<br />83- 003926
<br />
<br />10. lbat IIlc Monpeor wiD keep the buildings upon said premises in good repair. and neither commit nor permil wasle
<br />upon said land. nor suifer the said premi....lo be used for any utllawful pIIJJ)O$e.
<br />II. lbatiftbe premiJeS. or any part thereof. be coodemned under the power of eminenl domain. or acquired for a public
<br />_, &hedama,es awarded. lhe proceeds for the rakin& of. ur the consideration for such acqubition. 10 lhe extent of the full
<br />_of indebfedlle$ upon this rnortllilge and the llOte which it is given to secure remaining unpaid. are hereby assiped by the
<br />MorrIlllllOT to the MOf/JiIgee. and silall be paid forthwith to said Mortgagee to be applied by !be lalter on account of the next
<br />lIIlIl8riaa installmenl!l of such indebtedness.
<br />12. The ~ further a,rees that ,houl<l Ibk mort8llll" and lhe nOle secured hereby IlOt beeliaibk for in-
<br />SllI'lIJItC under &he Narional Houslllll Act within from lhe date hereof (wrinen statement of any olllcer
<br />of * 0epaItme1lt of Housiftl and Urban Development o. authorized agent of the Secretary of Housing and Urban
<br />Development dated sol>sequent to lhe rime from the date of lhi. mort!lllllt'. declining 10 insme said
<br />note and tflls rnorttllllJe. beint deemed conclu,ive proof 01 ,uch inelillibililYI. Ihe Mortgagee or holder of the note
<br />may, al its option, declare aU sums s:ecurred hereby immediatdy due and payable.
<br />13. 1lIat if the Mortaa&or fails to mal<e any payments of money when Ihe same become due. or fallilo conform 10 and
<br />OOlIIpIy with any of !be condition. Of agreement. contained in Ulis morlllllllll, or the nOle which it secures. lhon the enlire princi.
<br />pal_ and ~ imere" .nail at .,nee bee""", due and paY"ble..t the d<<tion of lho Mortpace; and this mOrlJllllle may
<br />lhereupoa be foredo$Cd immediately for tile whole of ,aid money. mter",!. monthly paym""". costs. ground rents. taxes and
<br />tile cost of extene!1tIa the abstract 01 !ide from tbe date <,f lhi. 101m W llIe lim" of commencillllsuch foreclosure suit. and a rea.
<br />!OOMbie attOrney's fee. llIJ of whicb .hall be i""lulled in ,h. ..enee 01 tl1'ec]"'ure; and lhe conll'li<::l "llIbodicd in this mortJllllJe
<br />;WI tile not. ~d herebY, .ball in all r..pecI< "" s<".,ned. "oMtrued and adjudgl!d by !be law, of Nebt.ska. where the
<br />_i. made,
<br />'The .o.emlftt$ltcntn contained >hall !>ind. ..,.j!be """"lif<;;lId """"nlllie. .hall insure 10. lhe respective heirs, executors.
<br />llliminiltrators. .,,"eo...... ane! ......... of the part.e. ke,.to, Whenever usN, the .ingular number shall i~ Ibcplural. the
<br />p/Qral ttw si..-, iOnd tile u$I: "f any l!"tldcr .haH he "J'P'JQ\bJe !o ill! g"nders,
<br />The forq:nina ~"ODditiom. ..ll and "/liUfln , b<I"ll rerl,><med ,<:cooling '" 1M" nalural ;md legal ililport, this .OllveYlllIce
<br />mall be "tOO.nd 1Wdprerm_ TI'le'.....; " the n,..""" c1f lb. MO<tPllor: <>thei'w,,,,, 10 be and ttmllin in full foree and eKeet,
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