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<br />83;""003955 <br /> <br />KDIFICATlOO 00 EX'JE-lSI<l'i ~ <br /> <br />Al.FBEDW. BllX::KIBR and JUDITRK.BOCKLER, Husband and Wife, whether <br />one ormre, hereinclUledtheJ.tn1;gagor, and The Overland National Bank of <br />Gt'and. Island, Grand ISland, Hall County, Nebraska, herein called the JDrt- <br />~, hereby agree as follONS: <br /> <br />1. MOrtgagor has executed and delivered tonort~ll real estate <br />nnrt~datedJiumary 4, 1983, and recorded on January 10. 1983, aslX:lcUnent <br />NO. BS-OOOl6S in the office of the Register of J);Jeds,Hall County, NebraSlUt; <br />in COlllilidemtion of a certain nnrtgage note for $65,134,94, a validsubsist~ <br />obli~tion of the lbrt~r. 11M pl'l.}'l\'Ient of the rEmainder of the principal and <br />accrued interest thereon shall be due according to the tenns of theaf~ <br />tioned real estate nnrtg:agE!, rrvdified and payable in the followi~manner: <br /> <br />A IlOrtgage note dated .Jarn.uu-y 4. 1983. on MUch a principal <br />1:a1W1('.e of $45,5.14.94 remains tmpaid, will be repaid on <br />October 15, 1983, at an interest rate of 14.00; per annun <br />frtm .Ja.nuary 4. 1983. <br /> <br />2. All other tems and condition.... contained in the original real. <br />estate IOOrtg:age dated January 4, 1983, shall ranain the sane, and this <br />~ficati(m. Agreetoont .is made a part of the original real estatennt'tgage <br />~t reference and shall inure to rin successors and assigns and their heirs. <br /> <br />IhtOO this 5t.h day of .July. 1983. <br /> <br />," Lit <br />i:,Jl~ ,dL..-1/1.--- <br />;\1 tred W. ReekIer <br /> <br />9.L" .ill".,"" [' "cr;. ,. ,c"{e <br />,fu(H,~' K. ~~klt1l;r '..,- <br /> <br />n!p~ ()VfRU\ND l'l\\Tla'lAl, )iAliK (}I" GRAND ISLAND <br />, ,7/ / <br />By; . I ,r". //'.. ./.~k~ <br />lfa.v (,: BlooK. K"<<."CUt 1 ve Vice dent <br /> <br />STATE OF NmRASKA) <br />) !is' <br />a:utrY <F HAU, ) <br /> <br />Bafore me, a notary public qualified for said county, peraonally <br />caIlle Alfred W. Beckler and ,ludith K. Beckler, Huabcmd and Wife, kn<>Ml to me <br />to btl the identical per~ \lilO signed the foregoing instl'\J'lle1lt and ackn0w- <br />ledged the eJCe(lUUon tbereof to bt.. his and her voluntary act and deed. <br /> <br />2""- .. - -.. . notarial _1... on .'lulY 5, 1983. <br />I -~~4:.~ ,.' . <br />.. .-.. .-:. ~lil. .k./.' , 1/ // <br />.,r.-.&J.llIt.}(f!lll . ~ IJ~~ <br />t'btary 1 c <br /> <br />srA'm Cf'.~) <br />) ss: <br />) <br /> <br /> <br />Before me, a llOtary fA,lblic qua1ifiā‚¬'d for said county, llen;onaUy <br />~~, G,mO($, lI:l1oMl to tm to be the idoo.t ieal person \lilO siv,ned the <br />~ins~t; andacl!nowledged the execution thereof to be his <br />~~lWtaJill1.<hied and the \'Oluntary act and deed as an officer of <br />~.'.~t:tCCl. <br /> <br />/.# J' . ,/) <br />~- .,..,. f } <br /><::;:MW k;~~.~/ <br />rb1:al'7PUblic <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />)1. _ - &,,,.'~" ..y ,_'" "t" '1'- ,_~~':.^~,> l't,;;.-~ . <br />..___,' _ ~~~~_"-(~? :4!-:'~'_ <1 ~~/I.\M~~~'C ...~-~~>~~:.,..~,.~ ....'~ - ~.l <br />~.<..,:'J#~...:.~r;;;:&..."" .f';'-~r<zt'; L.:<'" .~l-" ""1.e ... ' .' <br />~_ ~.__,~~'i(,.,__ __Qt~ {-{~~.f.&~"..,... .;;,--At_'~ <br />