<br />83.....D03959
<br />
<br />"OR.TGAGE
<br />
<br />MORTGAGE WAN NO. L 24 ,124
<br />IOfOWALLMI,NaV1'HFSEPlU'SFNl'S:T'hat Dale J. Rohweder and Betty L, Rohweder, each in his and
<br />
<br />her own right and as spouse of each other, Mortpgor,wbethe, one or more, in considenotion of the sum of
<br />
<br />'.chitty Ser\'et1 ~l"""'nO ,mil oof]OO . ._ DOU.ARS
<br />
<br />IooDod to said IROrtlPIlDrby The f~ lluiIdiDg_ toon Asoo<:iatic:m ofG_d Island,NeInUt..,Mortp&ee,_ 370 sharea of stock of
<br />
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Cmifical~ No. L 24,124 , do hereby gnml. ""'""Y aod II10rtgafIe uoto the said ASSOCIATION the followiat!
<br />dts:ribad real .....t.. situated in H.II Counly. Nebta5ka:
<br />
<br />Lot Thirty 'l'hree (33), in Block Une (1),
<br />
<br />Continental Gardens an Addition to the
<br />
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />I"..U"" WIth all ,he I."""",..... ltered.""""".. and 'PPW""W>tt< IIl....,un,,, beklfllll"ll, Ifldudmg alta<lted noo. ro_iDp, all window ocn:ens.
<br />window mados. b1tnth. ""'m -......-"'l!>. ".,,".... alf <und,""OUll<. and plumbin!< _ "'ala IKfwpmon, ami accouurieo therelo. pWJlll&,Il_
<br />ref,..nIOR4 ~nd ()(bn fl3.lUJn and rqutpmtftl oow i:lf ~reJfte-r .ItlKht-d h) ill UX'd It, L.'Ottnet.1:iou with said real ntau.
<br />And -_ ,he _ __" no. ~ .nd dna he..by 'P" '1101 'Il< """'11"&0' .nan .nd will pay all taXn II1d _b IevIod or
<br />.--I _ _ """"""" _ _ ,II.. """131P= and In. b<1JJd ,"",,,red lI",.by belo.. ,he ..- .nan become ddiJIq.....,; 10 f1lfllial1 .pp'......
<br />.........- upon lite b~ un _ ~ ..,....<0/ '" ,he ...... "j s 37,000.00 payal>k '0 said ASSOCIA nON ami '" tIeliwr to said
<br />AS:StX.1ATION tbe pobcie3 f()f Sb! mswuce.ltnO hut towmmd tlof peu.rnt &fl)' wldtc\,m -t.U about sud plem&Iet;
<br />I.. caw ,v de!lWIt 1ft ,"" perl..._.. ol...y "I ,he ..."... .nd oomi,tiom 01 'Iu. ......'"' '" lhe bond ..cured hereby. u.. ttlOI'tpp obIIl,
<br />".. dell1lllhl. be ..."tled to .-..te __ 01 ,It<: loor\jllltlod pt'm_ .ntI ,be ......t_ ""'dty ....... (.l11li.... _ ..b owr to the
<br />mutt...... all ,be ,....., ........... _ __ '0 be dn.~ It..." ,he ....,,\jIlItIod p.."'..... dwin!< sucb I..... as1he fIl<lftpp mdcbtecl_ aboJI.....m
<br />UltpIUd; IIUd the lllOflppat sNlJ ha:w tbt- f"O'WC' tu aVfJUtni -lu)' ~tt tif aJCPh tt lna)' dnIre t't)r the pm'poIO- O'f fepairio& laid pmu.iIeI and rmtiDa
<br />tbe woe lAd <<-~"'fm&: t.he fe:nti. lewn~.and DlU>t1.1e. And tl INy PJ:,)' OU~ (~f 'iatd tlk:QtM- All c~pc".Jl," of repiWUta said pRmtIes and neoe...,.
<br />Qlftllllilt.ion& ;inti e-ll,~ UW'\UftN in let.tUn, ;(Ikj t~ the \afllt' tutti of t::lJtkoctll'ql. t~ntatl thlre-from; the b~ RII'II.iIliPa.. if any, to be
<br />applied. ' lowtrd ,he dudwll" of SlUd """1_ _1<<Inns; I"""" 1\,,1l.. 01 lbe mOf'- ....y be ..aciood a' any t..... during ,be .xist...... of sucb
<br />default. m~1tW of &fl~ letnpLKN)' w&lWI pf thC' ~.
<br />The. ~t.a. brnwW".f. ~le. ~'- lbto Condll-lQa, -ID~ If HlC" 1!I&d Mw:t~'tf slW! re-pay So\l.Kl w.n dfi Of befOre the maturity ur IIid thua by
<br />I*y.._t; pay mootltly l<' SlUd ).....SOClA nON of I"" ,urn <po<;.r..d In lto< IJood ..~u.<d ""'eIly as m...... and p"..apal on Aid loan. 0" 0' baf.....
<br />,be ~1"'lbday.J .a.:h ..td ,,,,y J1lOf\lh.unld uid k.."" (\Illy pao<l, pay'.U .."..llnd........oenl.InJe<j_. Aid pr........andoolhia..ort....
<br />....! tbe IIood _<0/ ,he,...,.. bel",. t1ctin<t..,,,.<,; 'wn..n aPl""~ .............. UJ'l'" ,ho bwldtnp lbet_ m1he Jw" ..I $ 3 7 , 000.00 I*yable
<br />to""" ASSOC1ATION; "'pay '0 _ AS..'\t.lCIA110N u_ d.....nd.1I """..y by ,( pal<l I", sucb tuc.. _..I>....!.-..... ..ithint_ at
<br />the _ lopl ..,. ,he",,,.. /rom dal. of pay""'" all "I ..htdl J.k..,PiI<" Il<."by ..... '0 pay ,pe'''''' 1lO _ ,... aid pr.......; keep ami wmply
<br />";\11 ail tbe ap..._.. .ndrondt,...... of tho lluttd 1.0' $ 37 ! 000 . 00 I n.. day gt"".. by''''' wd MOf""'" '0 Aid ASSOCIA 1'ION, amllllllapIy
<br />w.lIt.n tbe ""I"_ltol tho C.......,.."........! Ily,u..." 01 ..'" A,<;S()t:lATlON; Uu", t'- I'ffiI"DI> thai! become null ami .....J. othorwiIo they
<br />tbIlI ",_ ill hili f....;" .ntI may be Io.ccloocd 01 ,he <>pi..... 01 ,to< uid ASSOCIA'nON alta failll1c 101 tno. .......ths 10 mak. any of said
<br />P'QI"""'b... be ,_ .-u.. ... ...c... m makioJ wd "",,"Illy ""y"''''Ia. ill '0 keep """ comply with the ...........b _ conditiona of m4Bond;
<br />amI.....'- .._ '0 ha.. . ,.""'... .ppuint<d I<lIth..,," ... md. f",...1oouo. I"~.
<br />If t....... .. any <:ha<18o m ........rahip of lbe ,001 couk ~ berem, by .. '" olho'....., ,boo the .ntu. 'emaioioc ~ hereby
<br />-.nd tbIlI. .t ,be upt"'" ot 1'110 ~ IIuiIdinj! """ Lo",. ~ of GJand Island. N....... become immediately cIuot ami j>>yablc _
<br />I"'lbet .....ice, atJti lbe -' ,~ due uadct wd bond, atJti II1Y other bond 10. .oy additiooaI 04_ made tIununcIcf. aboJI, from the
<br />dall! of ._cisc .\1 m4 oplJua,l>oar ~ .t tbe mnlmUJII lopl 'oU, Mod 'hio fIl<lflJ!llllC may IIten be fotCdoaaol tQ aatisfy the _t d.... on"'"
<br />bond,....! say othct bund f... additinoW o4YlUl<C<, ~lbet ..ith aII_ plLid by wd The Equitable IluilditIa and Loan Aao<:ialioIl of G1Ud 1aIaDd.
<br />~ lor ~...oe. ,..... atJti _I>.....! ~...... <.<1_ """"".. ..;1It inte.OSl .bet...... frOll> dat. of pay....nl at the mainwm
<br />lopI..lc,
<br />.... poowjrIed in tto< !load ...:wed heseby, ..1uI< .1Us fflOrtJ1IllC ,,,........ m .n",," tbelJlOft&l&CC may hercart.. .d...- odditiotl&l ....... 10 the
<br />taali;eft oJ JiOid &Md, IIlcir ....... 01 """"""". III ml..C>!. whi<.it ....... .nan be W1lhm lhe _only of lhi> lllOItpjjC ,he ...... as the funcb o~y
<br />........Nlheeby. .be ....w __, 01 poincipa/ debt 1\01 1"."- o. ony lun. .be OJigitlll.l .",ounl of II... mor,-.
<br />day of July A, 0.. 19 83
<br />
<br />
<br />$l4TS. OF.~. .... . .... ,l..
<br />COJNTY Ql'. FW.t. J .
<br />
<br /><toy 01 July 1'1 83 ,bef"'c.....
<br />
<br />the Ilnd<oraipotl, _ ~y 1'tobW: III atJti r", Aid COWlly, 1*""""'-
<br />tliiille J.. ~ and Bet.ty L.~, eacll in his and her o..tl l:j~t and as~~h
<br />O~I are
<br />- "" l:ot<lIiII ~.~ & ""- _. are af!i&ed "'!be.~ _I.............. S .nd tile}" .......ny
<br />.....rrl iltIr~tl,u_ld~tube
<br />W!1'\IlliB5 It>1lto1Oll-'
<br />"'t~~
<br />
<br />On tbu
<br />
<br />28th
<br />
<br />
<br />f%~_"~!:: __/~'//
<br />. _ _.~ ~ "*.' i i...f .' . . _-.....-- -;zr.::.
<br />"-~J...c-",---, .... "' . "'NutiryPiii.ile
<br />
<br />..-...
<br />