<br />4.2
<br />
<br />8,3-004010
<br />
<br />Huffman and felton & Wolf. WlIlton. He. 68%1
<br />
<br />
<br />inconstderation of FIF'iY-EIGUT 'nDUSllND AND OOjlOO'ffiS
<br />
<br />OOUARS
<br />
<br />
<br />~ A. STMB and UlNA D. S'mAB, Husband and Wife, each in his and her own right
<br />and as spouse. of each other , Grantor. whether one ,or more,
<br />
<br />($58,OOO.OO)
<br />
<br />. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. convey. to
<br />
<br />ImEm' r. SAM'iER and D. DIANE SANNER, Husband and Wife . Grantee..
<br />
<br />
<br />ujoillttemmts and not at! tenants In common. the following described real estate (aa.defined
<br />
<br />in N4<b. a.v. Stat. 8 76-;!Ol) in
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />County. Nebraalca:
<br />
<br />Lot Q)e (II L'l BlaJ.l\lE!lt Subdivisioo, being a part of the
<br />vest Half of the Southwest Quarter (~) of Section
<br />TWo (2), 'ltlwnship Eleven (11) t>brtl1, Ranqe 1tm (10) \iest
<br />of the 6th 11.M., Hall COunty, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Grantor cov<manta (Jomtly and lIev..rally. ,f more than one) with the Grantees that Grantor,
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />(1) ,. lawfUlly aeised of such nolll "'lftllte and that it ,. free from encumbrances exoept
<br />Q~ts am ,l--estri.c+'~ons or recard~
<br />
<br />(ill hu 1....1 pow..r and lawful authorlly to convey the ''lun",;
<br />
<br />(3) ...arranta and will delend !t,.. utle to the real "stilt... ll.&lluun the lawful claims of all persons.
<br />Execut~, .."",,:J.'!!:{'....~?~...........,,.. 19..g.~.
<br />
<br />/}( . f;'l d' .._,~
<br />'" (....,t.~!J!,..'.t(... .~........................
<br />Olarles A. s t:aab
<br />
<br />-,,""", } I'
<br />"'T" ",i' ~_\ . \.),~ I) ~
<br />...,,-;-.-.iU{...~....~~~..:~'.~~'~...............
<br />Lana D. Staab
<br />
<br />~=::;:]AC:~
<br />
<br />....p ......9TAMP... . TAX........ .... ..... ...... ...... .... ................... ..... .....
<br />
<br />JUl 2 9
<br />,(,3~
<br />
<br />at." of N.........
<br />t Hall
<br />': i. COIIllty of .H......................... i.' .' 17 ,..) t1' '7
<br />i Tllefor-.oillC m.~eDl wlU!llClmowledc~ before me on .....~..s;..;.J....l.9.d...:).........
<br />
<br />;l\i~:tq...~~,.~...~,.~~D. :..~. .: ........'.~.T~.7..~~..,-....':;~~.i:.;.:~...:..............
<br />i\\I.:,., "...... ... ......,....~..(.&;~.'>............L'h~V...............
<br />!!~~ ~:___fa" 2. lilU/ tVl"ARlt' PUBLIC J
<br />
<br />iV-;::l
<br />J,~~l
<br />
<br />"~~PF.~
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<br />C.."or....... ,.......... ...............
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<br />"..(
<br />.
<br />
<br />Neclt. ~.lmd ....t'lIId, InN_erioeJ lnde.x. on ..............................................
<br />
<br />~,
<br />
<br />~ ...... o'~,....M.. aMl"IIt4'Or-ftd m Deed. RRord ......................... p.... ..................
<br />
<br />By. ......... .... ..........p. ......... ................ ...............
<br />CIJI.i.lJt)' or I:>epl.t)' County Clerk
<br />""'.-ter of DHdlt or Deputy Itacult.r of ne",d.
<br />
<br />,,,:-ry:.iC'i~~~!:;>~#-s,~h;,,~_,;"-;IJ';,-,__.g-,-
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<br />