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<br />I <br /> <br />83..,..003990 <br /> <br />ItlORTOA(J1! <br /> <br />See L 23,846 <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. r. 24, 125 <br />OlOWAlLMENBYTHESEI'KESENTS:That Jolm R, Clayton and Pamela E. Clayton, each in his and her <br /> <br />own right and as spouse of each other, M')ftgagor,whethero,",Ofmon>.iocomiderationofthelUtJtof <br /> <br />_ ~lve 'I'hca,-.d .ancL~__,.,_,_".=.=====~-::------------ DOLLARS <br /> <br />IoaAedlouid~by11tel'.quitable llWldingand Loan A"'-lion"fGl3Ild bland, Nebra;ka. M",,-. npon 120 sharesofsroctof <br /> <br />uid ASSOC1ATION. Certir""'te No. L 24,125 . do hereby graftt. C<lm'Of and mort_ unto tho !lid ASSOCIATION the following <br />dos:crit>Od rul e_. "tnoted io Hall Counly. Nelmnb' <br /> <br />Lot Ten (10), in Valley View Third <br /> <br />Subdivision, in the City of Grand <br /> <br />Island, Hall C'.ounty, Nebraska. <br /> <br />l~ ....h .u t.he: tc~b.'tiftItPtt. ,j.Jm j:vpunnwkTt d'~.flf.nto Nk~. mdudin, nOOf Cuwnnp. aU wiAduw screens. <br />"W'Iibduw ~. bImds. lHlfllf ~w."l.. "lIfW~. rw-.t-.:. .)11 \.--...mdtuOntl14t. ~:nd pJ.umb~ and w",lC1 coqwpt'''U :snd -k~ thereto, pumps.. 5I.O'fea. <br />r",,...ntun. "Ad other !t);h,u'-n .aM (l~~-t ~.~ Of M.nftM' J:tt...d:~d In I'f ~ dl (UllOl('chnn .nth UKlI<"al estate- <br />Aad. WM>t~ t~ lii!Ud ml)ft~ run ....r<<'d .nd J,;Ja h:l!'ft'oy ~'(T HuH ,h.i' ll">>'~.}f ~ll 100 Will pay .U and ....DU levied Of <br />~ upun JaM1 .pt~mde. UJd. upuo If\Q Uf(Ut.... and H~ b-..m.u .W"t;:wt:\.! th~'l~bv t}("forc H~ Qmc:- sbaU become dehnquent; tu fUfnilb approved <br />itUtifJlDClt:'- up"" fM h~ Ofl wN -Pf'TmQtI. wtua-t-cd in liY lum ~jt "12, vOO .. 0-0 ~~,'.lbk to ~td ASS(X~f..\ lION .Ad to dchvet to Wd <br />AS..~_:t^l1ON- tlM.'- pt.M~ t-o;~ U....lmW-tft<<,.j:nd nut In cunUtm ur J'ttmtt .iU1Y wasl.: un ~)t .Oli-UI \IUd p~. <br />hi ~ i~i- 4datill m the- pnf(NltaIK'( I.Jt any -..\1 tilt' "cUM iNni nJtlttdklm -of thll mUf~ ~u Uw buM seQtfed hc~Y. tbto mut(~ Ihall~ <br />t~ ~~. ~ mtitk:d to ~ 'P,....m nf;t,t thO'lt~ ~~~I .l,OO In.- lHoti-WW ~r1tby JiWCIU. ltllNfc'fI and iCt! Uw( to the <br />muf~ .n I-M t~U~ (ct'!~ .06 ftl{,,-~ t~l ~ darwd h;:'"lU't tM lllFI)tl.:up.u J~lfmsrh dus~, ~ Umc U lhl: lJlUftpp mde:btedons abalI tematO <br />~. .IUd fhe -mOf~ ~ Mw- the p'-'Wtn h, itptlomt .an)' ~t tlf ~h tl n\llY {t-tUft' h~( the purpoilC vf tepq-ma saW preu.... and ft'ntm, <br />tM ___ and c:uikdfSll the t'c:lth. u~ at\d. tnG~, ,uw 1-1 OU'f pol,. '-HN u"l ,"kI ll~i:;j,~ .u ~ .,pemoa ot f-e-ptiI"m,: &aid ptcmilel and D<<'CIIUy <br />~ tnd: e_'l~ 4"W.":t;tued m f~l'th", ~ ~ tht ...-;..... ilfflI 01 o;li<.chtC ft~ut.ais. t-hc:Jehom. the tt,tao<< rt~~ tf any. III be <br />..ppked. hrtli'tUd the:: dUIt_-'fW1!r of sod: t!'Lf{t,,,- t~WJliMI;.. - ,thew J~tJ, ....t dw mut~ tna~ be e:..r,c..-d at any lime. dWlfttt the ex.istenoe of such <br />~l", t'~\",.uf.ny t~'&f)' ~ ~~{ lhe- ~ <br />1~ Pfnw-h, tW1Wn'lt" Mt!' ilpOI1 l~ {'on4.J(....m, t'!'Ql ff H~ WN Mtltlp.a$w ~ rrpl'f w...J luu.~ HfJ: Uj bctot'e t.he matunty uf SiUd Wtc:!t b) <br />l'!llyUlllmt" P*), B-':~ h) iiiIH.f ~)(1An-t~ oi HI~ v.4m 't-1W'(;~hN"" lht lJ,t.m.,l_~urN bcuhy.u if\-tU'tSt ~td ptUtQ:piJ un ~ luan.unor beture <br />the ' oJ t'oKh tad f'Wf'~< l'Y.;" 5oim1li~ it fuRy pt.1d, p.t), aH U.A~ ~ltd...&VtICflb k'V14d~ aui prtffUJ1lClandou tius Mor..... <br />-md tbf. Bottd wc:~ tfwf<-Uy, nc-f'..>>e,;)', It-ftn-n .ppn~ ,fl;MM""~ u."~l-' Ih.t bwidtn&t ~M.'tUtl ill the IWU ill' $ 12,000.. 00 p;ty.hle <br />tu 1iItd ~"iOCIAl1tJN, ~~-" hi ~ A:....~..t~nUN up:"d(,~aU ~~. t,)' II p.tJ 1m sudl hUi:CI..~I~ and Umu-&na withmtC'fUI at <br />Uw, ~ .... fitle- (~~)t' j'{nm J&lf ,,<.I:' P*) ~tW::fH d.i (H -.hili;:.h. MOfl...,i.1 ~cl'ty q.t~f; In V-y; tlt':.n:ut fkl WW4C-lHlN.s PfefSlUft~ ke.ttp.nd comply <br />Mth alllhr, ._.. utoI "!l._ ,,' .h. lI<....t ,,,' ~ 11., OUU. 00 . 1m. ~ ~",... by tho ..1<1 M'''\p$U1 ,,' MId ASSOCIA nON. and""mply <br />",Ill all tlw '_'''_l''~ .l>t 1.\...........,......, !I.,l....,.... _ A.'\1itll.IA liON. lltt.. 'how I,.......i> IhaIl bewmo null and ..>1<1. "tho""... they <br />1lioii ,,,_ ... lull f...,. .t>Id ....y b< ,"'....'l<"*'<l .. tltr upI~... ,., II>< _ As..\iOCIAllON <il.. 1.1lw. IUr ,_ ",,,rulu '0 make IOY ..t' said <br />plf-.uut: bt ib..... n~dt\ Ui ~f'tl:&fll U\ , tt~Jh!y ~)n~\l!o-. ,Ut to .Ot:'P.w.J w;:vmp1y with lhl: ...oeuwnb-and oonditKlmu( satdBond. <br />..w Mot....... ~ t.o haw.. rc'i,,:~-~ ~tN iutlhwuh to- Rk.-h tot-~,,~kJwl-c ptlN.'Rdmp. <br />If tllot<<.. tify ......,,__...... U.. ,.......'" _,,~ hot..... by alo '" <>Ib....".... lbotllho orlllr. "'1JIlium& ~ her<>by <br />--.llhlll. "' tho ""lOll 011110 l~_ ~.-I t".............u_ of tOtutd hl.....r. Nebf.... bewmo Ir1lBIOdratdy duo utd pttyablo witJlo>ut <br />r...... _, utd lho _ .......... 4... .... -.i b<>od. ..,.j .uy oUon lxmrI fm ...y ~ ad_ mo<k lboteundor .1haIl. from the <br /><lo,ut of e.__ .>t aaI ,~, ""'" .....,.... al II>< ............... loP ..... .-I Ih.........lJlIllO ,,*y U- b<! fortldulod to ..tJrfy the _t II... un aaI <br />r....o.l..-' lAy <>lhot h<""! r... ",wll......t ~, 1''Il'''hot with 011_ paid by .w Tho f"lwu!IJe IIWdiac utd u- AJI<fciIt_ of t:rand IsIaod, <br />~f... __,I_-'_il.PdIlJotrKtillf..~;;lw_ ",Ilh..lor... l~ (lU... date of payIIlO4l litho maximum <br />.... ....L <br />^" "'....... ... &lie .lIoG<l_Ctl ~.lO!ult 11m toorl8OF ,.- ... ell<<< lho """'"'" may hotuikor 1<1...... ~ _ tu &lie <br />..... ,>/" _llooooI.llo<ol ........ '" _11\ "'\01<11, wlIidl........ >hall be willi... lho "'<wily of 11m ..-lpfO &lie ...... .. the fun<la 00IiJ>0lIy <br />~ ~. ,hlt l.f>tol _ <>I I' dri>t .M tu .x.-.l .. '''Y 1_ II>< o.'lIJl1lll _lor 11m rnurljlop, <br />1-.t!kiJ 28th day ,>I ,July 01.. D.. 1'1 li3 <br />'? <br /> <br /> <br /><< <br /> <br />stAn Qf ~KA.1 <br />('~()IiflAU.t IS- fll\thts 28th .loyoi July I" (13 ,llriUr....... <br /> <br />.no .....---'.. NOIaly ~ in and for .w (mmty. p"r..-lly....... <br />~ .. Cla,ytQl. alXi ""'J.4. E. Clayton, each Ul his allci her ()\o;l1 r19ht and i'tl> $,....,h <br />Q~I ~ ~~ ~.~ <br />.. '" WIM ~ ....- . "'*'- _ lil iU'\il .tlw.t 10 lhlt .w..IMl_... ""'"-' Jli .nd they -&lIy <br />~lli!f!".~\<1hlt deil' ~,ad """llml< <br />~_~_.~li<<olt"""""'~, <br />~(~_,.U!~~" /1./1''- <br /> <br />/"--j <br />/ / <br />/ // <br />~'!!:l:'!;'f'.r;;; <br />/ <br /> <br />....." <br />, <J <br />L;f~{~f'... ........ <br />~ I'lllI& <br /> <br />--"",,,~ <br /> <br />-.....~..,,-- <br />.......... <br />_"&II.."" <br /> <br />..... a. <br />