U,emenb vi tbe CnU3.Lltuuon .nd !i)-.L~v.$ uf $I.~ ASSOl'!^lHJN. tncJ\ thC'~ ple$CI)U shall bc-w-mc null and void.. otberwi1e they
<br />dwU tcrnam Ul iuU fOI~ tt.rui nti-)' be hJ,fc~.H tht uptkdi dt It.<- ~ ASS(Jl'IA}UJN .:.liter f141u.re fot th,CC moutm to make auy of sa.td
<br />..-ymcats 0" ~. tlucc U\O.I...tht. 10 ;jnC-.l.-t~ In nloiill.!R-l wRl monthly r-t U'Knb, ,)-f Lv l.c-t:p .nd ....ump!).. Wtth the ilIf<<nleUU.:wo cond1tiuns of said Bond,
<br />and Mi,")uwrn: "~JCd UJ haw a 1(,"'''''' .iPPOUHcJ ~uHh\\-lth ill wdl- h\fc.\...-k~( plu...;t:.:d.u~
<br />
<br />Il.heu, Ii any cl1an&<... O"""'sb1p of U1e leAl "...... mutlpjlOd helem. I>y ale 0' "U..IW..." then U1e .ntIle 1.'l1&Illlllll ~ heleby
<br />lIC<:\Ited sb.oll. al lbe opllon o{ TlI< ~Ltbl< Bti>ldwJ ."d 1..<..., ..\"""',"1"'" "I' t;,md Island, Neb.AIb, be.:ome UUlncdlakly due and payable will10ul
<br />f...lbe. ""tice;, and lhe lI11f.1Wlt 'cnlA1U1flt, due uudtl ..,J bond. ..1<1 "'y li,he. 00w.I ;ot ony addUion&! .d_ made lbe...WldeJ, 1haII, from the
<br />~ of .....cilo: of said option, bo.u 1111......: allbe mw"mwn it:tI>d 'aU:,".J .~,.. rnotlP&l' may then be fOlecl<*<llo satisfy the amount duo on said
<br />bolid,Wtldany ol$J bo<Id f...a<.ll!ttlOilal ad~ 1"b....11lr:1 wuh All W'D> p>Ud by ..,J The Equiublc BuiIdit1& and !.."al1 A.sa1ciallon of Grand bland.
<br />~asb fOt ~. t..-aud ~nt>. ..'1d ab>tl""t"'ll"""l>t011 chasl\<~, ",ilh ,nleI.$! u""...... f,om dole <1f paymenl al .he maximum
<br />lepI ,ale.
<br />
<br />,," pr\I1'i\Ied U1 the lloud ..,<wed bet.by, willi< th.. m"'l~ rc......." '" ell"'l the 'OO,tp&<lt: mol' he,....flel ad"",,,,, addllion&! Iwn> 10 the
<br />_".~ of said &rOO, lhei1 ~.. VI """''<'>Mlf> ill "'.e'.... ",hocl1>Ulm >Ilall be ",.Itun In. "'clUlly <1f lhiJ morlgo&< Ih" sam" ..th. fund:! oliginalll'
<br />~ theJeby, I"" lotal am0\l111 vf p"""iplll do'ob. ,,,'1 '0 n.'COJ at 4f'Y 1In>o ,he C'l~ atl1UW11 of Il... mort&8&".
<br />
<br />, Datedb.. 2nd ~ day of August A l),. I" 83
<br />
<br />'~,. ,~' f/ .'. ....:'2 L"?':;-
<br />,; , " I. '>~' '.. ,?~c;.<c~~~
<br />\,'1 /, . ,.. '~ -,/,-", r:.''-
<br />/,!l", ., .... t' 'r' "-,,,->.< ',-,
<br />
<br />StA~~~~I^~~d'" (1,,111.. 2nd day,,; August 1903 . bel"",....,
<br />
<br />
<br />lhe und<ln,)lIlled, a N<,tal)' Public m aod {... ...Id ('owuy. pe'.llally au...
<br />
<br />~)'ne E..FbIIlter and Judy L. Foster, each in his and her a.,.,l right..~'Ki ~
<br />o~t' , -<-.- axe
<br />_ 'to lie. tbe ilItntPl 1"""'11$ wit."", namo Iii are affi..d to lhe .b".. ~;:'''''tl ~""'lMOI 5
<br />....-ledted W: $l!lCI iniltlUt1l!ni to be their ""'WlI"Y ""t .nd deed, !
<br />'ldtN~ my' Il;wl Mnl No,,atial ~I the dale .,,,,,,,,,,", , \
<br />My {Col~ ."Pi"'.
<br />
<br />SJ,XJuse of (')i;l.ch
<br />JlOlfIOn&lIy known to
<br />..1<1 tl1C1-'" ...""l1tlJy
<br />
<br />
<br />,,-,
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<br />","'">>lit>
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<br />~,~
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<br />/.1.,5->
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<br />;:r;;: '- ':~..;;:::;::;-l J
<br />/Ai.. OOiti~i~!A~:~~;;;.. ;.'. ~t;~7~~I.. NotOfy PUbl'c ..
<br />l)!!ll ,.AMt.> h l'huN
<br />~ "" C"",,,,. hp !;,;, 11 ~!~!j
<br />