<br />83- 004057
<br />
<br />UNtl'OltM CovENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenanl and agree as follows:
<br />I. ~ of PIt.... ... I.... Borrower shall promptly pay when due lhe principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedness evidencecl by lhe Note, prepaymenl and lale charges a. provided in the Nole, and Ihe principal of and inlerest
<br />on any FUlure Advances secured by Ihi. Deed of Trust.
<br />%. ...... fw ~ ... l~. Subjecl 10 applicable law or 10 a wrillen waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />10 Lender on the day monlhly illSlallmenlS of principal and inleresl are payable under the Note. unlilthe NOle is paid in full.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to one-Iwelfth of Ihe yearly taxes and assessmenl. which may allain priorily over this
<br />Deed of Trusl, and ground renls on the Property, if any, plus one-lwelfJh of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />plm one-lweffth....f yearly premium inSlallments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably est,maled inilially and from
<br />lime 10 time by Lender on lhe basi. of assessments and bills and reasonable eslimates Ihereof.
<br />The Funds shall be held in an instilulion Ihe deposit. or accounls of which are insured or guaranleed by a Federal or
<br />slale agency (including Lend",. if Lender is such an instilul,on). Lender shall apply Ihe Funds 10 pay said laxes. assessments.
<br />.000rance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge (or so holding and applying Ihe Funds, analyzing said accounl
<br />OJ' veri(ying and compiling said asteuments and bill.. unless Lender pays Borrower inlcresl on Ihe Funds and appltcable law
<br />permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in wriling al the lime o( execulion of Ihis
<br />Deed of Trmt that inlerest on Ihe Funds shall be paId to Borrower, and unle" such agreement IS made or appltcable law
<br />requires such interest 10 be paid. Lender shall nol be requored 10 pay Borrower any Inlerest or earnings on Ihe Funds. Lender
<br />shall gin 10 Borrower, wilhout charge, an annual accounung of Ihe Funds shOWing credilS and debits 10 Ihe Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debil 10 the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged a. addilional .ecurity for Ihe sums secured
<br />by tt... Deed o( Trust.
<br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. togelher with the future monlhly in.lallmenl. of Funds payable prior to
<br />IRe due dates of taxes. a~nts. insurance premiums and ground rents, shal1 eltceed the amount required to pay said taxes.
<br />assessments, -insurance premiums and ground rt"nts as they fall due. such excess ..hall be. at Borrower's option. either
<br />promplly repaid to Bolf'OW<<r or crediled 10 Borrower on monlhly ,".Iallmenls of Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Lender shaH not be- sufficient TO pay ra.:e~. asses.sments, Insurance premIUms and ground rents as they fall due-.
<br />Borrower shan pay to tender any amount necessary to make up the defiCiency wlthm 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesting paymenl thereof
<br />Upon payment in lull of all sum. secured by thos Deed 01 Trust. Icndcr shalt promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />held hy LendeL If under paragraph 18 hereof the Properw " sold or the ProperlY" otherWISe acquired by Lender. Lender
<br />,hall apply. no laler than immedialely pnor to 'he ,ale of ,he ProperlY or us acqulS.lIon by Lender. any Funds held by
<br />l-endcr at the tune of application a. a eredll again'lthe sums secured by IhlS Deed of Trust.
<br />J. AppIk.doa of Par-lOa Unles.s apphcable law prov,des otherw.se. all pavmem, rece,ved by Lender under lhe
<br />Note .nd paragraphs 1 and 1. hereof ,hall be applied by I ender first m payment of amounts payable 10 lender hy Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof. then to anfere-S1 payable on the Note. then to {he pClnclpal of the Note. and then to interest and
<br />pnnctpal on any Future Advances,
<br />4. (~IleM. Borrower ,half pa,,' aU fine",-_ .i'i.s.e'-'imCrH'\ and other charges_ fines and Impositions attributable 10
<br />the Property which ma)' attain a pnonty over thJ~ Deed of TrllsL and leasehold payments or ground rents~ if any. in the
<br />mumer provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, jf not paid in 'Htch m.llnner. hy Borrower making payment. when due. directly
<br />to the payee thereof. Borrower shaH promptly hJfOf!Jh 10 f _coder all nO{lc('\ of amounts dtlc under I~rs paragraph~ and in the
<br />event Borrower .hall make payment dtrcell}'. Borrower ,hall pmmp"y furnISh to lender rece.pt. ev.dcncmg sllch paymenls.
<br />Borrower shaH promptly" discharge any hen wtuc.h hafl pflorny o>\:er tttl'~ Deed of hust; pnwuicd, that Knrrnwcr shall not he
<br />r~Ulr1:-d (0 d~~h.rgc any such lien 'jj.() iong .._Ii BOffower ,hall J.Afce Hl ",r1tm~ h' the payment of the obligation secured by
<br />-...u\:h lte---n in iI manner .I.:'Ceptabfe to f _coder. nr o;nall if) ,~ood t ;lIth conh"" .;,tH:h lien hy. (If defend enforcement of stich lien In.
<br />legal prlx:eeding,; whu;h operate to prevent the: t'nhlf(Cmenl ,II the lIef! Pi h\rlt'lture i,t the Ptl't-perty or any pan there-of.
<br />$.. naz...l1_~. Borrower ...hail keep fh-e Improveme:nt\ now c:\'\,tmr.: (IT hereafter erected on the Property insured
<br />agiiUn~t loss by nre. haurds tm,.tuded \\<Ilhm (he ferm "(",Ie-oded ~oV'C'rage' J.nd 'lH:h other hazards as t l."nder may reqtllrc
<br />and m !il.uch amounts and for $lJCh pe-nod-s a!lo I_coder may It.''quHe: prn\tH.h."-d. th.u Lender ...h",U not rC"qulre fhat the amount of"
<br />'lm.'-h ,'ovcra.xc e:\ceed that amount of (overage n:qwrcd to pOl'" the sum\ 'iCt,"urnJ by Ih,,,- Deed t'lt TruM
<br />l"he iruuran<:(' carue.r provHhng fhe !fl,\untOl.(' ..naU he dHh..en ~y H-orrO'~et <\ottle-t.t hl appro'ral by t cndcL provHJelL
<br />that ~uc.h approval man not he unrea~(ltl..thty w~(hhehj \.11 flf('rmum... 1,)-0 In~Uf~Ul\'C f~)It~}L~S. _"hall he paid in the manner
<br />:novlded under pafalfapb 2. he:r<<\1 or. II nul paId In !l-U\..n rndnn~r. hy Borrower fuail.lng payment. when due.. \hrectly to the
<br />ID1urance- carrier.
<br />AU IMWaJK~ poIU':1CS .and rencwd.l.. IfH:ft:\)l ~haH k 1ft h-..-rm .iI....\,.\..~-.tbk 10 Len\.ier and !\.haH Im:iude a standard mortgage
<br />ChUlSC in favor of and in form 4(:.(:ept.lb-k to f enJer lxntier ..haH fl.l\'C the flghl to twill the poih.'feS ~tOd renewals thereof.
<br />and Borrowe.r shall promptly furnish ll> LenUcr aU rct"~YI'-ai n(.~k;e'\ and aU rC!;":Ctpb of p;.ll\.l: pfcmjum~, In the event of Ios-s~
<br />Borrower shaJl give prompt notl~~e to lhe IOSUran((' 1.. ,;uncr ,;f.nJ tende-l Lcntler m.lt)' male prvof of JOS$ If not made promptly
<br />by Borrower,
<br />UnJei..!il Lcnckf and BorfilWc-f otheOttT~.~ itgttt U1 "lItmg~ mw!afu;t: PH-'::COOs '\-haU he apphed to re\lora-tion Of repair 01
<br />the Property, damaac4. pfO"-'tded such re~tor-,:ltt.}fi ,"lI (ep-diif ~'" (\.o~lJ'n'\'aH) f('aMbi-c ,Hid the S4:curit,Y of thiS Deeu of Trust is
<br />llOt lhereby tmpalfed, If 'frriIKh restorahon Of rcpilu 1\ not ,--~ontmlk.:all) h.':aStblt: ;;lr it the ,<<unly of thi.... Deed of Trust would
<br />be Imp4ned. the Hl~UfalKe proceeds shaH be: .1ppltcfo.i to the ~unb ~uf~d h)' (hI'\. Lh..'"C'd 1)( '1 rt'\L \l;lth Ihe c~~-e\s, if an)'. paid
<br />to llorrowcr. If the Properly i~ abandoned. by Botfo""'~r. ,\f If tioffPwer LuIs. 10 fe~pvnd iO Lender Within )0 day~ from the
<br />dale OOlK:C is. ml.iled by Lender h) Borro"~r Ih., Iht: mliUf;iHl,,'C' J,;.os.Hler \Jth:h to ~cnle ~1 d~um (or Insurance bcne6lSo. Lender
<br />" aUlhound t.o collecl and apply the lO....fa""e pn.xeeds ,ll Lender's Upltun e.ther 10 ''''torallon or repair of the I'ropcfly
<br />or to the sums _ured by Ih.. Deed of T ""t,
<br />Unleu Lender and Borrower othe-r"'t.)(: ;'t.gn:c In ~ tiling. -41\' "'Ud1 applu.;atlo-n \It pnx:c-eds to prHl(:ipal \hall not extend
<br />ur postpone- the due d.te ot' the rtk.mthly m~laUmcnb felcrrt.':u ll} HI p.ragnlph:\- I and 2 hereof or change the itmOUIll of
<br />such ms.t..aUmenb, If under p&r_lfaph ll'\ herei.)! !he: Pn.,ll-'lc:'Il\- 1\ ..H.'4uued h~ Lender, aU nght. wle and IntCf'e)t of Bt'UOWCf
<br />m and tu any Insunuu.---e polic.es amJ lO .otnd to the pfll\.eeUS lnef\:ot rnultlng from darn-age 10 the Propert)' pour to the sale
<br />or acqUl-SlhOn shaH pai.i to Le-Il\ier to the ~:\tcnt ot lhe ~um~ ')C(ured b)- Ihl:~ lJe.c:\.l ot T(U~I Hnmedialcly pnor to ~uch ,.ale or
<br />acquWliou.
<br />6. ~..... MItlIdcUlKe of Propert}; Ln.cholds; C.......miniUlUS; PIaa...,d lJait Oenlopmenu. Borrower
<br />...h~U keep the Propcny H1 It'-....xJ ft"p,;,&lf ..Hid ,hall fH,){ \.TlfIUHlt "'-.hlt: or JX'HHll Imp.J:uHh:fll ._11 lh:h:ftl.Hatlnn of the Prupel!)'
<br />~nd shall compJy ,.'irh the prO"ls..on~ of .ita) lcaj,c it thiS I~ tlf frU~l IS ~'n .J k'<ts-ch\J1d It tht\ Deed of Trw.t !\ nn a ~mlt in ~
<br />..:ondonuntum or .:1 planned unH dc:\;ei.."Jpmcnt.. BoUU'oio'Ci ihall pcdorm .ill ot Boftowec\ nhltgalH.1n\ llftOC-r lh~ dedardllun
<br />Of ~"'Ovenanl\ cr~-4Umg or g\wenun-g the ..,-",.nd-omtfilUm ~lf ~:-JJ.fJnt:"d unl1 dc\-clopment, the by. jaw:" .md rcgutiltwn\ pf the
<br />c-OAdominium or pl.aoned unu development. and (ORSlIiuenl dtXUmenh.. H a I.:ondomioium Of planned tHHt devdopmcol
<br />ridu i. eJ<e<:uted by !lo;rower and recorded ,ogether lO.th lh.. I:lecd III Ir...t, lhe covenants and agreements 01 such fldet
<br />>hall be illO>rpor.ted into and >hall amend and supplement the C(l'cHant. and agreements o( thl> Deed 01 Trust as .f Ihe nder
<br />Ii'Cff a part hereof.
<br />1. PnactioIt 001 ~t. Secwit}~ It Bo,u:ower falls to perCo.rm the CQ\'enams and ,agra:ment~ (~)ntatncd in thi,
<br />Deed of Trott. 0{' if any acllon _Of proceedmg l\ C(1mmen\:ed wh;;;h mah::naH} aff~b- Lender's ,"Iernl In the Prtlpc,-ty,
<br />tndudina.. hut not limited to~ enUMttt don'Uun~ ifU,Qlvcnc:y. ~Otie enf\Jh.:emenl. or arrangement.'!. or pHx:<<-dlng~ Hl\!i.)lvlf1g .1
<br />bank.ru-pt or dei;edenl" then Lender at l~ender''S- opt.on, upon 1101,,;( to- Borrower, ma.y make such appea,.aH~l"\, di",htH\C ;-.\Kh
<br />5wn$ aod take' such action as. lS nec-eu.a.ry to prOle.::t Lender's lnrert"),t, mduu1ng, hut not ilflHtcd h\, dl'!.hw:)cllh::nt of
<br />r~bk: attor~y's ft:e:$ and entry upon the Pn)per~t to. mak.e rcpalf~ It Lender r-t''1U1n:u lllllrCgag\& In\Urolllh.:t: ~I'" ,a
<br />CODdlbon at mat.iJlC the loan secured hy Ih.. Deed of Irusl, Bormw~r ,hall pay the prcnllu"" rC\jl.lIrcd ", lIl,unlam ,uch
<br />inMKaR:Ce tn dlCCI untJI t.UCb tl_me A' the reqUirement lor sw:h in"uram.:e lernun.u-(',). 'n "h:\,:urdant.:e with UOrrl.HA'cr\ '-\Bod
<br />t~4s whlte.a agrctmenl Of appl<<:.able law, BorrotW'Ct' ~haU pay [he amount 01 ",U J11Qrtgage nhUf3-th.::e P'ft"f1ltUtTh 1/1 the
<br />-_ providc;J undet polll\&raph 2 hercoL
<br />.AJ1y ~ disbu.ned b)' Lt'nd~r punuant, to thu pill"gr.tph 7, \tiilb :oh:-re--\t tnereon, \haH h~\.llmC .IJt.!ttloo.t1
<br />1~iie'U of Borrower secured by tht8 I:leed of Tntsl Unle~~ Borrower ..nd l CHUN ,lgree kl {)thcr {('fen!!. of paymclll. ,>U\:h
<br />.~U u.U be. Ply.bIo upon notke from Lender to !k)ftOWCT tC41Je.lmg payment fh~f(;-Of. and shaH bear IOtere:s1 tn)ll\ lh...
<br />dab, of disbu~m at the tab:: JM-,.'.bIe ffom time to time 00 O--uhttinUm-g priO'Jp..J under lhe NOI{' unk"'.$\ payment 1)1 inleftS!
<br />&t Ilkh r-ak w>auJd be :eootr-iiry 10 .pptu;abk I.... in 'of,'"h<<.:h evC:H 'HKh -amQ-Unt~ ~hdH he'ar mtcreM ;H the lHghc\( rille
<br />~blot ut.r aPPfi<:able I.... NOlhit\l cont~,"ed ," If", pa,ag,aph ' shall re'lU"e Lend." 'n "','" an; c"pe",e ,,. t3~<
<br />;my ~ herfllA4lr.
<br />.. ~ tc_ndtr may -make (tt CJlV'ttC to be. made flu'~lnabk e-f!U'te~ Hpon >t-nu m'~Hol'\S of the r~~~rty, pft.)vi\1,.d
<br />tllat l...~ dIldlllve Sort_or n<>li<< ""at 10 ..oy 1lUCh ;...."",1"'" ,pc.:,ly"'. "'...."nah'" .:au.S<: I"""''''' rela.e.! It, I <OlJe,"
<br />;.._ m tbe r.-.
<br />