<br />83..lJ03914
<br />IN CONSIDERATION of tM payment of tM debt named tMrein, Dial Finance CompanyEf Nltbl'lUIka
<br />-- - ,_____hereby releases the mortgage made to the above named company by
<br />JOl!Ml1)h R e.nd Barbara L Beran Huebe.nd and Wife on tM following described real estate sitUizted in
<br />liall County, State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />The North Fifty-Two (52) Feet of Lot Four (4), Block Eight (8)
<br />Packer and Barr's Addition to the City of Grand Island,Hall County,
<br />Nebraska
<br />Document No 82-00126}
<br />which is recorded in Book..____. ------~_.,_____o/tM records
<br />of Hall .____.__ COW1ty.
<br />
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, ~ above company has caused these presents to be executed this--11_day
<br />
<br />l--~.. 19 .,.. lJiAY"'JANCE COMPANY.._ of N.......
<br />
<br />__~______ By \...~~. -:---.
<br />
<br />C NTY OF _ Hall __,. '. f SS,
<br />
<br />On this __n_ day of ,__,___.rul~'.__, 19J33. before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for
<br />said County. personaUy came the aboul' named ~A_Ae&er~er__,_,___,_.._who is
<br />persooo1ly !mown to me to be the identical person wMse name Lfl affixed to the above 11l$tru71Ulnt as attorney in
<br />fact for Dial Pinance Company.., ,of _~~~l'm!!,. __,___.__,_____.__and he acknawledgl/d
<br />ItOid instrul1U!1ttto be his voluntary act and deed as attorney In fact far said company and that the aballe Release
<br />af Real Estate Mortgage was signed in behalf of said mmpany pursuant to wntten author . ee,
<br />which authority i$ recorded in __,.___.,__.Jia1:L. -..'---,--".. . ,:r--....."'........
<br />
<br />Wiwu my hand and notarial seal at }l"EW,!s~I'D~a,l.. Finance in said co ~~...
<br />(Ibcn,<e wrnten. ~--"--_
<br />'. ." , /1// ..3 I · :< .,,-+1 u' <~. / ~ j ,,', ,
<br />My commISSum eZP'Te&..j"L/LJ_L.&.IJ.L.-c,,,., 1 !J_d.".; .../ + t1::tI1Lu.c:t::",!',_, .,__.'i.~,~___
<br />! f No-wy ~
<br />., ~ /
<br />STATE OF.____.., .___.
<br />
<br />"____<"."~...,....;+''''~=......,,__...,,'"_.........._. ~'^_..._ ~ _"__~, .._', _ _~_,'..n ___, (:1)Unty .ss.
<br />Entered in NU/rUIricai Index and filed for record minI! office of Ihe Refit.ter of LJ""ds of said county, Ihe __,
<br />day af "",__,_._.'..,, 19 . ill 'J'c/o('k and minutes
<br />---,.._._,__ .,\-1., and duly recorded ill Book o[ Ml)rtgages page .,_.
<br />
<br />
<br />CrJU1fty(;urlc_
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<br />..... "'''0 HC
<br />
<br />D~puty,
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