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<br />Qz <br /> <br />Loan No.. ..m'y~Q~~:~.:~~... <br /> <br />83...Q04017 <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE LOAN RIDER <br /> <br />NOTICE: THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT SECUP.ES A NOTE WHICH CONTAINS <br />A PROVISION ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THE INTEREST RATE. IN- <br />CREASES IN THE INTBRElS'l'RATE WILL RESULT IN HIGHER PAYMENTS. <br />DECREASES IN''i''IHfI'N'i'EREST RATE WILL RESULT IN LOWER PAYMENTS; <br /> <br />This Rider is made this ......~~..,..... day of ...................Jl.1ly.'....m.....m' l!B3.m" and is incorporated <br />into and, 8ban be deemed to amend and supplement the Martgage, Deed af Trust, ar Deed to Secure Debt <br />(the "Security Iniltrument") of the same date given by the undersigned (the "Borrow.e1"") to secure Bo1"- <br /> <br />~;~~!~~~~I::~~~~~~:::.t:~~::~~::!-\~:~~~:~~~!.?~::!;I.:~~:~c:~~~.;.::~::i!~~~~~:.:~~~:~~~::~~!ii~!i~Iq~:: <br /> <br />. (the "Looder") of the ~me date ~the "Note") and covering the frpe~ described in the Securi~ Instru- <br />ment and locatEd at ..,~..,~..,~,~,~.....~.~.!;_............,........,..,.................t:a.~~...~!!.t~,!!~......l{!\~)';~.~.~..,~!U?L...... <br />Property Address <br /> <br />MODIFICATIONS. In addition to the eovenantl; and agreements made in the Security Instrument, Bo1"- <br />mwtl!' and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> <br />A. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br /> <br />'The Note has an "Initial Interest Rate" oL.. .lJ.,.?5,(}, % <br />Interwt rate clumgt;<l may occur on the 1st day of ................................!?!il!;.e,'!lm:x.., and on t,he <br />1st day of ........M,a,t:!'I1....,., . 19...8,5., Wld on the 1st day of ................JlJ.Q'~.m..m..' 19,...a5 <br />and on the 1st day of .,.... ............,S~i'.telll~.r. 19.1;\.;;, and on those date!! of those months in eve7 <br />yeftl' "tlmreafm. Each date on which the N1t.e of inme!!t may change will he called a "Rate Change Date' . <br /> <br />C~ in principal llIld interest payments to adjust amortization of the 1000n to correapond with <br />intemlt rate ~ shall he made un the 1st day of . .."...,.....,m..........~IU)J.C\ll.b~.L, 19.JlS.. and on that <br />date tM!IfY .....~::-=::=... Y"41'(s) tlwreafter. F..ach date on which the princitml and interest payment may <br />"hange will be called a "Payment Change Date". <br />t~ in the int.ere..t \'lIt.e are governed by ehanges in n.n inten...t mte index called the "IndeJ;". <br />Check hox(es) to indi,;ate Index. <br />(1) !J "<Antract Intern! Raw, l'urd_ of PrevioUll!y (x'\.'Upied Homes, National Avemlle for aU <br />Major Types of Umdertl" puhlWled by the FOOeml Home Loan Bank Board. <br /> <br />Secud tl~;) "f.} u.~~u:~ :l:!J?tt:~:ot!.t;!JITtth!{tV"':~":E,'!t;;:b;;i.t~,' ~rr.iaSI'r.L..~. acd. <br />. ......'........ .J.......,........ ...... ..., ""...",...,. .....'!., ..., . .y........Il,.....,.....'.m.....'t..UL,....!:.4~J:d...Rl:I!~.r:..lL.~,Q <br />Check !lox(a;) to. indicate litnitl!. <br />(I) D If this box is ch<;cked. tMre will be nt) maximum limit Oil changes in the interest \'lite up or <br />down. The Preliminary Rate referred tt) in the Note. will be the new interest rate. <br />(2) CJ If this box is che(-ked, th.. intel'l'8t rate that I pay shall not increase more than <br />pen:entap points on any Rate Change Date. <br />(::I) [J If this box is ch<<ked, the intemot rate that I pay shall not d,'ClelISC more than . <br />poen':tln~ pointa on an)' Rate Change Date. <br />(() !1t If thi.tI box is ebeclled. the illte1'ellt rate that I pay mall nevlll" be more than ..T3A950... % <br />d~ tha. period I have my loan. <br />(5) rJ If this box is ebeek<<l, the interollt rate that I pay shall never be 1_ than .".2.~.iO,.." % <br />dl1lUlg the period I have my loan. <br />(6) 0 If t!M box i.~ c-hocktld, too principal and interest payment that I pay shall not incre4lle more <br />than ......"........ ~t on any Payment Change Date. <br />(7) 0 If t!M box is ~ the ~ and interellt peyment that I pay shall not decrealle more <br />than -.........,.."". ~ on &I),)' Payment C~ Date. <br />'T'be monthly ~ 8m()tlUta will alao change on Payment Change Dates as provided in the Note. <br />a-USOPilt)'mlmt ~.may oocur 1_ o..fte:n than intemot I'lIte changes and/Of lII.IIIy be subject to certain <br />lhuitatioil$. described in the. Note, the monthly pa)'IDtlllls III.III}' be insutIlcient at tim!lll to pay ftccnUng <br />~ Ii\ aueh. cue, unpeid interest Is added to the principal beJance of the Note and itllelf will ...'ClUe <br />~ theredter. <br />-- <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br />