<br />
<br />
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<br />
<br />.~'003981
<br />
<br />
<br />4-M O:llpany, a pillrt:nerShip, hemin called the Grantors
<br />in <:XlrlS1derab.ctl of 'Di.Ielve 'Ib::>usandFive Hundred and No/IOOths ~llars
<br />($12,500. QlJ}remi:w!li fran Grant$eS do grant, bargain, sell, c:x>mleyand
<br />cmfinnunto IaaUe D. Johnson and KarrieL. Johnson, husband and
<br />wite, as joint tenants with right of survivorship and not as tenants
<br />in i::x:l1IIa'l, herein called the Grant$eS, the following descri:bedreal
<br />estate in Hall <bunty, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />
<br />Wts One (1) and '1\<10.. (2), inBlockane ell, in
<br />Jad< 'Vbss Secald Subdivision, being a part of
<br />the West Half of the SoutJwest. QUarter (~)
<br />of Sectil::n 'lWo (2). ~p ~ (11), North""
<br />Range 'I'en (10), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall '
<br />Count'!, ~aska.
<br />
<br />ro HAVE AND 'lU HaLO the above described premises together with
<br />all t:elletlents, hereditarrents and appurtenances ti1ereto belonging
<br />un:t:o the Grantees and to their assigns t orta the heirs and assigns
<br />of the survi vcr of them forever.
<br />
<br />And GrI1l'1tor5 cb hareby covenant W~ th the Grantees that Grantors
<br />are lawfully sei:zed of said premises: that they are free fran enctJ11branoe,
<br />except easements of record: that Grantors lla'IR gcod right and lawful
<br />authority to ccnvey the sane: ,m that Grantors warrant and will
<br />detenci the title to Silld prmu.ses against the lawful claims of all
<br />penanlII whatBoever.
<br />
<br />It is the intention of all l:>arties hereto that w the event
<br />of the death of e.il:1'erof tIle Grantees, the ~~nt.l.re fee sinple title
<br />to the real estate shall wst in tlle surviving Grantee.
<br />
<br />L\1ltOO this ,~Of ):"4,l1Z-... 1983.
<br />
<br />4-1'4 t'alpany. a part:Illen>tup, Grantors
<br />
<br />STA~ ~TTACHtn
<br />
<br />. "d~" . "/~ '...,'~
<br />'31........I L iJ..I "I :t~~
<br />.' (:ary I-et. nit
<br />
<br />
<br />. JUl 2 9 1983
<br />~.S'"
<br />.l '. .. BY.
<br />
<br />"- .. ' .'. . ,. ),
<br />By-,..'~ I-ht~~ii/~ / '-"'~.-.k"
<br />
<br />
<br />, ,
<br />
<br />By~<';;;t,'>i ~!/::~~,'zft,j~~,;)\
<br />_/I?rnn I-httenbrink
<br />
<br />>1.'/ A)/J./ .. ~./ . '.'}' ..-\ J~." .J. "il" /,,'r)4f'
<br />B}(C~t~~<'~~ ,,', ...Iq$~"j
<br />
<br />'/;
<br />
<br />58
<br />
<br />Bitbe II1II. .~tal'y Plblic for said County, personally call>>
<br />.~~:'. JcM.. .Mflt;telDbrink, ~ I-htt.enbrink, and carol
<br />. ....Y~,~.of4-M~,a~,~to
<br />t.he~U9lll.~ \lib) siqned the f~ l.nst.nl:l1mt
<br />. tlle. ~ ~ to be their volunt:.ary <1.ct
<br />7 ,<) 11"")
<br />,tr, ,:;.to, 198.3.
<br />
<br />-
<br />6Il~
<br />..~,~. hand and ~& 5er;ll. Ql
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />.I.. tj ,
<br />bj,,:J- 1(" ...' <7'
<br />~. ~iQll ifj.r>>at~~~ /fl~.-~---,--"..".
<br />