<br />
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<br />Huf(man and fellon & Woll, Wallon, He.
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<br />
<br />ALLMBNBYTJlESEP.RESENTS, That -,A, ;lobArt j~. fatt",,?, ,mel ::<<'thleAn K. Potter,
<br />in hi~ a.nd. h4t'!'I'- Ok"n right eH,-a &f.: ({PO'U$~ of (~;fch {,It:-lE,lr,
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<br />Lot F'cH.tr :t.; l11(>:1;: '1'.l:X: V~,,] ~r .~!',~
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<br />, herein called ibe grllntllr whetlier one or more:,
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<br />in-oouideration-of ~~rfionty- Pc;ut' l"hOUB-tH'iil fJnt'1 ~':G!octh@ C"t)ll.ml"~ ($24,000.QO)
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<br />l'~i"ed tr<l'ln grantees, does gtllnt, barpin, sell convey and eonfinnunto ';""',1"$ j'. ~,i"'rth and
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<br />Sl~ ifi~ 9'+ ~;Yf&'-rth, ~Hl1Rb$ont7 ft n(~ 'Wi !....f' 1
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<br />To hAY" &ad to hold the lioon deatu'ilmd p~misft lol!'t'tber with aU lenetBeuUl, h"reditalUlltlland.pp~
<br />U!nan<!t!ll th_ bt\Umgl:ng \Into Ih.. l!'l'&Ilteft ..nd to their UIllgns. or to tbe beirs and IlJIlIigDll of thllnni'IW of
<br />the. to",vw.
<br />Atld. ~tor d_ b,,",b1 eonnlUlt WIth Ih.. lft'lwt..... and ",ith tneir ~ .nd with the hea. and .......
<br />of the IlUrvivor ...t tn..m dun gnmtot' i. he..../nU,. ...,...,.j of ""..I pN'm_; tbat they are t~ fro. eneutnbranee
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<br />the titt. to -.ld pre.... .....iMI till' lAWful ..1&i_ QC.U....,_ ....h_vn.
<br />It ill the m~ti<>u ..t aU r..rt,i.... h"",l.. thaI in the H....t ot the death of either of the gt'lUlteel, the eut.irll
<br />f"Wa"~ titI.. to th'l ...... ~ ""all v_ ill tll!' Itllt'vivmc I!'nD~_
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<br />~ ~.Ilu f",,~ ~ a11d acinuJwUtiged IIu ...nr(~ tlur<of 10 be
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<br />., Mr (Jr lher~ Gel tm4 detd.
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<br />Wlhu.ss .yAoJld tm4 No~S.rallhG day uJld ~_lwtah_ UI1'llUli.
<br />"'AL.) .1 ~11
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