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<br />83- 004057 <br /> <br />Ihe sums secured by Ihis Deed of Trusl shall conlinue unimpaired, Upon sllch paymenl and cllre by Borrower. Ihis Deed of <br />TrusI and Ihe obligations secured hereby shall remain in full force and effecr as ,f no acceleralion had occurred. <br />2&. Ass/cItmenl of RentS; Appolnlmenl of Receiver; Lender in Possession. As addirional securilY herellnder. Borrower <br />hereby assigns 10 Lender the renlS of the Property, provided lhat Borrower shall. prior to acceleration under paragraph I ~ <br />hereof or abandonmMl of Ihe Property, have Ihe fight 10 collecl and relain such reols as Ihey become due and payable. <br />Upon acceleration under paragraph 18 hereof or abandonmenl or lhe Property, lender, in person. by agent or by <br />Judicially appointed receiver, shan be enlitled 10 enter upon, take possessron of and manage the Property and to collect the <br />renls of the Property mcluding thore past due, All renlS ""lleeted by Lender", the receiver shall be applied firsl to payment <br />of the cosls of manag"m"nt of the Property and colleclIM of rents. mduding. but not limited to, receiver's fees, premiums <br />on receiver', bonds and reasonable anorney's fees. and Ihen 10 Ihe slims secured by Ihis Deed of Trusl Lender and Ihe <br />receiver shaH be liable to .accoum only for those rent... actual!\.' received. <br />21. Ful~ Alhlln-. Upon requesl of Borrower. Lender. al Lender's option. pllor to full reconveyance of the Properly <br />by to Borrower. may make Future Advances hJ Borrower. Such Furure Advances. with interest thereon. shall be <br />secrued by this Deed of Trusl wMn evidenced by prom;,sorv notes "allOg that said noles are ,ecured hereby. AI no lime shall <br />lhe principal amount of thc indebtedness ,ecured hy thIS Decd or TrusI. not ",eluding sums advanced in accordance herewith' <br />to pr<ltect 1M SlOcufllY of this Deed of Tru'l. e'~-e<.'d the onglnal amOlln! of the NOle plus US $ NONE <br />22. Reconveyance. Upon payment or all ",ms secured by this Deed of Trust. Lender shall re'fuest Trllstee to reconvey <br />Ihe Prnperty and shall surrender thIS De"d of Trust and all nores eVIdencing mdebtedness secllred hy Ihis Deed or Trust <br />10 Tn.-\tC'e Trustee 'shaH reconvey the Property Wtthout warranfY and Without ch~ltge to the person nr persons IcgaHy <br />entitled therelo. Such per~on or persons sh.:;H pay an co...t... of recordation. If any <br />23. SulKtilvte Tm'tft'. Lender. at tender-s option. may fn101 tune to time remove Trustee and appoint a s.uccessor <br />trustee to any Trust~e- appointed hereunder hy an lO\trwncnt recorded Ifl the county In which this Deed of Trust is recorded. <br />Without conveyance of the Property. the succe....sOf nustee shaH ,-ucceed to all the tHle. power and duties conferred upon <br />the T ruste" berem and by applicable law <br />2:4. Requm for Notkfl:. Borrower reque..t~ that (OPI~$ Hf the noOce of default and nonce of sale be- ~ent to Borrower's <br />adJress whIch IS .he Property Address. <br /> <br />IN WlTNf.5S WllfREOF, Borrower has executed th" Deco ot Trust. <br /> <br />I' ,1 (}(I./n .(? n <br />.Cl/ ~,u~.f/...~~.,.,......... <br />WENDELL M, LAND -Do""",.. <br />'-j.--. V <br />'_~" ,\,) /7l Q.. J1 <br />. .~G..uj:~LAr,iDna......... :"D~;'~~.~ <br /> <br />Sr....n Of NfBRASKA, HALt. <br />On this '28' day of. JUL 't <br />duly eommm.lOned and qualified for ,aId county. pcf\t'l1alh <br /> <br />LAND HUSBAND AND . IolrrE <br />u.Tenliod per~on(~J whose namc{s) af'l: ~ub~(nbcd to the iorl'goll1~ Hl!'lrument and <br />I hereof to he. THETR -olunlary acl and deed <br />Wttness my hand and no!anal >cui at <br />date afoft'sald. <br /> <br />County 55: <br />I 'i 8 3 before me, Ihe undersIgned. a Nomr)' Public <br />came WENOElL 'M'.'lAND. -ANI) 'PEGGY. '.L" <br />.. 10 me known to be the <br />acknowledg~'t! the .:".:cution <br /> <br />My Comm~iOlt e'plles ..JUNE :22, 198 f '---/71 ' <br /> <br /> <br />/J;~~ REQCE" <br /> <br /> <br />To TRUSTEE. <br /> <br />BRAND' 1 SLANI> . <br />'-) ~i'-"", /~l(".j-~/~\ <br />.~ / / -~~~! <br />" - .. ',> -"-"" <br />~ . =-.-:......... <br />Not.r)' P-ubhC /_-~'~ ~ <br /> <br />MICHAEL E. FLEMING <br />fOR RECON\E;'lANCE <br /> <br />. . in said county, Ih.;- <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />The undcrSlgned .s the h"Wer 01 the I10te ur Ill>l", ,,'cured hy lill' Deed 01 rru,r. Sa.d note or te,. loget <br />WIth all other mdcbtednes, ,ecuH'J by nil' Deed ur TnlSl. II,,,,, ocen paId In full. You are hereby direct" alleel <br />SOlId note Or notes and Ihls DeeJ of Tr"'I, "h,ch 'lfC Jdrsetco herehy. and 10 reconvey, WIthout warranty, all the <br />e,tatc now held by you under fh.s De<.-.J 01 r rU,1 hi the pcrs.m or pcf>on' legan, enlllled rhereto. <br /> <br />Date: . <br /> <br />t$~e 8...0- Hh~ L':".e R~'\f.o Fl)f l~n(fer ana Rtl~,'l)~deq <br /> <br />CRfATM FINANCING, INe, <br />10407 DEVONSHIRE CIRCLE. '225 <br />OMAHA. HE 68114 <br />