<br />
<br />83- 004062
<br />
<br />1'b1s Mortgage l>; entered Into between
<br />and Wife
<br />-~-----'~~---.....~-,_.~---~~~-
<br />
<br />AlLYN D. OLSON and v~RGINIA A. OLSON, Hu..qband
<br />
<br />,__,__.. (herein "Mortgagor") and
<br />
<br />'IflEO\l'F:ffiA.~ l'lA'1'TCNAJ, BANK OF,GR.4NQ ISlAND. GraJ1~t-I~!J!.nd, Nebraska ,(herein "Mortgagee"),
<br />
<br />Mod~ Is indebted to Mortgagee in the principal ~um of $ 42, OOD. 00 , evidenced by Mortgagor's note
<br />
<br />~dJ\!!y~982_.__ (herein "Now") providing Cor payments oC principal and interest, with the balance oC the
<br />
<br />inde~ness, if not sooner paid. doo and payable on~~l2t:_15, ~98..'3 _'
<br />
<br />'1'o~fl! thl> p1ymentof the.N..w,with Interest as provided tht'tein. the payment of all otht>r sums, with in~rest,
<br />ad\iallood by Mort~ to p'rotect tM ..eutt"tjl ,l)f UIis Mortgage, and Iheperformance of the covellants and agreements of
<br />the Mortgagor dontllllled ~reln, M~gw <l?""herebJl mortgag(> and convey to Mortgagee the following deS<lribed
<br />
<br />" Hall" ..'
<br />property lO<:ated III .._.________.,___,_., CdUnty, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Four (4), Bloek '1\\0 (2) in Westroads Estate. Sa'Oud Subdivision,
<br />Hall Count}', Nebra.."lka.
<br />
<br />TOJIt'lllu with .u buiidtn~. Improve menu. fixture.. .treH.. alley'. pauag,'ways. ,'"""ments. "gill..>;. priv!I"lll!S and
<br />lIppllrte_ 100IIte<! Ih_ (N III any.."... p"rtlIimng Ih"....Io. .nd lh,' "'nl' ""u,., dnd prof!... "....ooOIl$ and rem.mdelll
<br />thftooot; ltldudinc. but not Illnitf'd to. hut",. and "oohnll pqulpment and such P<''''''nal propt'rty that is atiaclted to the
<br />~t& $0 &$ 1.0 ,vmUIUk a IiXlun', .11 of ..h.ch, mdudlt'll ....pi.....ment> and additions tlu'"'to. is h~reby dec:IaDId
<br />1.0 iw a part of th~ .....1 ...ut<> _un-<! b~ . iw lI.n of th" Mortl"1I< and all of lh. foregOing !winll ....f..m-d to herein.. the
<br />'"~y",
<br />
<br />Mo~ furth"r COIlvtmllll~ and all"'-". w,th MOfll!Jl&t"t.,., (Olk>\h
<br />
<br />L r~. To pay tht- md<>bt"dn""" and Ul<' ItH..".,., .h.-""", as prm.d<-d In lhis Mortpg.. and th. Not...
<br />
<br />2. .title, Mo.t&aeur" ~ own... of th. I'topt"rty, ,...., Ill.. nglll .nd .utb"n!~ to mortpgt" th.. Prop"rty. and
<br />watUDb tbat ~ I..... ,.....U!<i h..r"l>, "a fll'''l and p..or Ii.." .m ,.... l'rUpt'fl" ext...pllb may lItb"....,.. bt- ""t forth h.rein.
<br />
<br />u nw P'Io,,",rty IS subJ<.<:t t<l . MortPItt' ...h"wiIl
<br />
<br />Ii th,., ~.~ at Book . Pag. "I Ih,. Mofl~.R<' lh,,'ord. of
<br />Nebraska, whidJ Mon.... is a It.... pnm 10 th., I..." .'''.....0 h",,'b\
<br />
<br />,_ (',ounty.
<br />
<br />L1 OUWf prtor It.", 0' .neum""'.."..,
<br />
<br />:t 'faluI$. ^-tIi. 1'0 1*..\ wi..,,, d...- all ....... 'p"",al __nll; and all oiM'r ..haf~ against Ill. Property
<br />an4.. tIpOft Wl'iUm demand by Mortp..... to add to Ill.. pa;'nwn... ....qu....d und.., th.. Not<> """un.<! he....by, such alllount III
<br />may lit' lWffldent to enabte Ut.. M~ to pay weh lU.... ~lli tIT olll." "haJ'i6 "" th.., ~. dll...
<br />
<br />4. l~ To ket'p the imprO\"'llent& no... m ........n... 1""",1ed on th.. real <">WIle (\t,scribt-d h.relu In.sured
<br />~~. by I'lR and Slid' othef ~ as MortpCf!t' may ""'Illl"" III amOllnl.O and ",uh rompan....'ilt.'<...ptabk.- to ill..
<br />~,am1 with 1_ pilyable to the Mort..... In "...., of \""" ..ader ,...:h pol,,,,.. tM Mortjplgt't' " a..thorized to
<br />~ ~ Ml4 ~i6to. ift Its ~ho". all d~1ll$ ib".....ndt-r at ,lti sok> option, .ulltoot...d to ..lIh". apply lh..
<br />~ to ""'~tiOll of the I'JQperty ". upon tlIt> 'nd<1.bted.- """,,",d lte",by, but payments h.........d"r llhlll con'
<br />ti_ . ..w..thf ill... -.:\ bmtb)' _ 1NIi4. iI1 full,
<br />
<br />$,. Clll.1cr_ hl1'lIll. aod ,--. Notwllhlitandinc any thin, oontail1<'d in pllf8JflrpM 3 and 4 bervof to lh.
<br />~, ~iilIIlU pra, 1.0 t.he Mortfllll'M at the ti_ of payin, th.. monthly inst&llm"nls (If priod,*, and int<>NSi.
<br />_-tWdb QttlM Y*Y.. ~ _u.. ftnard.i__ pwmiu_. and .round ...nu (if any t whi<:lt may attain.
<br />.~. _..tblJ.~. all,. ~ ....U-kd ~ ti_ to ti_ by tilt' M~. Th.. amount!; so paid shill be
<br />....... u..~ .ua.t i~ lilld appIlM..to. th,.,pay_t of t!w it.._ m~t to wlli<:h .....h amollllts w,,",
<br />~.1'l:Mr~paildto~ llI!m;iAltft _ ~ ,. addltronal _Uti!) r... th.. indt-Ptf'dIl_ _ured by thill
<br />~,~"..)'to.~ UlI< dIWIlt of ally de~betw(lt!n th..actlllll tax"", _mll"lltll. Il\!IU~""
<br />~lI!Wl ~. -II an" _.~ llwwn4H within 10 day. a\'t<lr dim_d Is Illaa.. upon MOrtc"')f rtlqllOll1itillll
<br />"'..~.
<br />
<br />.. .~. ~,".~.o.. 'fophlfllpUl! repail'. lUloff or l't!'bl!ild any builtllllll" (lr impro."_nb now 0'
<br />~;.Uw ~; .w..Ji"tl.thf "'llJ la", ~tiOll "IS...., wilh.>>d. "'I$l... .nd rr... !rom mrtblllll.... or
<br />!!1_dil!lM~~~~toUwl"'Q~~ to~...uttl'tl'tlt~fU'l,t iOIl)' n~n-I""l<l$t. (ll)f to dimil.'
<br />I*~~!llt\'" .oll~~F by 1111)' l!fl Of .~. 1<> lid; lIlld 1.0 ~>lnply ...tth ltl1lWlu'lV_llbt of In "'Ill
<br />~t '4t~ l't..m}i.
<br />