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<br />83-1)04017 <br /> <br />UNIFORM CovENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenanl. and agree as follows: <br /> <br />. .1. ~ of .P.dadpMI. lIIId IlIIflftt. Borrower shall promplly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />mdebtednessevidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note. and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Advances secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />%. ....... for -r- .... 1-. Subjecl to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />10 Lender on the day monthly ill$lallments of principal and interest are payable under the Note. until the Note is paid in full. <br />a 10m (hen:in "Funds") equal to one,twelfth of the yearly tax.. and assessments which may attain priority over Ihis <br />Deed of Trust, and ground "'1>15 on the Properly, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance. <br />plus one-twelfth <)fyearly pnomium imtallmenls for mortgage insurance. if any. all as reasonably estimaled initially and from <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of a_IS and bills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shall be held in an il1llitution the deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br /> (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply Ihe Funds to pay .aid laxes. assessment.. <br />insurance premiums and ground renls. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying Ihe Funds. analyzing said account <br />or verifying and compiling said BSSeS5ments and bills. IInless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />I"'""its b,nder to malte web a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing al the time of execlltion of this <br />Deed of Trust Ihat interest on the Funds shall be paid 10 Borrower. and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires such interest to be paid. Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interesl or ""ruing> on Ihe Funds. Lender <br />shall give to Borrower. wilhout charge. an .nnual accounting of the Funds shovnng credilS and debils to the Funds and the <br />purpolIe for which each debit to the Funds was made, The Funds are pledged as addilional security for the sums secured <br />by 1m. Deed of Trust. <br />If ,the llM<l\ml of the Fundi held by Lender. together with the future monthly instaliments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due 'Of' tua. tl!iRUmenrs.. insurance: pRmiums and ground rents. 5hall exceed the amount required fO pay said taxes. <br />asseumtm-ts, insur.a.nce premiums llnd gro-und rents. .as they falf due. such excess shall he. at B.."')ITower's option. either <br />promptly repaid to Borrowt-r or credited to Borrower Oft monthly in~taJlments of' Ftmds. If the amount of the Funds. <br />held by tender ~ha-U not be suffici-ent ro pay taxes, a:t5~mrents:, insurance premIUms and ground rents a'l they fall due. <br />BotTowo.r ~U pay to lender 1I0Y anM>>.mt neccssary h'" make up the- deficient':)' within 30 day~ from the date n(")tice is mailed <br />by ~ to llarrower ...qucsUlIll P'l}'1Den< theleoL <br />Upon payment m full f}f aU !turns ifX.urcd by Hus- Deed of Tru~L Lender ..halt prompliy rdund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by Lender. It under l'ar.agraph 18 hcft"of the Propert'y 1<" ..old l'f tht:" Pr(~pel1Y is otherWise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />Ut.atl apply~ no bter t-haQ imnK'd1:ately pnof tn the 'l.<f_!e ('}l the Property or H.. 3('qui~Hlon oj' Lcnder. ;my Funds hdd by <br />Lender at the time of IP~tic-atkm as a credit ag.ins! the- ...ums secured hy thJS Deed t.l( Trust. <br />3-.. A~ ei"Pavaeats. Untcu appht.'abh," !.IW provJl:le'S I.:Hhcf"\\''lSe, all paymcnt"i receIved by Lender under the <br />Note and par:agl1lpm 1 "nd 2. hereot' !.h:alt be al'pl~ hv Lender fi~t m p-aymem of am(:l\lOts payable Ii,) Lender hy Borrower <br />under p.rqra.-ptt 2: hereof. then t.o internl p-ayabk un the Nule. lh~n to Ihe pnnCIpal (,t the Note:. and then w interest and <br />p,rincipaJ on a,ny Future AdvattCe$ <br />4. Ch~ I....... BofT'{\wt:f "halt t~:rv -aH t:.'IXC"_ 4.'>i-C"i..'\.mCHl\ .\Hil Pthl~r ..:har)!:cs. fines and IlTIpo'Smons ;llIributabJe W <br />the Pt-opett}' .'hich may attam .. pnonl)' (l~"Itf thf:'l. Deed tlf Tnl$.L and lc.:t:'iehold paym('nt~ (If ~round rents, ~f any. in the <br />rna.nner pfO\'lded unde:t paragraph 2: hereof {If. it nu-t patd Hl iU"':!, manner. ov Bnrn;\wer makmg payment, when due. directly <br />to the payee tbctcot. Borrower \hall promptly f'urnp;.h h~ l endCT all lwtKe-\ of amounts dne under this, and in thl' <br />t-\I'etlt Borrower shall. mue payment dJr-cc'uy. 8QH,m.-tr shall promptly tllrm~h W l_~ndcr receipts evid-em:lOt; slIch payments. <br />8orro.....fH sh~l pnut\-pdy <b\Cha~ an" litn ....hH:h ha)/; pnnfH-" (lv....r tha l)e~ nt Tru~t; pn,vldc..Lthat Borrower ",hall not he <br />feq.uU'~d to dl-J.lChaqe: any 1uch hen "'-., loftg 3-<S BOni"~'el ~haH a~t'C't.'; !rl '''-'THmg 1\-1 th(' p:t}'01cnl ot the lloilgatlon SlX'urcd b\ <br />'Such 11m in a manner ac~-1thk to Lc_-tide,t. Of ,haU ill fOOd (.:AUh COrHC-'U ..Hdl hen hy, t:lf defend enforcemcnr of ~lh:h hen in. <br /> P~fi watch oper-a1e. to p<<\'~m the- -enfon.:tnlrnt .:1t the tit:n Of !(lrfeHl!rt.~ of th~ Property or any part the-reof <br />5. I~ Botn:Nie-r ..haft k"p t~ tfnrrQ-\'t"m~nh llO.\A;' e\l\tln~ or hereafter t.~rccted po Ihe Property Insured <br />.iI,~n'lt W. by fire. hannb itw.:htdcd. Wi1hin the teml <'c\tt~d i..:ovent~.' it,ud "IK~h lHhcr h~12an.h a\ l.ender (hay l't:"qUHl'" <br />B-nd lfi ~uc.<it iUlWUflp a,nd (Of UK;,h peftO\h: ..~ Lcn<kt mtt}" ft'qlfltc-, ph\VI-tlCti, that l cmkr -shall not rcqulf(:- [hat the amount of <br />lI,u~h rowvaae C'xc.'ftd rhal .mount of 't~fa-lC' r~-qu~rcd ff) p~\' the ..urn.. '>txll-ft"d tilt' thiS [ked 01 Tm!it <br />The il'liUnnt:(' carric::r prQ-vuHng Ihe lft\\Jf;HK(' 'j:hllll he i,.'hn'\lt'll h't Born_'iwer ~uhJC-;,'i h~ aPPH,..-;,tl hv I curler: prOVided <br />that such .approval shan not he unreunnab-lr wtthhdd AH premIum" tltl m'lur.aftCC p~)hl;.'le-:J shaU be paId 10 the manner <br />f'I'Ovided u.odcrr,.,......pb 2 hereol Qt, II 1\01 p.ud Ifl "U\.--:h !"1'UtlU}t'f. h" tu,'JTOWC'f ma.klna payment, when due. directly to the <br />Itt.IUf'aDl2 carrier. <br />AU uml-ra~ pol~ lind ~ncw..b the-tt"'(}f ..!taB he to foon .a..:t:.;:p:ubk h~ !'(:tHler ~md tJJaH In,,judc a $Iandard mongllgc <br />.dauSl: in favor i.'tf a.nd in {(urn ~..'~ep--f-Rhk': hJ Lendc:r_ Lender \h;iU hav(:' the nght to hold the polkiC'\ .t;tnd (eoewuht thereot. <br />4Il:Ad. 8orro~ -.hall promptly furmsh t(! Lender 'lH r~M\\:ai .ll.'-~Kt;.. UllJ iill rel.:etpu- of p;hd pr~mlUm,. In the- event IJI 10\", <br />Bono.... th.lI ';flit' pt()fnpt notK."t: h'i the IH$UUltce t.:afner ;lod L('nder, L~ndcr ma)' rnale pf()()-t of 10"'\ It not made prnmp11'i <br />by 8om_. <br />. Unleu tcnckr .nd Burn~'cr OtM!1iIl"IK .;.ree 111 .... ntm" m'-uurx'e- ~Hnl..'eed) ..hati h<. apptied tll fC'>ih)tallon or rcplur of <br />the P~y d&m..ll..l"l, pfll\'lUed \,m:h ffiioUl".\fl t;U r~p.llr t'<; ~\,:on(mih:..n'Y ft'a~lhie ;,tad the $CClltllY uf thiS llt."cC!..1 of Trust 1'\ <br />flOC thcf-eby tmpalfa.t It \ouch t'('$.toUUtOO Of r-tparf l!ii ClOt n:nnOOH\::tH) h.aMhte \,)r Ii fhe ~"\.:lItlt~' of lhi~ l>e-ed of Trust would <br />he unpaired.. the- lnt:Uf.-fk.'"'f p(tx'CC'I.b \haU be a.pptacJ t() the tUUh- ~Ufe-d b;' this Deed ot rrU~1. \idth the c\(;C"". It. any. p.ud <br />to 8Qn:owa, It'the Prupei1)' n. abaw.kmcd by IkltfOW1tf, {1t If !k1tHlwc-r Lilts to re~pvnd 10 l.ender I,I,-Ithm 30 da}s fmOl tht~ <br />dali:! notk."'e is n'Ullted bY tender 10 Born.,..----.e:-t (hat In< If\$ul1tf\~~e (.afru:,r ,)ftC'fS tu knle d daml h\f in'i,urarn:c benefits., tender <br />t'$ ~ 1\1 ~-nUo..~ and aPf'ly the tNura-R\."e rnxteds al l.cmk-(" np~ion either to fe!itoral1on or repilitf (11' fhe Proper1\1 <br />,... 10 the __ _ured by this Oeod 01 TI\lft <br />lJnh:u I..~ndct and Bom""WW othc-rwlW agr. lfl wnung. any 'i~h tlp'phcauun nt proceeds. to prlnclpal \hall nHt eX1em.! <br />()f pt~tponc the: due dAte: of the nl\mthl~ UtSt.l~metH\ f'Cternd k) In\ 1 and 1. hereof (If change the amount M <br />.ur;;b lMlaU_. If ullder...........pb 19 he1",,1 th. rwpert\ " '<'Iuned by t.nder. all rlgbt tule and IOte,..t ,'I Borro"'e, <br />in lUld to ,any .t\I>Jl_ poI",* ion.! 10 and to lb. p,o,.eat. tM.....1 "",ulllOll I rom defllllge to the Property proor 10 the ,.le <br />or- ~tion >>batt puIS to lender to the c~tCo.l (~f the $\UtlJ. secured by 'nt' Deed of TrlH-l immedi,atety prior to such sate Or <br />ac:quiIitloa. <br />6. ............. ~'R~. 1vn ., Prvpm,t; lnM~ ('.n8UllliaiUDH; Plnwe4 Va J)eyelopmeacs. Scnrower <br />\hl:U lecp the Property m ,qod repan and ihaU nut ,\.ltuuul ~a:\tc (H PCfUl,t irnpaHtnt:m or J~tcrwratJon '-If the i>j(_l'per1\ <br />ittI4 tball comply wtth tile 1'1"".....111 of any leaoc jf lb", Deed of Tlmt IS on a '.,....,hold. If this Deed of Trt1!Il is on a UOl' '" a <br />coodomiowm or .. ~ ..nil development. Boo:OWCf >h<tU petimg. all 01 Borrowers obligatlOll' under the. dedarahon <br />or .......,.,..ats CfQ1ura or "",erni", the condominium. or planned '\llIt development. the and 'eglllatlons "f the <br />~ .... pUrmed unit ~. lUld ccnslltuenl do<:"ments. If a ,<mdommlum' or planned "OIl developm"", <br />rider is cuarted by JlortooMcr and !'f.<:Ofded tQJetMr ....tlo Ih.. Deed ot Tm>!. tbe c'Uvenallls .nd agreemen!> of s"ch rlder <br />>hall be meorporll1ed into.nd $ball amet><! ."0 supplement the <"..",ant; and 'g,,:ernenlll of Ih,. Deed of Tm't .. If Ihe fldcr <br />_. put """.of <br />'''' '......... "or lAMer's SecIU'itJ. If BotTt.l,,"'C( fads to ped...,rm the covenants anJ agree.ments ..::ontaincd in this <br />DNd of TNI1. or if any action or pmceedin, IS crn,,,,,,,,tCed which matenally .ffects l.end,,'s IIlterest '" Ih. Property. <br />,~ btIt 110( Iitniled to. er.uuent d<tnwn. inoolvoncy. cO<k enforcement. or a'rangemen!> or ",roc,"<d,ngs IOVI''''i''l " <br />bulktupl-Or ~ (MO, Lo:~ at l.tndu's uption, u.pon rn~i,e to 8('\ffowe--r. r~8}" m-ake such appearan..;e" JIshur\( su;;:h <br />IURlS Add .~ ~ adion u ., necessary tt1 protcet l-tnde:r's, mtcrn,!. Includmg. hut not IIm.ted to, dl~bu~rnent of <br />~ ~'. f_ alld ~f)' lIfIOll the Property to mob repal" If tende' r.quJred ",orlNe ""uran". ., a <br />~ ell ~ _ loan___ by Ihil. Doad. of tl\l5l. Borrower ,hall pal' the prem"l"" ''''luired t" ",aintAm ",,'h <br />.~ in dfCW;t _uotil ~ titbo as. t~ ,requinm'acttt tor !-\k.... U1!.u:r..lK.C termmatn Ul ;ll..'--\'~ordan-cc: wich 8orrowcr's .it"! <br />l..uIdIift'. ~ ....~~ tow, Bt.....-~ohaJl pa' ,he amount 01 aU mortgall" ,n",ra"ce premmnu in tM <br />_~-* . 2 hcnoc>f. . <br />Mil.~' . . 111. 1..cadl1' pui'lllOint to tlm par.....vh 7. w,tb mt.,r"" thereo". ,haU '...ome add""'".1 <br />'11'..... _of...--. __.I?Y Ill_ Peed of Trust. Unlea B<trruwer and lender .,_ ,0 other lerlfl$ o! pilym""" .llch <br />~. ~ Ile 1'lI)!1lll/e tlfIl'll ~ from Lender tv Jor,_.... relt,"",I'" vaY"""'1 lI.reot, .nd <l>ali t-.e.! mle...... In"" the <br />.... Qf M r_.. _ .ra..' ""'UN (men linlt to time on "ut8I.ndilll proneipal u....r the N",,, "nlea._ payment or in,e"", <br />... .....tW -.l4 tllt\ ,.'!!UN')' to.~ 1_. i" ",II,,,,, e......l ",dt .mounts ,hall bear mtereS! at the r.t. <br />~ WI!iIef ~ 00.... Nodii. Coo/alne<! '" 11>.. ""'"graph 7 ,h.11 r_r.. t.nder to 'ncur any ..pe_ "r take <br />liJt)'~: <br />". <br />,tall". <br />..-. .. <br /> <br />i.........,.,. -':1 or__ 10 he m..... ..."""""ble on""'" "1>"" lUlU m'~"o... "llhe Pn."",rty. prt:"'ldeiJ <br />---... ""'''''' ptWI' <0 any llIilCb I""flll'I;UO" ,,,",,,,ty,n, r"....,.,..ble ,...... thellljW ,cl.ted II' Lwdet', <br />