<br />1
<br />
<br />
<br />83-'>03913
<br />
<br />IN CONSIDERATION of the payment of the debt named therein, Dial Finance Company__!:Iebraska
<br />__-~___,__,_..._.,__,._hereby relea,ses the mortgage made to the above named company by
<br />J~a.rbarLkJ}1tJo"~Ru15band anU~on the following described real estate situated in
<br />....-!'!!~_._..County, State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />
<br />The North Fifty-'1'wo (52) feet of Lot Four (4), Block Eight (8)
<br />Packer and Barr's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />
<br />Docwaent No 81-000691
<br />whichtliorded in~...-_._,--.._,..!'orJH1JK~W~ ___._____01 the records
<br />01 --.-.,-------..,-.-.., County.
<br />
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, t~ above company ha.q caused these presents to be executed this 25 day
<br />
<br />: 1> .~:ILU. 19 L DIAL FlNA~CO'1f:NY~.
<br />~2_._._. By ~~41--
<br />C~~:r~FOF ~BR::~A______ _ _ __ .. _ __ _} ss.
<br />
<br />
<br />On thU ___E2 day of-----~~]...Y, ._" 19_J3), before me, the undersigned. a Notary Public inarnl for
<br />said County, personally came the above nam.!d ,l'll:!.t;._!<}'!~L.n".'.__,___,___,_. who is
<br />perwnallyluwwn to me to be the identical person whose name is affixed to the above instrument as attorney in
<br />fat:t for Dial Finaw::e Company ,,,!rf~~r:a~____., _.,._ ___.'..____.._ .,_,,__ and he acknowledged
<br />said inatrument to be hili t'oluntary act and deed as attorney in fact for said company and that theaboue Re/e(l8e
<br />of Real Estate Mortgage was signed in behalf of said company pursuant to written authority from the mortgagee,
<br />
<br />wm:h authority i8 recorded in ___.,"_~~..ll~~~:';':".-:-~__...___M_'_~_. .~.-~....WW'_.. ......-.:u....... f.
<br />Wttneu my ha.nd and Mtanal seal at . _O!!'['_'H"..,l~",,_, in saul wuar~
<br />4bove written.' '". ,'llioh;-'__I1,ttM,
<br />. ., , I:':. -3 !"u~~--' 'J,,_)c:.:f:/ L 1.1 ;,.( )
<br />J(y rom_swn exp1.rea....jjtL.z.tL;....... """1' "V""/1..U;L4..."..L-j." .,~_ J _ ___ _
<br />/' j NflutyPublic:l (
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<br />
<br />STATE OF ~___..._"
<br />
<br />,~_.. "~'~~.__"~_'''O_''__'~~'_'____'''''''''''''''~ ._,. ,__'n. u. (_~ounty .';8.
<br />EMerfffi in Numeru:ullndex and fikd jor rf"wrd trl the lJiiice of riw {(ie'lIt"ta oj f)l'et{s of Said county, the "_
<br />day af ".""".."",__.,.., /9 ,fit ,,'dock afld _"'._""",...'__'_ minutes
<br />---..'-'...... " M" iJfld duly rf'C<Jrded /fl Book of Mortgages page__
<br />
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<br />D~puty.
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