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<br /> <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />83- 004002 <br /> <br />lender's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any aOlounts disbursedb}' Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with intem.t thereon. shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage; Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other tenos of payment. such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment lhcreof, and shall bear interest from the <br />date ofdisbursetnent at the rate payable from time to time on outslanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br />interest at ouch rate would be contrary!o applicable law. in which evenlsuch amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />pem\issibleunder applicable law. Nothing contaIned in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />anyactiQll hereunder. <br />8. 11IIp<<11Gn. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable enlries upon and inspections of the Property. provided <br />that lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any sllch inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. CCJIKIenmadon. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection with any, <br />condemnationt" other taking of the Property. or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to lender. <br />In tbe event ofa total laking of tbe Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the ,"ms secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the e.cess. if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of lhe Property. lInless Borrower and lender <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied 10 the slims secured by this Mortgage sllch proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the slims secured by Ihis Mortgage immediately prior to thedateuf <br />taking be';" to the fair market vallie of the Property immedialely prior to the date of taking. with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower. or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condernnorolfers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damag..s. Borrower fails 10 resp<>nd to Lender within 30 days after the date sucb noticels <br />mailed. lender is authorized '0 collect and apply IOc proceeds. at Lender's option. either to relItoration or repllir of the <br />Propeny or to the sums secured hr this Mortgage. <br />Unles. Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. anY such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or pmtpone the due date of the OWflthlv in"allments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount. of <br />such installments. <br />t8~ BorroWff Not ReIe:ued~ Extension of the time for payment Of modification of limortizati-on of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage granted hy Lender to any succe~~or in interest of Borrower shaU not operate to release. in any- manner,' <br />the liability of the, original Borrower and Borrower'~ 'illh.::ces'!\nrs in interest. Lender shan not be required- to commence <br />proceedingi against such successor (If refuse 10 cXlend ttme ft'\r payment or otherwt$iOe modify amortization ()f the--sums <br />secured by thk Mort~age by reason of any demand made hy the ('original ROf1"ower and Borrower's Stlc'CC'&Sors in interest. <br />11. F~ by 1...,1Mkr Not a Walvor. Anv inrhearance bv lender in e,.reising any right or remedy herelmder. or <br />(\tberwise afforded by applicable law, '!ihaU not he ;t waiver nf pr preclude the exercise ("t :my such right or remedy. <br />'TIle procurement of insurance or the payment of t;P';C:S pr nther lien'li nr ('hargc~ lw l.ender ..hall not be: a waiver af Lender's <br />rittht to acceh.~raLc the maturity nf the mdehtedne..s '\ct;UTcd hv lhi~ Mortgage, <br />11. Remedies Cumulatift. A.U reme~:.tie~ provldtd in this Mnft~age arc distinct and cumulative. to any nther right or <br />remedy onder th-i~' ,.fortg::t,e {'If afforded ~y law f'f l.'t,ftlUY. .!nd may l:lc t'\crcr..cJ ('oncurrently. independently {'If successively. <br />13. Sac<<li!lOf$ aad AlllliIm ao..~ Joint am! s.",.ra1 UllbDIty: ('aptiolu. The ""venanlS and agre<!ments herein <br />contained sha.H bind. and the rt,ht$ he-f'leumkr ,hall mure to, tf-..e rC'~pcctlve ~Uc\..-"(''-\nn and u~gn~ of Lender and Borrower. <br />iubject to the provh,ions. of' para;.ntph n hereof l\ It (-(lvr.r13fHS and :l1:{.ree-ment.. of Borrower shall 1:'te joint and several. <br />The captIons and he-Ad in" <,f foe para!trapn.. d lhi, ~frln~Ag(': Me for convenience "nly .and are not tf" he used to <br />Interpr"t "r dellne the prov;"i"n, he"",/' <br />14.. Notkt~ F...'cep~ for uny notice reqt!ircd under applh:-.Jhle lil:\l\ lu N: ~W(,H 1ft another manner, la) any nOlice to <br />Borruwet pn'lvtded h.)!' 10 drit. Moftgare \-naB h<: 1-tl'i'~'n hy ffl1l'lhnt: \ul.:h notICe tly ;.:cthfied filaH addreMed (ri 8nrrower (it <br />the Property ,A..dd~\ Of a1 '>.tu:h other ,tddre..;., .ll RN'f'u"'t~r may 11C"iI~n~l{t~ h~ nO-lice to I ender ~l~ llrtw-hled herein. ami <br />(b) nn)" notice to Lender ~h..H he g-iven hv t.:efllftt'1...1 m;.uL (~t\lrn ft~(t"lrt teQue~t-e-ti. ~n Leude,r\ adufe,'S~ stated herein (lr to <br />s.ucb othcr addrns as tender flH!)" d<<i~fHuc hy n-t:lt!~(' It.~ &lH'I~('-r a~ pnn"lde-(t h1:fCtt\ Any l1(.ltice pmvideu fnr in thh <br />Mort8~ lh."l ht-- ~m-ed {p ha...'-c Oc<"n ~fV~H 1.0 BN rt;>-W(f ~}f 1 ~'nder "'"'"en g,vc-n in tht' mltnne-r dcs,l#oate-d herein. <br />IS. UmtOf'Ql M~; (;o,"utUha I,,,.; s.\'~ntbllit~'. Th),\ {nun .A m()rI~a-I!t: \.-~\mhl~ uniform (twe-nllnt'i for national <br />use -and non~untform 'XWCIHUlt~ ,\'ith limited "'<lha[l(\ll~ "v pH\...dll'tlO'fl W COfuofiWl~ Ii \Hutonn security ill~(tufl1ellt covering <br />~a1 pr-t)'perty. Tlu:!'. M(\ftga-ge ~ha.n ht: g",vCfhc.:'J tn' 1he LJ\~ >II H~( lur....\.hJ.:.'tHln in \t.'hkh the Property i... !lx"ale-d. In the <br />e-\lcnt that an)' pr-o'VUi-"'H tlr i."lauw pI' !hi'\. MfJrt~:;t!l:c \'f lht" '\ioh.~ (ltnt1t-ch ...,tlh llPplicahk law, "i.w:h n~nnict shall not afTe-et <br />otht!of pHwf-1I.ionl!. of flus Mortgage l'!-f the Nm" y.hl\.:h 1.:~'1n h< ,~tl~ii."ll dfe\-t Vo.'ll)Hlut ihe l"onlli\.'ting pw\-j:,\lon. and to this <br />end the f>-ro\-ision!oj; .." the M(\n,~ and th<' 'h'h,' .tt'\:; .tt.",di\fed tt~ ht~ 't"\'cruh-It:, <br />,16.. 8clno"'d"jj: c.~op)" Borrower \hltU f\v t'w H:i'Shed J (~H\infl1l\.'--d (ilP~' (\1 the Nnlc ~md 'of thl" Mortgage at the time <br />of t'Kc-,utlc:m ,)r .the-I' l'e{'ordatron he-I(('\f <br />J7. l'raasfer of.tM Property~ .\-..mpliun. If all {,r (Ill) p-'.ltt uf In.: rtfX'\per1j' Of ,to mh:n~c\t therein is ~oJd or transJerred <br />by Borrower w~d\Out Lender'1i- prii.'f Wfllh.'fi (~Ul'4;nL cx\.'ltldlng LH the .. h....nloH t.1t a lien or ent.::umbranc-c- subonHnate to <br />this Mortaago, (b) the creah~'lfi of il pun.:h;..~ m,\,tf\t.') '>t,,"Ui ity Inkh,"..1 for twuwhold apphan'~, (\"~1 ~l transfer by dcvllC. <br />~"ent or by opt.ration of la"" upon lttc dt"Jilh ..,I' ,I j;)HH t~t101fH ~~! !.dllhe gram of any it;-a$Cho~d lnterest of three ycar~ or Jess <br />not ('ont..ilin'-ng an option tu PU__n.:haK... IHJY. id 1 e-nJt~r\ \;pthlfi. tied';";f;; .dl the :'\um-\4 M"CllfCd by tl1t~ Mongag'c: to be <br />inune.dl-ately due Slnd ra)i'ahic--, Len&-"f shaH na\-c \\;'Hv'erl lloH..::-h '-\plj{'tn fp ;,tc,,'dc(a(c it, prit.'\[ to th,~ ~:.}fc: or tnuufer. I,ender <br />an.q- the persOn to whom the Pn'lpei'ty is, h1- be %oJ-d t\r tra-nsfcnni rca,-'h .:tgrc.:__mt.:rH H1 '-"'citing th91t rhe: cTcdjt (lr sut;h pefSllO <br />i$ uti$fa(;tQt} h.1 LenUcr and th.;u tile irnen.''l-t pa)J:bte \m to(' \W1h '-'c>,.',~fr(,'d by thi-> Murtgajl: ,halt be i.l{ s.u.;h rate a~ l.ender <br />$halt requt$t, Jf l.ender hu Was\-ed the (lPf.lO-n to ac~de'r<Oik pHAid~~ in thi':>- paragraph J7, ~ltld i1' Borrower's ~u~ce~sor iu <br />in~ h&\ executed a. wriuen a:ssumption .il8recnu:nt a~c(:pted in v.-ritmg hy l cutler. l, shall release Borrower from all <br />~i""" under tbis MorIgagt and the Not.. <br />n tender exad~ such opt~on to a"t!-k-ra!~. ~h~IH mail Borh)WCf noti;.:~' (\f alccleratitm 11\ a..:-;;;ordanc\'. with <br />pat~ l4 hereof- Such noti~ !ihaU provide;::t pC-r.iw {~f not le-s~ than -'0 day';, {rr,,'ml lhe date the rlt.ltkc i'i maHed ",'ithitl <br />~'hkh Borrower may pay the$. dec-lartd due, H konU\>l,.(f LlIh 10 P4)' \u<,:'h l.Wl'U rflH'f h\ the c'pjratl\.lfl ,,"If ~u..:h pt~,d{)d" <br />lender may. wtttwut further n\ltk.."'C or ~Il\and -()f\ Bvrr(~v. CL ,n\(l~e .wy I'L"-mcdi-e.\ i'ICI mIned b~' parag.raph I ~ hereof. <br /> <br />N~..UNlfOflt1tJ!_ COV!.NA~'11i_ &uo-wer and l.ender further .:.:~)'.'-cn~HI ..:tnu "'8rc1.' ;l:'!o l<,lIow\: <br />fa. ~ .~P"'<ept .... "",y~ in _",ph 17 be,...f. "...... Bm-",w<,'s broa<b of any eove......t .>t <br />.~ 0( ....._ .,..1\0............' In</udlIIt tll. ..",,,..ants to pa,y ..ben d... any'''.... ,""ured by IhIs Mot1&...., <br />~pdo,r.to_~ sIIalJli!aII.notke tn Borrower as p".vlu.d in paragraph 14 bereof "",elfy"": m tbe brea<h: <br />t;)......~~.. ~...~ ~;{3' adat""....'.... lhan 3(1....,... from the date lbe notis'o .. mailtd to Bon........ <br />.,~lt,aft.~io.-fllt .~..... (4'lhaI IlIil...o '" lure .u<b ",,*b un UI bd'....e the d.ft> "",ellitd in the nolk.., <br />et,IQ'""",Cd!lil'lI,uIHtlll'fhe IlIIJ11l-.oAd by .t\\l.s MnrtM'" for..",""r. by ju4klal p",,'.edl... and .... of Ih.. Property. <br />1'M.~ .J~ W""" ......."''lr Ill' Ute rlJIbt tn ""m;tal. aft..r "".......ion a"d t.... rilBl t" .....If it. I.... fured...ure <br />. _~.~ <It.. "",,,,,It nr IIIIY nt...... ...,._ "f 8...",".r to l!I:l."r.tion .ad fom:.......... If tile bre.t<'h <br />itr...tlHtlllt ....l*i&Id In file nolke. t~lIder at lAu4er';I optlctn may 4<<1_ all 01 tho ""N ~' by <br />.. ~ .... .116 fllll,,",..itli<>>tt ful'llter....allll and ""', f...."",-, by' judklal pn><:ffilhtc. Lend" <br />1'.i!.....~lO/lalln~""'" of 1..."d_....lm:1odIatt. buI....t limited I." e_ of d....u.....n'Ilf' <br />~.... . <br />..,'~ N()lwRh$tandi-ng lendcr:'~ ai:c<:hJfatwn oi the ",tHU~ 'li<<'urcd b} thh. M(lrt!lag~. <br />,~~ t~<tt8iu ~-o f'm't\! '.n)', vn~I:Cd,i.n_~ beMiurt bJ f en~' to ~nr(~J'c,( Ih;:~ Mie)fti.l.,e di\"Qutinueu at ~n~ !lfUe <br /> <br />