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<br />Form 1-76 ~. fJ 3.1l-3t'O <br />q,~ CERTIFICATE OF REVIVAL OR RE.f{LiQ'-':l}U~CLERK'SOFFICE <br />.~ ~ .lJfjQGfJMrIr, NEBRASKA <br />~~ ~" OF A DOMESTIC OR NONPROFIT CORPORATION MARJORIE HAUBOLO, COUNTY CLERK <br /> <br />83-004061 To be submilled, in duplicale, 10: JUL 281983 <br />Secretary of Stata, Suite 2300 State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 All PIt <br />'11819jUI12,l,2,3J4,516 <br /> <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; <br /> <br />1. Now comes..w....,.Char.lea.Ji:...:aaa.dL ....., President, and. . .....lanice..K....Baa.dL.,.............., <br /> <br />Secretary and/1IlICI'reasurer, who on w....lta.rc.b. 3.. <br /> <br />........." 19....83..., were duly elected as officers of <br /> <br />.'~4~~._llaaach. '&~:r~ l:or~~"N~j~ ..!~ '~i~ted 'i;; Aiijt;)~$ oj -'nro;p;;ratj~nor-most-r;;e~-t'Amendmet;i"-'.'. ..._u__ ..... ..........-.. <br />located at,.. }.!.9.6. ...~~c:.()~~. .~!~.~\J~.lwlC~,~J:'~e.y,L ~e.}).~~."~... ~,8~/f'--..... ....".. ...... .........'.. ..... m ....... <br />FutJ Address of PtinCJf~J Place of Business <br /> <br />a Nebraska corporation duly organized under and by virtue of the laws of the state of Nebraska, for the <br />purposes of revising or renewing said corporation. <br /> <br />2. The existence of this corporation became (or will become) inoperative on m.~.PJ:'.U..J~.................,' 19~~...., <br />because of dissolution by the office of the Secretary of State by expiration of existence, or for nonpayment <br />of occupational taxes or annual fees. The revival of this corporation shall be perpetual unless sooner dissolved <br />by proper action of its stockholders, or by due process of law. <br /> <br />3. The registered office of this corporation in Nebraska shall be J9 Via Como <br />. .. un._ .-, .hh'S'ir'~;t 'iidd;';S;*~--> .-,. ..-v,., .n___.____._.n_~ <br /> <br />....-City.-H <br /> <br />Grand Island <br />.<.... ....,.. ...~... -...... . - -' <br /> <br />Nebraska <br /> <br />68801 n and the registered agent at such <br />- z;p'c~;tk-_.- <br /> <br />County <br /> <br />address shal.I be <br /> <br />Cbar1e. E. <br />- .-.----... ...j.i~;;lf.OyR;jtsi~~d-A~~.! - . <br /> <br />*Address shall be compJelll, using fuJJ street address. A box number IS acceplable only III those cases where StrMl addresses are <br />nol available. <br /> <br />*'1f !be above-lIiJl1led regislered .gem or reglslered off1ce constItutes a chilllg8 from lbe previous designation, !his information <br />will be enr<<ed onto the corpora 11011 's records In Ihis olfiee" No furlh~ notIficatIon or filing of.l separale form is n_ssary. <br /> <br />Domestic <br />Nonprofil . <br /> <br />. .$28.00 <br />. .$18"00 <br /> <br />SIGNA TURE OF AT ,LEAST TWO OFFICERS REQUIRED: <br /> <br />.......... izd~~ d:..",,"~~ <br />:=-.:" .~~~ <br /> <br /> <br />FlLING FEES: <br /> <br />DOME$TIC CORPORATIONS. A state tax l.ien h.u been filed .g;oin!t !his corporallon. The lien was filed with the countY <br />containinq Ibe po;tal address of the last,named re<Jistered a9'lllt obtamed from the tax !llCO<<i$ at the time tM corporation <br />became dlPolwd for failing 10 mMt the statu lory deadline for the fIling of the annual occupation tax report. <br /> <br />The lien wiI1 be released when tlUll certified document is filed With the county cle<k and register of deeds in the county in which <br />tM designated regilter4ld office was located as shown by the corporate records in the office of Ihe Secretary of State at the time <br />the lien was tiled. This document ~ aU oocupauon tax hens filed against above named <:orporation. <br /> <br />NONPROfIT CORPORATIONS, Notice h.u been made to the appropriate county that this corporation failed to pay its <br />bielmilIl f-. The notice was flied with the county cODWnin9 the po$ta1 addf8Sli of the lasl.named registered agent obtained <br />from tlw taX r.cords at the time this corporation failed to meet the statutory deadline for payment !>f biennial f_ <br /> <br />The notice wiI1 be cleared wh<ln this certified document.. ftJed With the county clerk in the countY in which the designated <br />.tered. office was located as shown on the corporate records in the office of the Secretary of State at the time the notice was <br />filed. 1'bi$ drx:uD*lt releases all notices rtIed against ablml named corporation. <br /> <br />CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING IN THE STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> <br />I, ALLEN J. BEERMANN, Secretary of State, do hereby certify the above.named corporation to be in good <br />~ <br />'.'l IN <br />::it <br /> <br /> <br />~3'CJ1 <br /> <br />/~ <br />.]/ <br /> <br />"')-':)'\i'\ <br /> <br />Not "!lJiclfOl ,e,-" of lien .."tll "'~tdinIJ ~u and ttatoo .1Ii "ave blten al1"'lKj <br />!f~,~. I;h....,ll!c"'~~ l'!"<tll" "~.,,-;1~-~ ,l,~~ ti'4l' ,,,,,1ji'r-~';[ ,"t~:r~ ,>, ~~R 'C, ;o-Ic,',), <br />~J!,<iI' it..,'" j'6- !t..oro4 if "'I"..,<;,~," ~<''''_''- ;;-~-_,,"'_>-"'i--'" "'P''..H_''~~'! !' I,,,,,.f., ~ ' <br />~_~'''I:' ""t,.31"- ~"'''''< ~!4' t- ,<i,-.J. "','t" .~,'" .~'"~;} ""..".'<< <br />.' .OJ ~ " .; '" J' Ai: ~ ;,' r '" ~ ."''" t <br />