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<br />I <br /> <br />Il~9_003976 <br /> <br />4, AB-adctit,jonal ~ty. Trustor hereby gives t-O and confers upon Benefidary the right.. POW€'f and authority,. during the continuance <br />Qf:~ Tt1,l8ts to ooJ1erl tb~ ren1s;_-~~_~l1d p'ronts of said property, reserving unto Trustor the:right~ prior t.o any. default-by -Tru'soor <br />in- payment of any i.nd~ ~.lted 'bereby or in performance- of any agreement hereunder. OJ eolleet'- and retain suw: rents. issues <br />and prufits as_ they -~me due ~'$Ui -~abl{l:. Upon :tmy such default~ Beneficiary may at any time withOUt--:uotlce.. either "in pe~n' <br />agent, ()f' by 8. r-eceiver w--~-apPointOO. by ,a.'wurt, 'and \\--1thout regard to the adequacy of any ~urity for the in.debt.edue!$ hereby-secured; <br />e.t'ltet' upon- and_ take ~ of'imid: pro~rtJ or, any flHrt the~, in his Qwn name ~ue for or otherwise-.collect EUch rents, 'iooues-and <br />p-r0fit8-. including t~, 1?6It d~ -and unPaid~ and apPly -the- ~'"tme upon any jndebtoo-nt1'SB ~ured hert>by> and in iluch -orde:r as' Beneficiary <br />ma-y determi08, ~ .,mtming upon M\d taking ~ of saki p-r~', th.e t'UlIeet!on 0,1' ::tuch nmts. issues and pro-fit.s and- th0 application <br />~u ..t'0r88id. $hall-n~t CUi"e 01' waive <lny default or notiCf> of d~uutt hereull~r tif in\'tlhdate any act dane pursuant to'such notk-e. <br /> <br />5, L)Km 'fiefttu'lt by Tr'uJJt01' i,n- the payment of an'y-,indebtedn~ socured h~",by Ot; ,in the-:rK~hrm~~e of any agr.,eement ron~tned herein, <br />aU t:um:s ~ h&Teby !ihaU lmmedi3~ty ~ dt.l(i and payabl-e nt, the. tr?twn of the- Reneficiary, In Ruch ~te-nt and uPon writi-cn- request <br />of Beneficiary. Trustee _shall ~H the t:ruat. pl'OlK"rt~., in 1'lCt."'Ot'ddit& with t:Jw Nebraska Trust -~ At"t; at' public- aur.tion to. the higb$t <br />hid.... Any pef1iliOli -ex-cept 1rust~ may hid at 1'rU!ilt~e'5 '!<a,w_ Tn.u;> "halt apply:_ the p-roeeedR' of {he- sale as folln.Vo"S~, (l) to the e~nsE <br />of the- Mte, including-a re-.a$Oft8b1~ Tr'ust-mt's fff~ : 2:0 to the nbh-~ation 8!tt."U-rOO by this. Deed ofTtU$t; t3,l thf.> surplut<, if any, shall be distributed <br />it> th. ~-t"D1;lt:t_ the-Mn . ~ <br /> <br />6, ,ffi'al1 de-Ih-"J?-T -to the 'pun:hS.@(<T at--~h~ ~alt!- It$ def"d, without warrant~~< ".ihi~h ~haH l-xmvey to the purchaser th~ interest in <br />W-tJ'I'~ which Tru:!1tO-!' had i"rt' had t-h", POW@-F' t~. ~'t)nvpy at tJ\{, tim€' 'i.,lf hll!.- m'P('UT-wn (If thi!'l-r~ fir 'Pn-ist. :antlsuch'8S -he may have <br />-il-eqDif'@(i t~.- Tt'U~tl!oi!'~- ~ ~~..aH 'fed-t~ the- f:u;t.. '9-Mwing that th~~ :1'><.'11e wn~ {:onclueted in -ctmtphalll.---e wit.h all the- requirenlent.<; <br />('A"_law and 9f th~ r~- Qf 1'nu:;t., WhH:h rt"C'lt-Al 8h..1H b(' prmw ffl~t{l t;.vHit'n('e ot :mdl i'r,.mplt.."luw .(inti ('ondu!Sive f.'videnoo thert'Of in favor <br />otbomt fl.1'Uft!~ u.n.d ~nM1mhran.('("n- fot ,.i;llu..... <br /> <br />7_ Th~ ~~Qf~~ ('(mf~ITM hy 1b~ ilt~d <)t'i'ru;;{t IJi fUlt i<n i~'(du"i\'-f' r-*'Hlt:.,dy Ik~Wll(.'l~'\r\' tmH' Cl.lU~; t.hlR 1.h."t...i of Tru~t f() bt- fQredolM;'() <br />M a n~..; <br /> <br />K In tlwr t"v~t hI' the- dt>4tft< tnf1il'm{'lty ~hs..'1~hty or n''"'_i:~natum oi Tnl.!<-tl"f'_ H-N;('tltmrv !l1~I~- :-1r~')mt III wnting a ~Ul'\'('~sor trustE't'-, <br />rJn4 upon thtt recQOiin(if {;<f ~uch ar}:~-'jlnnr~nt in H.\t' nu1-rt-K.l~i! !">"('On!,; ni iht'_ f")Unf.'.- In whtro thH {h.'Hl !If Trust 1:'\ ~cordM, tht> !'Iu(~('e~!\or <br />t~ ",h.all he, W!Mtm w,th .ill POWt;r;r<;O oi th~ ~~-n~m.aJ tni~tt:+. Thf' n1J~t~. I"; fwt t,r.h~{'d t;) UO-tif>.- an\' pM!\' h~'l'e-t() I1f ~tlI.h-ng si'tlt~ under <br />...nv ~r r~ Hf_Trust or nf IH_~~ ~H'1lun N' nr()\'~1Utl: H1 ...vtndl TrU.ii.tHf-, Tru"'t~ <IF Bp-npfll'lt-l.n, :H\dll ~" .'l o.nrty.' llnle$~ K\lCh action or <br />ru'~,~ 1.1) hfimgtil_ by the 'f-rt.tE-tH_ . . <br /> <br />9, Th~.. 1~ t-i' 'fruJ$t ~WhUft t,-i. H'i:~JN'-fI u~ ,U'jA> lwrwf!t pf. .Hld h hmlm.g tH1{ HI'II"- ,\n !h~' p;trUt':o:. ht'l"\.'tE). hut on th\Hr hei~, dt','i$-~t:'fl" <br />t~, itdmln-igmturs. ~')!t!("-HrON, ",u-(-'(";e*,,~ E\.nd (i)l.:-l.!#,r." 'P~i-' !t'.nn H~'!'"'l'fl('wn' :-1Hill nU'd.n thr. hH!dt'r iHui ownf'-" Ill' tt'H~ nf1tt~ t-4('('un\(j <br />ht-.nhy. -w~r- or- Mt !la~ a.~ Bcnet\cIMY t-~'r-'\mJ <br /> <br />NOTICE TO CONSUMER: l. Do not sip thu. J"lpt'r hefore you rl'ltd it. :.!. You are entitled to a copy <br />oJ thiapaper. 3. You Dla)' prepay the unpaid baiance at any time without penalty and may be entitled <br />to receivto a n!fund of unearned chlUlte8 in accordance with law. <br /> <br />SipedtlU8 28 d3'l'"r Jill" .\ D. 19 83 <br /> <br />.li,~U <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />/) <br /> <br />iC.HL. L,~~ <br />~. ...) .~.-f : .n,/\.... .... <br />-~-~- -~-"-~. -~ <br /> <br />:,'TAn: OF :'>iEBRASKA <br /> <br />('(leNTY <br /> <br />On thl.$ ~~" day of ,_.1U_~ AJL tH 83 twh)rl' ntf'. th,,-~ Ht<<h,~rt!-'14nt"(i, ~,:--;olart Ptlbhc. duly <br />~ and q1.l4hHttd for lllud r.~dl~ Iii !!i~ud. c>ou.nty, pt~r'!i(m..ltl~' ~'dnw g()~ ,L. and,.Chltrt~__,L~" S~da <br />~~c:; ,,~~__ W~-f:. tiD- me k.-n-nwn tu t*" tiw -;dt'ntln~l pt'~m $ wh~ fiil,flU' &- ,'ltf)xwl tu lht" fon~~t,"-iO~ <br />lnatru~(: u T'ruator fJ i1f1-d ~(.~knvwit-d$lt-d th..~ .Nltflt' t.(l- iw t.b. !t.-' -,.. ... "____ \'01. <br />Uttt.ary' ..ct ..nd deed, ".lllAt .o;;;:;.;;;.~~ <br />Wa~ my Mud ~nd NO!.ana.l ~! thl!! da) .lUl'u .?i~~~r i~~t ~hO\--l:.' ~'l'Htt"n KATIilUN K. HfU. <br />My Comm......... ,,"1>,...... the. .3{ .. <I." ." , '''t:.',,' ,. j ................. -U I_ <br />()f [l)4./t.Ll,,:_! IH ,,,,ry f~A-'lf..t.t..r~K"j .lj "~f-(~,-;(, ~'-"'-~.~"---' <br />'io(al')' l~lhh( <br /> <br />~:1TATE 01-' <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />.. <br />j <br /> <br />County <br />J.;ntt\rtld'1) :-I.......,,,,.., Inde. and llled fur f"""rd In Ih" 011..." 01 Ih.. H"j;'f "ll^,,~ oj ><all.! ""\Illly. ,lw <br />day of IV <It j;'f~ot:k and <br />mm,"- :'d" .nd d\lly "",,,,'dt'd Ul Ilouk "f <br />~pl\IIf' <br /> <br /> <br />ReM18t~t' of Dtw.db <br /> <br />ll,'puly <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />L <br />