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<br />I <br /> <br />FMF:dr <br /> <br />oec.521., <br />tAtw 9.79} <br /> <br />83-004025 <br /> <br />REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE <br /> <br />01 <br /> <br />THIS MORTGAGE. made this 11th (jay 01 February 19 83 . between <br /> <br />FARMERS UNION COOPERATIVE ELEVATOR ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />1140 South Lincoln, P '~eb~~~k~00'6~8Md Island, organized and eXisting under the laws 01 the Stale <br /> <br />Nebraska <br /> <br /> <br />WHERf.AS. Mortgagor's obllgallOn 10 repay any "1ans ma<le by Mortgagee to Mortgagor WI" be evldenceCl by said loan Agreement. by <br />one Of more Supplemenls to said Loan Agreement and by one ormo;e Demand PromlSsmy Notes aggregaung In principal amounts the amount of <br />money _h tne Mortgagee has commueCl 10 <end 10 the Mortgagor (wtlich such Demand Promrssory Notes are helllffta1ter ",dividually and <br />colleclMlly ,etem;d to as rhe 'NoIe") and. ," add.l"'" 10 lhe ("Ibl!gahoolo repay the torego>"1Q Gescrlbed loans. Mortgagor flaS other inaebredooss, <br />liabilities and obliga1<<)1'lS 10 MOrtgagee as 'S prov~ '" 5aJd l W1' A{Jteement and saKI Supplements 10 5aJd loan Agreement <br /> <br />WHEREAS. Irom '.me 10 1....... aU.., I"" date hefrot 'It lhe (tolKlfl 01 !he Darr"",. Mortgagor and Mortgagee may enler into one or mole <br />Su~s to s$d -loan- AgreemerJ 10 prO....ide f()f the Mortgagee makl<WJ addlllOl'181 foans to 1~,e ,.J(H1ga-;}Of and Changmg the other obkgabOnS of <br />Mortgagot 10 Mortgagee PROVIDED HO\\lEVER THIS RECITAL SHALL NOT CONSITUTf A COMMITMENT TO MAKE ADDITIONAL LOANS IN <br />ftN'f AM()UNT <br /> <br />ViHEREAS. Mortgagor-s ~ano.'1 to fepay au !uttite lOans ;JOOthor.a1 advances ana if'lCrea5eO aovances other than those made tn <br />aCCO<<l.91\Ce with the Loan Agfeernern ana t)flu Dr fr\,.'1ff:- SuWjerne01<; datee (,;n .Jr OOff'~ the date hef"wf. iAiU be elftdenced by s.aid Loan <br />Agreement. by one Of l'11Offi Supofemerns. to s.aKJ Loan Agreement anO by one Of rTh..:r~ Demand Pr()rtllssory Notes <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Mortgagor ~es !O m~)rtgage l.r;e rea} e-state;j h;-~e'f\ :c secure the oaynmnt 0'f an of Mortgagor's Hldebtadness, <br />t,abt1dte5 and oDb.gat-f{)fl$ to Mortgagee_ ;r)(Jlli1Ing me !n{..~bt€{ine-ss, j,abih!te-s ana 8bll9at~ons eV-Ioeoced by- $atd Loan Agreement and one or morn <br />~s- to s.atd Loan ~'t:t_ antj &1' ~ c.t l1"l>..."'1fe Derr-.a-nd ProrntSSDfY Notes Gated on or t1€fon~ the- date hefoot ana toctudtog af! f-uture <br />toans, aadrttoNIi advances f~1C1easeo ;:Kt-.;ances an".-:t aU !iJfjjfU lnaebtoorwss ',abikhe-s ar.Q ObtlgatKmS c,r ~iortgagQ( to r..-4ortgagee, eVIdenced by <br />saKi Loafl AgtOOf'fteflt and n-y -one (.r rfX~ Sv-L.'>P.;e.'T~'S ,on saKi Loan AqfOO-meflt ana by (){)€ or rn.,.'"1fp Demand Pformssofy Notes ffated after the <br />tIale he<eO! <br /> <br />NOW fHfREf-ORE. ~\)1 and ,,1 Ct;}t'l5.(Jefa;:t(m of H)U ~'I'~!W-5 ar~j ~r-.e .il;"1'1{",i-l;; ~~! !h.f? ;r>:=.ha: &j",afu..:e ptade k) Mortgagor ny ~'lortgagee In <br />acc~e w;tn satd loon Aot~it 3<.a l1Ct$ Llf ~rJ()(e Su-W~f1tS It':-eWtO Ml(1 t~1 ,~.'J1.iC-t:' M.,"1rtgagt'€" t-() maM? ?vhJre af1\'ances to Mortgagor. In <br />OIQet to. S\i'C-Utu me va~ o. iW c' ~gagfY or. ]r;d~ot~ \tab~~t>fl'S ,;;;.f10 "Jbr,qat\{X\s !,) \'~-I..:~rtgQQ~l ,n":Jud:H1g the Hl:oeotedn6'SS. uabllihes and <br /> <br />=~ ~~;:: at;:~~~ ~=s ~=::j ~~~a~:~~, !.:::;::~~;~7;;:1t:~~,.~~I{:1;~~:~~~r:~~~7:;:;:~:t:~ ~~~.::;;:;Offrl~~;;~ ~:~~ <br /> <br />!f'lcuned pnot to <br /> <br />February 11. 1993 <br /> <br />~r,*. DtlnC,~-d! ;):r7It:}j,W:! "1 ;"ij l" hh!-.;,:~~ ;'.i.~: '!i:2iu.:.1IJ'{..1 -SUtHS 8:dvaflCed to nrnlect the <br /> <br />~~er ~ Properly. st)$! f'd e:~tf@Q S. 25 j 000 ~ 000 ~ 00 rhe ~tg:.ago-! has BJlecut&:1 ana Oel-Wafed thiS mOr1gage <br />arw:t ~ gran'-$... SlMI$ a.~ O::~T.my1 t-c sa#J Mottg~ II", !~~ aeMJl~~ ~)f;.;;pefty !c; "",t <br /> <br />All of the following described real ,"state in Hall County, Nebraska, to wit: <br /> <br />A tract of land comprisinjt <1 part ,'1 the South Half of the North- <br /><'lSst Quarter of Section 21. TCl\mship 11 "OHit. Range 9 West of the <br />bth P.M.. in Hall Count". "ebrask.a, mon, particularly described as <br />follows: Beginning at the inte.rsection ,)f the centerline of <br />Lincoln Avenue and the ceuter 1 ine of Fonner Park Road (also being <br />the South line of said Northeast Quarter); thence Northwesterly <br />along the centerline of said Lincoln Avenue, a distance of 976.25 <br />feet; thence deflect lng left 89u48' 30" and running Southwesterly <br />parallel to the centerline of Ph~nix Avenue, a distance of 482,2 <br />feet to the centerline of Burlington :ionhern track No. B; thence <br />deflecting left 89"58' and running Southeasterly along said center- <br />line of track No. 33, a distance of 335.12 feet to a point of <br />curvature; thence rWlning Southwesterly along said centerline of <br />track No. 33, and on the arc of a curve whose radius is 763.95 feet <br />(the long chord of .hich deflects 12u51' right from the last described <br />course), a long chord distance of 342.18 feet to the Sout:t line of <br />said Northeast Quarter; thence deflecting left 74"10' from said long <br />chord, and running Easterly along the South line of said Northeast <br />Quarter, also being the centerline of said Fonner Park Road, a dis- <br />tance of 640.5 feet to the place of beginning, EXCEPT a tract de- <br />scribed as beginning at the intersection of the cent~rline of Lincoln <br />Avenue and the centerline of Fonner Park Road (also being the South <br />line of said Northeast Quarter); thence Northwesterly along the center- <br />line of said Lincoln Ave.nue a distance of 976.25 feet; thence deflecting <br />left 89048'30" and running Southwesterly parallel to the centerline of <br />Phottnlx Avenue a distance of 40 feet; thence deflecting left 90"11'30" <br />and in a Southuatarly direction parallel to the centerline of Li.ncoln <br />Av_ue II dllt1tance of 954.11 feet to a point on the South line of said <br />NOrtMast Q\.&al'ter; thence deflecting left &1"05' 30" a.nd along the South <br />11M of sa.1d MOrthllaet Quarter also being the centerline of Fonner Park <br />!to.d, II d18t4nce of 45.&9 feet to the point; of beginning. and containing <br />O.h6 4crfl#. Ii(Irfl or lell8. <br />SUllJEtT 10 BASEMENts or RECOiW. <br /> <br />.Ulll:I - <br /> <br />-1.. <br />