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<br />83....DG4011
<br />
<br />tbe$Ul'll5~by thjJDeed Qt Trusl shall continue unimfaired. Upon such paymenl and cure by Borrower. Ihis Deed of
<br />'ff\lSt Jll'ldfheobli.-tioM secullld berebysllall remain in ful . force and effect as if no acceleralion had occurred.
<br />21k~of RI/IIllI! Appv!.....entof Rem\'tl'l LeIlder lttPOSHSIion. As addilional securilY. hereunder, B(jrrower
<br />hereby ~tol.ender IIle rentS of tile Property, provided Ihal Dorrowenhall. prior 10 acceleralion under paragraph 18
<br />lleteilfQt$I'ldon~ of IbePropeny, . b~ tile. right .to collect and retain suchrenl' as lhey become due. and payable,
<br />Uj:iona<<deration under~.18hereof or. abandonment of 11le Property. Lender. in person, by agent or by
<br />i~llyappoimed""""i"er, shall lie enlitted to enter upon,..."" possession of and manage the Property and 10 collect the
<br /><e'IIl5oftllel'iO{lerty iIlclUdm.tliOsepasldlle. Allrentnoll""t~ by Lender or lhe receiver shall be applied firsl topaymenl
<br />onltlH:"O$lS ofma~of tll<:Property andcollectiooof renls.including, but not limited to, receiver's fees. premiums
<br />oon~.~elvt;f'"s hondo and re~ attorney" fees. and then to lhe Moms secut1ld by Ibis Deed of T rusl. lender and lhe
<br />~nllatJbefiabletoa_t only forlbo5erenls ~lUally received,
<br />21;. Jl'1mon;A"-"- Upon re(f1OlS1 of llorrower. Lender. al Lender) option. prIOr to full reconveyance of lhe Properly
<br />byTr\lllee 10 BorrowfJr. may make fUltlU AdVaDCtl$to Borrower. Such Future Advances. with interest thereon. shall be
<br />~.. . ... "Y.tltit. .... Deed.. .Of.T~1 When.. evi~by prom. ......ry .not"" '5lalmg that .aid nolesare secured ~reby. At no lime shall
<br />the pt'lm:ii"al amoullt of III<: indebtedt\elll secured by th.s Deed of Trust. not mclud,ng sums advanced '" accordance herew.th
<br />topl'Ol<<t the security of thi5 Deed of Trll5t. exceed II>" origmal amount of thi! N ole plus US $-:0- . .
<br />11~, Upon paymenr of all.ums secured by Ihis Deed of Trust. lender .hall request Truslee 10 reconvey
<br />tlleProperty and.hal1.urrendill" Ihl$ Ote<l of Trosl and an nOles evidencing llldebtedness secured by Ihis Deed <,f Tmst
<br />10 T~. TfU$let''''11l1 """"""'y I~ Propenywilhout ..arrant)' and wilhout ch;arge 10 the penon or pe=ns legally
<br />cmitll!dtllCreto, Sot:h.penooOl'peno," man pay all C<>>I. of rttordation..f any.
<br />13. ~ T........ Lend<<..1 l..emIe.-'s opllon, may from time .., time reIDOve Tw.teeand .ppoint . successor
<br />t~ lolU>J' T_ appointed hereunder by an .nstn.unent r""orded in the county m which this Deed of Tru5I is recorded.
<br />Wltllo\rt _',",yane" of the l'ropeny. l~ '0<<_" m..tee ,hall su.:ceed to all I~ ...Ie. power and dUlies conferred upon
<br />lite T_ltetein ar!<lby applicable I.w.
<br />)4. R~. .. . tor. NOdca; Do. rr~ <<<It""I' Iha, copi<< of the "0""" of def.ult and nOlice of sale be ""n1 .0 Borrower's
<br />addtcsswhidt in'" Property ~.
<br />
<br />IIiI WtTlU$ WHEREOF. Borrower bas eXe<:\lled Ihis Deed",f TrUSI
<br />
<br />
<br />-_or
<br />
<br />k,
<br />"'-=',,",,('< '.<(.,
<br />. DlafH' S.:H1t1er
<br />
<br />L ~'.~.
<br />
<br /><Borrow..-
<br />
<br />S'UUOF NulloU1(A.. ,11alL
<br />On Ihia , . 2:9.tb day of July . 1'1
<br />duly oom~ and qualified fOf >Jlld coonlY, penOn.ill' carlle
<br />. ,+ .0. 0 01~ _Siltlttec.\_ ~h.ukib.;-Uld, ~ul..d ~'lo\lt{!.
<br />idco:ruical p;;noIlhl wnos.; _hi are sUbocnbW 10 lhi! rorel!v'"l! tn,lro_nt and
<br />thftcnf to be . , . , t hid.!:. . votulltllry aa and deed.
<br />Wit_ my hand and _fill! seal ill (n'l'''. 1,51'1,'11.
<br />dale afotegld.
<br />
<br />County S$;
<br />Ii before me. Ihe understgned. a Notary Public
<br />iZoh<:Xl ,I.. SilJl.nuJ: ."OQ.
<br />. .. to me known 10 be the
<br />acknowledged Ihe .,ecution
<br />
<br />lfl ..aid COlInty. lhe
<br />
<br />M'l'C~exptm;
<br />
<br />~,.-""] /
<br />
<br />_LW!~; -;?:/'..
<br />
<br />Nf)f,~k...
<br />
<br />u.:==~l
<br />
<br />To "f'alJsut::
<br />
<br />ThIt ~ IS IhIt lioIdet' dill<: OO(C or not"" >.<CurC<l by Ih.& Deed of Trust, Said note or nOle~, tOl"lher
<br />wid'I all otbcr ~ oco;ured by tbi!> Deed of Tru~t. hll,e been pllld In full, You are hereby dllCCIW to cancel
<br />laid ttOlll or lWlO lIl1d lhi5 Deed 01 Trlllil. wlul;b liTe deh"e~ hereby. alld III reconvey. without warranly. all Ihe
<br />alate _ hold by )'0\1 WKIer tlUs Deed 01 Trust 10 the person Of p.:rMln~ legally entilled Iherew,
<br />
<br />
<br />Da!o: .. .. .
<br />
<br />
<br />(~~ TlJal.m. R~ F-(H~' MMf A:~)
<br />