<br />T
<br />
<br />0060096-3
<br />
<br />
<br />83-tJ04011
<br />
<br />nUDJmI)oPTlUJSTismadethis..... ....2J}.t.~... ,... H" .dayof . ,. .-1\1).>'...... ...... ... H.
<br />19,.~~~.TtustoI:;.,.... !\O.~~.J:. ?!'AU.E!17 .",~;i. P.-. .q:l,,,l,l~. ;;!1nn.~r;.. \l\l$!>ilpA .<!'?4. "!~~~.. ...
<br />d, ;,.. ~.. . ..."... . U. ., . " .. .. . . . . . . . . . ,therein UBonowern) , . . . . f:.o.m!l!t;r;<;:!:",Lf~d,~r:'!~. !?~y;1N~~
<br />. 'U., '.'. _ .,.;lP~. ,L.'l~~.~~pp;t.V~"~'?~, . . . . . . . . . . . . . (herein "Trustee"). and the Beneliciary.
<br />. ~ P,~~<;l~;t. r,e.<:!~t;"!1-. ~!,y:t.'~!l~ .~. !-?!'!l: :\~~~: . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . , . " .., a corporation organized an4
<br />edtia11JlldettJK\ 1aW$ of. .... .. .N~br:'!I,l~~,.... H.. ....... .. ... . ..., whose address is,.... H.........
<br />..:2.UQ.SoQtb.l.2.ndStree.t;,. .Q!lia.ha"N!L ..6Jl.124..,.... H" ..'.... . (herein "Lender").
<br />
<br />1ilOaao_. in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created, irrevocably grants
<br />aAdClM\feyS 10 T~, in.ttust. with power of sale, the fol1owing described property located in the. County of
<br />. ._.......... J:IAU...,........ "..,..... .,State of Nebraska:
<br />
<br />l.ot (h,e (I) in Blauvelt SulxiivIsil1t1, heing " part of the
<br />\f.est naIf oJ tht'l Southwest ('ruart.cr (S 1/2 SW 1/4) of Section
<br />Two (2), Township '!leveR {it} Nonh, :tange Ten (IO) ',oIe'IH of
<br />the !ttn l' ,f!., Hall Count;;, s"!,ras",a.
<br />
<br />....'* tho ~ of. .. . 4}24. ,Q~;!u'fl\'!~J, )\d, Gr~n!i !fll;tfld,. Nebr.~~k,!- 6118~1
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<br />!~!':*'ttl
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<br />!C''''I
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<br />, , . (bema "Propmy Adtlra\" I ;
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<br />,~_l..-'
<br />T~tll""'ll:lI all die irqpmv~$ now Ofhereall't1 ",,,,,1<"* <.m the property, >tno all "a~m'ml., "ghb.
<br />~.~ (~ ~ IOtbe nJbu and a..thQntiell~>vell.llereln to Lender to collect alld apply .uch
<br />~}.~. ~oil~tplS riJbl$ allli profits, "''ater, ...al"r rigtm. and ,.rater stock. andaJllixlufe> oow or
<br />~~tlltho propecty,.d clwllidl, inelud.iJl& r.:plli<<menl$nd additions themo, ~hall be deemed 10 be
<br />_~.part otttle JlRllICfty loWeffd l.>ytb.. Deed {It Tnm: and .a11 of the fotqJ:ltIlg, lO8rtber w,lhsatd property
<br />(Il!t tile. ~"'if ....~. of Tru.t;. Oft a ltascboldl are herein rdc-rred 10 as the "Property",
<br />
<br />1'()Jacl',lQUli.aldflr (a) ttIe ~~ of!M indebu:d_s evidenced l>y Borrowers nOlc daled , J!J,l.y .29> 1983
<br />".. p'" '. .(~"NollIl"),m tho priAcipal51ltJtof., .FPR1:ym: nmtl.SAlYl.l. f'9IJJl.. Jll.!li1:I~\l. ;lAd, .Q<:)OO\l
<br />. ,., , ',' . . " . . . , " . . '" . .., .. Dcl!IIn, \\<itli imcrelit theffi)fl. pnwidin& fQr montllly lI1slallmenb
<br />~;...._~......~ of tbf~~ if _ _r paid. due /In<! payabkOt'l.
<br />";':i';~"t.."~U""...,.,,. .,. ,; tM paymemohJl Qlher._ willi in~\tthcr"oo.lId"anceU
<br />.ti~rn~;~~.~~l<<uril,ofIbisDted1)( Trw; l\nd thepedQrmancc of the covellluusand
<br />. _.~l,'..~~~~~fbltk~uuml of any flltureadva_. with lUtcrCSllhel'li'on. mad<'
<br />tOi~'~~~IO~:tl ~(Mtein "FlUIl", Advimee!;")
<br />
<br />. . .....r,I..f~..Ia__ietlitttof the: e~ ~ ,,_~~ and b.u IIle l'gllllo tlnllll ,,00
<br />~f:~ .... ..... ........_~.~,* ttW..~..ill _anI ;&00 defend l1I'I~r;tllr Ih<'
<br />_....~i~~._~...~~ tt\any~ti<lm. ellM_U. or fc'llr",u>>....' h~ed HI a
<br />~..~~i'lll~~.M1t_im~ ~--nna L.md<:,', inlerftl '" I"" PfO!.lerl,
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<br />IE.In..,I..n__-J!~~""'_
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<br />..~tc.i,..:~
<br />S~~~f9l!~
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