<br />
<br />This form is used in c()nnee~
<br />ti!>" with mortgages insured
<br />'.....,~l ~~''fuf<ltJl'.famUy
<br />prov1a;ons of the National
<br />HOWling Act.
<br />
<br />8
<br />
<br />003926
<br />
<br />THfS MORTGAGE. madund uecuted Ilri. 26th day of Julv. .. ,kD.
<br />1983 ,byandbel_ KimA. Math1eso:ln and Ram::lna K. Matl'lieson, each l.n his and her ClWI1
<br />rlaht: and as S];XlI.lSe of each other,
<br />oflJl'eToIiii(fof'. Hilll . and Slaltof N~brn.ka. partY\!flhefir~tpall.~ealled
<br />me M<ltlpgor. and The 8:lUitable Building and Loan A88OCJ.ation, 113-115 l'4Ort.IlSt.."
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />
<br />a e<Jt!l<>fatloo OlllJtIli:red and e..,'inll undt'r lhe I..., of the State of Nebraska
<br />patty <'If lhe "",,"'" "art. heremafl<-r called ,he MtlflllllBt"e.
<br />
<br />WfTNf-:'."SETH: Thalllle ><.:tld Mflfl~<>t. fM and in ,,,,,,,deralion of lhe \um of. Forty TWo Thousand Five
<br />Hundred and 110/100- Dollanl$ 42.500.00 },paidbYlheMorl-
<br />l!IilI'!e. IlIe receipl of wlllCh i, herehy ""kllOwledlled" h.., Gramed "nd Sold and by lhese "resellts 00ell Gl1Illt,llat-
<br />gam. Sell, e"'lvev and ("",,111m unl<' .he M,>tlllllllee. If' "'CCeS"'" and "".ill"'. lorevcr. lhe l"lIowj~bed
<br />rwnllllle, ..UlliI-odin.lueCtJUnt\'"f Hall ,alIdState
<br />,,1 Nel:>l'uh. '0 w1l'
<br />
<br />Lot Three (J), Virden SUbdivision in
<br />
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall COUnty,
<br />
<br />Nebraska.
<br />
<br />t~ 'tnc Sath Pl'it1(<~",j \t~'dd-1M-l_ '-~VtH;t~n-JflJi: m ~U
<br />-ment _f\'"t"-)'-,
<br />
<br />iO HAVe. AND It) lh.JLIJ 1l,..1".'u,,~, ,,1><"< ,leh,,,i=/, w.t~ ,.il 'h. "1'/,uH"..."I'.' ,!wr.om" b;o~nl!:and mclullinll
<br />an -~tin~~ .,Jum-(l.t~ ~n:t! h~H:n-'~ tiuUJ~" ..n1i I:'ititvmt,.f,H !h~,"" n! ,htt:(\; ~he-! -'*{~,he.d to Of 1iM:'4, m .{Ofil-}C(;!wn wtth Said t~ e1itale
<br />Uflkllh('-M~mp~-e, ;~_#4~ "l,..~ i.h, "'\K(t'''''''_~f:\- "n~l ,-l:5:.'\:gfb, fj~i~"<:f nl~ MOHp~~- t.t;ltt::'rl:fth hJ, and covcnanh wtlh~ t~ Mortga~
<br />~~ th:1 t~ Mvrt!a8't"lt hlh gtxJld rt~: h~ ~r:'H ;,~n.(j ,'nflvt"\ ~,;ud pfe(tHW~". ~hat they ate- fn:\'" frmfl t'flCumbfl!.fi(:c. .md that r,he
<br />Mof~I{:}f' wUt ~':a~U'-ld\t and ddt"fid!~ ~{HnlZ <i_:~W_41'd !h< f.~~fdl dillm.,; 01 'lIt ~f'Ii(Jt'f"- ,v. h(Hfb.o\': 'o'er: and the ~aKi Mor~ here--
<br />by ,.if_nqu..~~ ;tit n.tttlb (\1 htlolll('''h:ati, ;.m.d ell 'tlLU'h-;,J n~hh. 't'ld1t'f m bw ~)f to .:'qulty , .Utd aU ~)ther ('ontinpnt 1fltere~b of the
<br />MQr.~ m and h} tM ~_~-\.'~'~n{lc-J pf:C!JU..c1'. the kmrrt-lklfl b€u'~ hll.: vll..-ey ~f-cby an ah~oJule hth:. m fu ~imple-. rne-Jud~
<br />JUI;aU l:~~ ui hool~witd~ :il.fW -i.Hhtcs ligM~-;;lt'ld mk;t!:,-h;.::.. ~-!tof':~ill-Kt
<br />
<br />a('IC\ accon.iing to (';ovt:rn...
<br />
<br />"Pftt)VIOr.::tJ :'\L"AtA YS, 4rW UlC~e pfil;:",<ill_~ ,,1'(;; h'~W~\,j :dMddn'ch:,;-J upu_~ the t~>UuWH)g'-Ou4.jtIDn~. to w~t
<br />
<br />n..: Mt><<gilll'" i>j!r..., h> 1'.' ,.,!~ M"r!",j;~< q' .,,<lef, ,~ I'flr" '1',,1 '~m ..ffo~ TWo ~ld Five 1iunc:Ired
<br />ard l'lO/ 100 Doda" ,S 42,:;000.00 ),
<br />
<br />..ill> '...."-Ir;;," ""\<1..1 t.!w 'Ol~ 01 .. 'I\oIelve (1.2-.1 p", ,~nn"" ('}WIve (12) %.1 per """,""on
<br />lhe uTll"lidbllla~" \lntill'i'nt, The ",jd 1"1"",1"" ,Hid IOtrrc.' 'b;tll Ot-".;"l>Ie "11M "Uk...f The Equitable Buildill9 and
<br />1Q;m1'l8llociation, 113-115 lbrth ~t St., Grand Island, NE
<br />. . . . "r at 1IUCb .,t""rphi<< .. IIue bolder "t
<br />II;< n<it<: <<lit)' a".igMl<: .n"f1WJi. 11\ "'''lHhly 1Tl>lt>iImr"" ,,( Fo\.lr i:lutldIed 'Ihi.rty Seven and 18/100--
<br />,n .... ...... . J)uIW',$. 437 ,lb L wlnmencing..n lite liN day of
<br />~t 1, ' 19 SJ . 4"'</ vf> lh" !if.I4I" "t t..~h "wIlIh l!wr<'"He. "nul the pr'!l;.:ipill af>d in.
<br />ttu<! Aft f"ll~ I"'id. .~c.pt lh.al Ill< oMl l'aY""'1l! ,-,I !,""',pal ;;lid in'~f".t, ,1 "ot ""'<Jer p."!' .h1Ol1 b;o due af>d
<br />r>alilbk '''' ,i\<( IiN<J.'li "'. Jul.y I, 20..13 . all ""wrdingt" lhe: lerm' "f a c.nain PfOfr'"
<br />'-0') tWIt "f "'en dali' ""'...ith e~en,'t-d bv Iht- ,~"i Mortlt"l!'>1
<br />
<br />The M<.m~, in fK1l<>r mer" 'ully j" t"f,)1e,,1 tb" ....emll, ,)4 ,iii, M<!Jlpge _ au.e,
<br />
<br />L ~ be..>ll fl'tJIll;: i~l!O', ~> !wre..r"r. f!!O\'lded Pn.,1C'1lC i, le",,,ed I" pay lhe: debt in "'~()l", or in an
<br />~,e~JiH.tftt~, UU~ft-,~tWy ~ymtf.H.) ~ the: pnncip-aI tha-~ iJa: fk:'\t due on !-Ilt.' r-.UI-t:,;.)fl 1M first dar of an:;' month
<br />",lot I<'~l" J'r"Io;id<4,l><!f",,,.#r, 'lh.alwrilteil M,,,.e "I .n "'l~O!"'" tv ..,,!<:,'" ",d, pflvileae i'IV'''n.. le"'I Ibirly (JOI
<br />day, .l""".I";>\fl'P")!II<;~lo
<br />
<br />~. lbltl, ~tlI<::f ..il"..tId ill ~Ii<m I", tk. m;;nlltJYI'i'YlJ1"llt> L4 1''''''lpaJ ;m,j onle'e,1 l'",)abk urnJ<r ,he. lerm. "r In.,
<br />"",l("'"Ilt~~thy, I"" M(wI~ ",.in l"!Y W the. M,,,.~... <""In., f.nt 4<; ..I..d\ I>wlllll unl,l tn., ,ail! ""Ie ., fully paid, I""
<br />!~lflllfilll"l":
<br />
<br />1.,1 A1m,umillflk>t\'llt .<> 1"""" l!;elwllk,b,"e"f w>tll ,,,,><1< to P.Y II>< ,''x, ",o"li"I" ill""llI''''' l"e.....uffI IIllm
<br />"~1n,__ .If<<! 001. .,\1''''' Ml:"by~''''_'lt 0' . .nmltl.ly cl>ullC Ii" Ikli <'f 11 ~ i.uu_u ,,,~'
<br />~mi d" ~ mlwld by.1ho Sftt<t",Y6l l~lll,.nd {JIb... Iltl...klp1l>ent, .., folk"",'
<br />
<br />in __U' ~ $U kn'l at *il '-wont of ot,;1i-t''fI ~ and mlJ' H>>.ftumcnl .'1<<:' Iff.:5tU:eJ Hf a-to: fein.~u-red '-1~~J(l tht: IHd<
<br />...._ '" tb< ,....;,ml!J ~.....,..... MI, Q _In<.lllnl mlfJd<>nl {{. ""~'''n"ktl~ in th<! hand, "~I the ",olUe, "n<
<br />
<br />~~ $-~A ::li4~ Ni~:fi~':,~ ..'~.1 'J,"1~>f ~u,pp.l' ~* l!!-4~ikIit~J
<br />
<br />"''TA"nUW....EllKA1:i1lA
<br />~tvP >li'i f4.JM ffJ.?91
<br />