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<br />
<br />
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<br />;""",''''91
<br />
<br />83......004025
<br />
<br />
<br />TogetIlefwilttall 01 tl1e Improvement~ now or hereafter erected on the foregoing described properly, and all ea~ement~, rightS, appurtenances,
<br />rents, royllllies.. mineral, oil and gas rigb!s and profits, water, water ngbts. and water stocK and ail fixtures now or hereafter attached to lhe
<br />fOregomgdesctil;>edptoperty, aU of which. incWng replacements and additions thereto, shail be deemed to be and remain part of the property
<br />cQVElfedQy fhi$~ and'!U offheforegoil1g. together with said foregoing oescribed property (or Ihe leasehold estafe in the event this
<br />Mcllf~'iS on ~}are herein refelfedto as the "Property"
<br />
<br />TOHAl/EAJilO'lOHOlOtN> f'o{)pettyonto the Mortgagee. jcrever, the intention being 10 convey an absolute !itle m fee to said Property
<br />and ffie MOrtgagor .cCNellalllSand al)fl!eS'
<br />
<br />I'fMTi'Thaf R willkoopthe Property and all parts theleOt ,nsured by DOhcies oi insurance, oi such klOUs and In forms and amounts and with
<br />a c~ot~~1o the Mortgagoo, w~n a clause or clauses attached making lOSS peyable to the Mortgegee as its,nterestmay
<br />~i,filo ~by tIle:~.tlwsai<lpo!iCies ot .nsurance are to be delivered to the Mortgagee. The Mortgagee is herebygjv~n a firs!
<br />lieItoo.llI1YirlSlJfanoo proceecispaid as a result of loss or damage 10 the Property Any insurance fundS paid to the Mortgagee as lneSOll of
<br />d~Qllo$$tOlht> f>rope<ty shall, at tile: option 01 the Mortgagee, be credited egainsl the payment Of payments 01 the Indebtedne~s, liabi>>f;es
<br />and.~.secured by ttlI& Mottgll98
<br />
<br />-. That it WIll PIli aU premiums upon inSUffiOC'l ",,,,"cles ilCens"". or loos legally owing by the MMgagor. and all taxes and
<br />all~ .Whlch may be !evled or a__d upon the Property, and in cletau<< Ill.'" 01 the Mortgagee may pay the said insurance premiums.
<br />llCllnses, Ie...., tll1<lls. Of _ors due. and any amount so p&d shaH t:>oc.ome a oart Of Ihe principal debt sMll bear interest frorn the date 01
<br />payment-a-t..t.ne rate -ct, eighteen percent pet annt!fP. st',at!. ~ogether With /.ntt'!l'S:t 00 a hen Of! the Property and 00 secured by this mortgage, and
<br />sll!l!llte~ (100 an<.! payal)i&
<br />
<br />THIflI!D; That It 'iNIU keep tiU bi.illdings and eQufp~ sutnoct h-: thiS rn;;:~(tgage m gOOd .and subslantla! r.ep~r dunng the contmuance Mtoot
<br />ana Wil!MI cause. $l,ifer Of pern'llt .,aste !hereO!
<br />
<br />FOUInM. That it W:nl bear an- expenses Of cctSlS ~'ncldern fO Ih.e fBtease of thp !H:~n (.it irns rnortg:age. t.n wl'IDle or !n pan
<br />
<br />FIFTH.: Tt-at ~ wt!t. at aU t~J11e$ dur<.nQ the- e''-:(,$u:~Di'_'e (jf n!1y' pan ot W.e l;en t~e-r~n DfOVldoo lor ma;nt3m its corper-ate- eXistence and operate
<br />Its ~ as a {:()(.)petatt>J€ l!:S$(JC.!3hon Qi-Jiuf;-ed unt1e! trte [1r-OVl.SH)flS 0: :t'-.e Ac! G-! Cong:fes5- known as the Farm Credit Act ot 1971. as amended
<br />
<br />SIX11t That l.~ wffi not i.1um'1g ~1 ~)!-.sten(.e ot a1",Y OfH! (;1 W;.f> 1,('11 f'leTe.Tl p'rovroet1 tm s.e1i. If!as€ Of aSS19ft- alL Of any part of the Property
<br />wrt'hout the pr~ WftJ'ten t"{,\f'.:.M1Ot ct me ~-m9agee apPfT)\"fll.;1 Si..K:r. S:i:l-1€, :.nase ass;qfr"-~~nr
<br />
<br />&lO each ~T=~=Y;~~:~::~~j~:1:;; =~;:l t~~~:~~ .~~~f[~J~ ~~~;1~?:~~ !~:~~c~= ;::;:~~~efa~~~~ ~r (f~=:~
<br />
<br />el('~ at taw- Of ~ equtty or, 0;, statUl:~. Zty operatiO!1S: :;}t !Hw Of -G'-:r:-fl--f'i"~l~f
<br />
<br />E8tTM. Thal every r-qf1f. fumed'", pfr"~, ;:,ovo.)nart ,j9reem€'f'~,! J-"",~ Do,,\'f_'t nram&l r-;f:--reuna-er 10 ;h(;): sard Mortga-g-ef1 shaf1 run. Inure
<br />ana be i,\li,(MnSe tor too beoofu ot an\, (if ~!t Si.R::CesSOf'S Df -asS?y---n.5 Dt sa'-O M-Grtqaq-ee
<br />
<br />~ That 4 m tawM-'J Sl.52etl d ff'-.€ PrOOOft')" has q0;...""'O ::g-nr S-t},t ark') ,;.r,-f'l'if!Y sa-;r:~[, 'ree -)! m.; Sflcurnbrar1C(t$., U'al 11 W,H defend the
<br />(.l:U!t11 ~ ~ by tt~ MortQagee and 'A..,r~ warrant a,j(j Ci.:ff;>M ;<-U;} ~a''N~ ilQ.)lf,gt a:! I-..~W1-iJi '-'aUT,s { t i1!'ty -pt~.fson ~"\iharnSC1C'Ie-~ {flat ft Will not
<br />(~'lfl'lOVe $ (if a!'!)' part;;ot'l pf tt'\:e s-&d Pr-{~)etty h"---")'1~ l~ lCl'l.JHf)-
<br />
<br />TENtH. fhaI in the tJv-efk1' th!! Mortgagor C1et~u-it'3 ion [r~1 P-iii-H"'~~n1 ;,"~ ~ '-iny i:;! th.; ,nOt'f!)1't}Uf'lt'S5 '..'tDiNtOS and ~)DhQdnons ot MO-r!UaQOf to
<br />Mortgagee ev~ bv SW>-:J t,-'1$fl ~~ .and b,y,une t;4 ff>!)rc ~}-or:.tfJfnl":;;~.'S t) ~~~1Jd l.')~'tJt Agrt.~,;nnent an'(1 Q\;' (n~ Of rnl.")re Dern-ana Prom:ssorv
<br />NotM, \'T~ doo >b-'tielfief by 4(.c-e'le'at~C-,t1 V f~!",:~jrWtW 'JJ ;j4:"!'rautt~ ii' :hp t'<lY"nen~ v~ ~~1';,,' ,nsu~~lt'Ct: ~~ftltl1ttJ!11 ;:)t ~a..os ana S\i(;t\ ctefauU shalt
<br />cont~ 10f a tJettOd t;f 10 dByS, Cft :H tnu ~.\i't~f~ (,"'!: U~1 Vlt.lia~K;r ;:jn-~' ~:! Jf~~ OP",eot arr:~""l c(1'!1d4h)n5< i'I{JJf.:emefl:L:,; lif (.;)vena.n~s. l)f In P->:B even!
<br /> tht-:;!
<br />Mortgagrn tatiS. -(..'i.f. fat~ ~ ~1~ tN~ rt1\,~tflef;t )" i".:lB~ ~~.. sf{..,,-~lo- i;~ ~r\i-.~ M.-)t:Qa9l:~! iJS rf"t-};);lr(?d n-, 1fW FHHt1 CmGli An cf i971. JS ar.lefHje~l Vf
<br />uOOf\ dO)" c:r-N~ of ~str,p Dy ~ pu)t-($~, N'wC"tAK"i;'t ,.;y.JF,>'<:ll $<!lq ':,! ':,f>ea!i-<j.n nl i-it'\; ~" ,S :t~ -Mt.mgIl\1Qf $.t'la!! ('ease {tit'! 0perah(}(l Of its
<br />pi-ant, then i~ ~ g'#j ~1. 'h'3tfll-"'U~ i'~::m,t':e. t~'4!t H'l~ ~t<!-)W P'!(~ tM"'!'>Cl{jdj f~,~~~~ ~",,~eu-y "!;;,,(:u~~'-;;l (3 ~J rn-'"JCr, ,is 3-flaH then li;'-!''i'1';,3tn ;JnpaJ-d
<br />tt'~ W'tn u.-.l~ i(l!er~ ~G,tt~ thef.t]\;.,...", ~.r-la-'f !rt~f'."r-e'(j,~i-i"k,t L~.,":,Vl",~ G-'uV dn-~i p.j:v;:,Die 3nd,~ MuHgaQtJe ;!1fiy i!nfnetJlatety trneG!OSB IfliS
<br />!~ 01 ;,-x.'f~ ~~' <~~ d-ya~j ~i fi!W~.:'o..~ly ~':.;-(;~~1 l'1-':J:I ,p H~" ti'0t",r1-! -.;....".3' nd'aurt dn-(l LW;:.:'i' m ;:.dlU lL~rock.i$U-fe antl 'j,dlB, Ine
<br />-MoIt~ ~ t~ authOfj'~ to t':'!)UN uiJt.Jn if~,* Pf1'::-<t..--~h t~l.~~ i-~-~,>-~1fi~fy!C.~-( 1,:S t!~ .,..df!-~n .:ir:C E) t~.;{-,! Of '(''dM: any (Y. lnft Properly 10 any PCf50fl,
<br />-MiQ l$.he~ aut~i.teO tc- ,)CC;JPY U''\fo &4i(j p.,~v if!:(;- ~.<fr.,-t.,:~:A'.l~ !~i(.""~A ,}!.j:;"lof .:::h;>.'jy(Vf.g till nec~(H;Sdfl' €1\po_:lr~€,~ to t~ apP1'OO 10 ~!~ payment
<br />()of the j;I'~-t!(~ ~t~s. -anti Ov~QiR-->('J"~ ~iJ,~\:-n1 ~,~etJ'f '~I'--;rJ !1-,a,"\.~ h"n;t9-<l'~)-f n€'foo~ di,.-"powt!s -MHO (lli~4/itaie-s tne Mongagee of any pefOOf';
<br />~oo try it ~. as. dS. ~nt arx1 an~he1 tn !-&;; ~'Hlr'! t",s; i::C'(~'tl-! rifhj ~,,~N}ntJ LJ- t!i';~ute t~ n.am-e 0i antj by dul.&"Jt:ly (1t Ole W<I,lli:gagor.
<br />'lr"ly tn5!fll1\efit b',. ~h 'l'he Mt::Fi~ rlJ;.blOMn; ~Jr'" G~ ;ne :,-gh!$ aj~l p4"\t;\ege~ t.-.e~q L.{.s'\J~!~'Rl lht" t~I,.->B-i1i Of ~IW d{,'tf(!fl Vi !t1t;- ~40'ftgagw to
<br />enkY~ Cu4edal (:It -s~ tf~~ ~k\U<Mti':-ti< ~A '1<b~gar~'\'5, ~,)f" M,~tg~ .it9,~'i ~r\:!f aJ] ;d)l;.ahie coMs Uf ~u~tl achon ll''-('!W.l,nq statutOfy
<br />aftot(~ too&- tOt Pf~tft '!;c attofne'f and ~he ,-:--i:}S\ Cr ~,,,i;t-;,{<;,j>;;~; {t'-~. nnsHa-cl ; -,~ ~,t~ ~1-<,&i rn."',1.~';;,t.~ d ~}iti! j)f s-a.~{i ~!1()ebhfdtk!-SS" i,d,b;:hhes
<br /> (;f ubllQallonS
<br />~'.- ~ ",,(I i;I>ai4 00 p,W by!"" 1.1""9"11'"
<br />
<br />e&.EYeNI'K. thai the c.--'niS~, \,it t~ M(\{1U:~ ,:U t;lI.t:t~:';fiitt\ ~'1-ny ;)p!.O'l '\-(<li-ktfKlt'( "r~ Cct~€, G! (iny d-e-fau'i ()y ~ne ~lon-gago., -s-rlali not
<br />pf~ i.\ fKJ\'n !:he ~C~~ H"lef1i\'Of ~ any "l;t)~~.:'n! hiT~.t n_'.f d-;~~ ~,-",O~i~: [:$(c~ltw<< t~r,o fjOHW~ OU~ a. wnflen C~:;flt!iiL;t 0\ !f~ ~1()rtgagfJtl
<br />~ -b:e .a ..,.,a;V{N' !.>t afl'-t SVi.~n ,~'ltl!(,n
<br />
<br />
<br />'f'WIILFTH.,.lt ,$ h..dtfMll iW'-JfdeU thdl: .n t.,dr~ v~ UtM__IIW.t ~\ ~e-:o.~'"t ~,.1 ..tPi '...J tf)t~ !t"r~,',~ \.;J tht!:1 nil){lg~tJ. {r~ M...'Sftgagoo tjllhef LreloH1 01 l~i!
<br /> tr~~
<br />conlffillf~l'1.$t\t ot an .oct'iQfll0 ~lO&ti m:'li. H'it."I(l~ y,o a: un, hMt1 !t~€-~H!/;..t;f. :jl~ -be u,n-hHOO 10 ~ht,~ M4,.Ni.nt,nent at a H:K'tl,\,-'(;: whO ~haJ-.l have
<br />t-htl ~ U:l t~ and hui!o P(~'l\ (} S-al0- Pl:-t.~n,' urllJ ~o f(\"n{ ,tne W!Htf ~ ~~:t 1~'} fa.nts. .';InC protlts tr-~trOITl tor 1Mi-.' befleflt 01 said
<br />Mor1~., p;i!ly ltw:t ~ ~ ~ ~ Pt~rty. 4lftJ ~ me- S.alllC :n f{~J;.~r, -a!h.^J suc.~ r.got -s.hi!{i ,n no &.~nt 00 harle.;. brteltt1d^ I-..~ retarde<..l
<br />by ~ Of ~, dec<<te Of ~ ~ SUC~\ t~~t:l, a."'ld- ttlA3'. t'9-"1I 10 naw ~":'f~ fK;t:"VOf apPcltfnec "-,,pan fipp1!cahon 0' trre "-iortgagt."e snail
<br />&iCi$l ~,of- tha fact of ~'lGy Of ~'"1iief'IC~ at th& "'~i~Y 3~1d f~'U~e" Gt ::16 \'aiue ot Sd.!.{i frx.}ftg-~ pnv~l,ses, (rt ~'he w-asl$, U"fu.'B,
<br />df)d. ~~'i 01 thfI ftM'ltS. anu .~)fQM$ (i1" S4tO- f!-\(',,{l~ .pc.'"l!-ses ~....iI'rt'19 me $1~4'1(X'i ~tl:VO 01 ret1enlPlK..)!') _ 'The ngh:: ~o ~hH appolntn~n! 0.1 S.iCfl
<br />.r~m'iY. S:rut 00 ~ 4-$ av~y ~o ar~J ;n a>ct 01 an-'J' othe-~ m:;h1S ,JfKwf' l~1,:s IXJ;.'1gaQ€ as h€.leii1Oe~9fe pi'O'i'iCli~ dr,,-! In ilt) rnam~f d$
<br />oeltkltf>Q lr<:mOt ,n ctllHI\}iOl.lO<1 c~ $&0 """,
<br />
<br />~.~ ,And M1@te.as the ~ Mot~ ,(': ;1lat--,.,.."l'ij. ap~iii-(.al<('i'\ ~w a :(~ has f'n.&i-e Cl~Uil-f! H~-va;:kfna!lons. 1(.1 the M{Jngagt::>(i ciS
<br />the.pur~ Of ~~~)i ..~~~ tt\e n'u)(\;y k.~"\t}d ml ~hl$ rn0!lg~ \\~.as tKJi't.....oo, $,.'(:;; repfC:SeNahCifj-S are f;t:'r~b-) ~,p'-"Clhcaii~ 1\~feHf.Ki to ana
<br />~'.&- part.d, thi$ ~~" tr :s fur1hef agr~. that tt-i~ rnort~ 1$ mau"-e pl.,arsuun'L anJ $ubjOC! to aii the p.fQV;$,<i',Jt'S cl thf> ~\,::I Of CongJt~SS
<br />~~ as ~ Fa-nrr Credit -Ad. of 1971. arliJ: ~ kts ,r.}--'lenoat\.'1JY theJoof Of s.u-;..'-'p~:..-"f!;enta.!l Ihm-t:tv
<br />
<br />-)-
<br />