<br />--....-.-.-+- ::t,.7~
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<br />
<br />, S2-A-REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE-(With Tax Clause) Rev 78
<br />_._.~-'-t-._"-.~" ,~.,-,_. <
<br />
<br />Huffman and Felton & Wolf, Walton, Ne, 68461
<br />
<br />
<br />husband and wife,
<br />Ha 11 Cmmty, and State of Ne bra s ka , in consideration of the sum of
<br />TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND----($23,OOO.OO)----------------------- DOLLARS
<br />paid, do IM>reby SELL and CONVEY unto
<br />Hall County, State of Nebraska
<br />Hall C<>unty.andStateof Nebraska
<br />
<br />husband and wife as joint
<br />tlM> following d_rlbed premi_ situated
<br />. to-wit:
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />of
<br />
<br />in hand
<br />
<br />of
<br />
<br />in
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<br />~
<br /><lO
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<br />~
<br />~
<br />il
<br />P1
<br />QO
<br />
<br />Lot Four (4) in
<br />Riverside Acres,
<br />of Grand Island,
<br />
<br />Block Six (6) in replat of
<br />an Addition to the City
<br />Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />Tlw 1nh'"nlt!.tfi t~m~ tn {'(ifWf>"i,- ht'ft"h.., an al.!~t)tu!... flttf< m h~~' "I mpi.-. ltlf'h.tdm~ aU tht> nghts of homestead and. dt.'lWM.
<br />TO HAVE A"'lJ TP IHH.D f.ht. pH'tm~"""i tlhtnl' ~1>-~!K'n~"'1 With .tit ill.,. lIPliUrt€mUlt.~ tMf"PUnto belonging) un.to the said
<br />"luf't(~0t'i~} ilnd to h~ hFf "r- l~a'u' hV'tt'\l. aKlld llAAI~n$ j;'!ff'Vt. t l,nt'Vuh.~l a~wa:'l'i\.. and tt~ pJ't.l:Senttl MEe upon the €J:presl!I
<br />f:'On(hhnn (Jun II frw ~-Ki O'lOt1:f;tagon;l; I hts_ ?wr or th(~if h~lN. .'JCi..'utoMoc. adnuntsuawn or a-.lttM Ilhcd! payor C-tlUlle to be
<br />paad 10 dw ~ui rw..)rtira:g~:"1r', \0' hiS. fWf I).' thmr h.;.th ,':(~-'-"-utnn. admlnl~t,"-,nO" or ~ftll5. t1w- principal sum of S 23) 000.. 00
<br />pa"f'4b1t> M ltdiu..... to Wft
<br />
<br />Prine Jpa1 and interest payable in monthly installments
<br />oj :;.3U).9'), commenCJng un Si'ptember 1. 1983. and on
<br />the tirst day of each month thereatter tor 119 consec-
<br />utive montha. repayment 01 the principal and interest
<br />betn" iilllOrtlzed OVl'r ;j t('n-vear, 120-month period,
<br />WJth the lIn81 payment on August I, 1993, unless looner
<br />p3id. All such pavm.'nts shall be madi' pursunnt to the
<br />Prc~mlS~Urv Not{~ '-.'l (~Vf"n .Jnll:o. ht'l~t"w"l th.
<br />
<br />wnh u~t-t'"rt'lif-t *,'Iil"l,t:,rrlUtC; to tJw tt"-J$!'H Ii.r-...-j d'fi'i 1;t rh.. nt-1>n~ak,'n ",Id.lt"'" p.ttm'H~'-~ nub" bMtnnt;: fA'Nt d:Q;t~ v.'llh th~ Inl!!8enta j
<br />tiU\d 'jj.,~.U pay 1tii :t>l.li""'" aw a::!i:W"~~w-ai-'J' k,"?~'t~ H~:ol-'~' ","~l",i P>,i.l ~ -t4t.., .';f}d ~d .-.dn~f' td.~, !~i~ And ~-t"n-(..8 l~"H-t:td upon Lhia
<br />:rm!<f'.i(j:_6~ '!-r th~ h<;.h.. ""'-!H>.h tht'fr fni~t~;;J;;e.l' t~ ~t\T'{i ~.. l",,~q-.j;' Hrr ~U".' t......~ dt'lhfitithEut, #-Itd kl.~p tho buikhnp on
<br />...-td f"'ol:<th-l~ mo;u-t"..j f...r th,., ',",m~ uof 1- N I A t..."".. d 4t-t~ l''''l'V4WI1' t.o t~ ~ t'hfo"tcaJ:ft, then tM. pf~Ut
<br />to. l'llf'. \."1m1 ('t}wf.....~_' t~. hr ;Hh.i t-t'~'-.4.Ht d} fuB k'R-.'"
<br />
<br />#"1 1$ f t \U'TH1<,.H. \{;HELH t t, i t~~t !t ~h<r ~i f~",-.I-!4iHf1(<( ~ b-l-i ~_, i'-4)" ~-M.;h t.U_H (~t ph,o(~utt' .!ffi('h H-:Vtur-a:n-ce. t.he
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<br />~ ~..ftl:q~ n}A~ }$.. "1;.fdl t..t". "f'ii<.i .!'f'......-~H.... Hl....h 1!~~<"ttMK .(-". .:uw tf~ ~.S-Jn "'~ A-!:h~~i. Wlt,h mt~f.__t at maximum I,.,r
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<br />..;I ~td m..l.fH"). r..H""'f PUl'''''1-f'&t ~-".,. lftk.-~. '.;l..f"~fl !)--w:- Mllw t~.,.-i4U~ dl.W. <.'r 4: f4tlUff:' h\ ~):ply With Mon)' of tit., r()r.,uml
<br />,,-~n~. ..lut-H \-.u~ thf. 'IJoht>l...- .'Wh .>t nJo!..~l4':''; h;f"H,..n ilaoO",'u'Y"...l t>.' t."'<(41:~ du.. And n)U~u.h.u" at ()CM:t.~ 4t Ule ophUll fit tho
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<br />lames A. Werth
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<br />,,5 l rt,_ ,,_.j I t .{-~< 11,__..
<br />,naini' B. Werth
<br />
<br />/
<br />'-/
<br />
<br />STATE OF
<br />
<br />NliB.RASU
<br />
<br />County 01
<br />
<br />Hail
<br />
<br />
<br />Tht- foreaoins iNllrum.mt Willi IIcknowledgt1d betot'\> me
<br />
<br />Au g w;l,
<br />
<br />I ,
<br />
<br />19,1:lJ
<br />
<br />by ,JallwliUI"A, Wer.cb, and Elaine n. Werth, husband and "de.
<br />
<br />\.-o,,} ~"~~~~:'- . .~.~ :---; ~~~~~~~,
<br />CI:. .......'1.111... .1...........". .... } SlgMturo Of.. Penl6n Tak.m.g Admowlt1d,g:mt'nt
<br />MTJlCtAJ. aun.a < . ... .
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<br />J;:n,,,...t on n"""~ri",,.l ind<< ..".j 61<<l lor r<'CUrd
<br />in tho> R......ter 01 o-t~ Oflico oC ....id C<>Ul\ll' tht
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<br />,.dq t>l.
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<br />. at,
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<br />R.>c ,,# r~.
<br />By Dt.Jmty
<br />