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<br />r <br /> <br /> <br />83....JJO 8 912 <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />This form i. used in conntC:tion <br />_ mcJr'IGIIIIt I_rod"""'" the <br />..... ~ fclUt-fIInlIy .~...f <br />the H.ltir>nal.~ A\:t...... <br /> <br />mfS'MORTGAGEdnadealldexeculedfhlll 25th Woyof July .A.D. <br />IlTS3 . bya1ld~ RichardO. Pearson and Campbell A. Pearson, Husband.and'Wff~ <br /> <br />oflbe Coomyof Hitll . andStafe of Nellnlua. pari)' oftbefiTstpart..hetdllllftor~tiaIIed <br />IlIeMOl1l1l11Ol'. aiI4 Superior Hort.gage , Inc. <br /> <br />acorporari01l orplliud amluitlillll UlIikrtbe law~ of Nebraska <br />party of Ihuecond part, hereinaffer called the Mortlllll<<. <br /> <br />WITNESSETH:Tha, the <aid M~, for and in conllideraoon ohlu: sum of Fifty Thousand;an:cvcJ/o/' <br />'OOt:hs----..,-..,------------------.----- Dollars ($.. . SQ. ,.000. .,00..... .... ).pa.. ..idb.Y.....'...Iu:........ ..M....... 0l1.........". <br />fllI,ee. I~ r<<<ltpt of wlUdI " hereby adnowled,ed. has Granted and Sold and DY 'lfimpreselllS doesGrilll~~Bar> <br />gala. Sell. Coovey ami COlI/itnl unto lhe Mongall<<, ilS slIccessors and. assigns, forever.. the folloWing.~~ <br />real elllallO. sitwlled in the Counly of >>all .lII$$llIIe <br />of Ndmtska. 10 wi!: <br /> <br />Lot One (1), Block Five (5), Charles Wasmer's Addition to the <br /> <br /> <br />City of Grand Island. Hall County, Nebraska <br /> <br />i"dJJ'" Sixth Pcir~ivai, c-O'fit.anUilj f6 ail <br />ment,sw:vey: <br /> <br />TO HA VE AN() TO HOLD lhe premi..., at-.',.. """'0,,,,<1. Wllh alllhc "lll'UfICft"ll<:<" lhereunto bcJonllins and includil1!l <br /><lI1 he"tinll. plumbi",,,lIdllghtillgfiMu,e. alld <quipmenl n"... '" ""r<aflef all""bed 10 or u-..d in c<\n~tit", witb Silid fftdeSlule <br />unl" !heMot~'" and lill!> vue"e'..... and UHilPl'_ lore,<<. TheM<ntMOf r"pr",ellh ltl. and CQvenalll. with, lheMol'lp- <br />g<<, IhallheM~ !la, jl<J<Jd ngbl I" >ell and .ollvey saidl"emi"".; Ill"'lhe'!. Me ire" from """umbra""e. ""d thai the <br />MorlgagQf wi/l"'a.rrant and ddend lhe sallle a!lllin'illhe 41wlul claimv of a.ll"""",,, who",."e'cr: ond the said Murtllll/lOr hefe, <br />by rcllnqui~ allrigbb of h<lm"'l""d. and all mama' rights. '.'lllle, ,n law", 10 <quilY, alld all other conlingenl of lITe <br />M~ ill and!" the abovc.<leseril;ed Plemi..s. lhe m\enu..ll1 heill!llo <onvey he,.hy al\ ab""luI" lill". in (ce ,implc. indud. <br />ill!l..ll ri3lth of b_e.":lId. and ,Hher Ilgh\",n<l i"ICre,!> a, atn,.sai,L <br /> <br />;l~re~ .i;citrdillj tv Gove'fn~ <br /> <br />l'll.OVlOOO AL W!>. YS. 'mil Ihe.., p",,"nls or. n<<:Ulw and delivered u!,<'n lhelollowing oonditi<ms. to ..'ii' <br />Tbe.j,j<<tps<>I agr<<..IO!"lY!(J lheMurl\l3l!U. or order. the prill;;:1!"1I'UDl oi. Fit ty thousand and NoilOOths-- <br />---_______________________________ Doll"" ,$ 50,000.00 ), <br /> <br />Wllb int;!It$.lrOll1 datt!1I1 tn". Jalt' of .I....~l ve. and One-Half per "enluw t <br />tbc"'l_ ~nc" utllllpa1d. The >IDd priocipalaoo inkre'l ,h<lll be payabkaJ. t.rno office of <br /> <br />12 . SO % } per "nnum on <br />Superior Mortgage, Inc. <br /> <br />in Grand. Island, !IE 68802 "lC iii 'llchmher place a; Ihe holdef of <br />tllt Il!>te!llllY ~ in wlilin,d" monthly installnfenb of_ Fi ve Hundred Thirt v Three..and 63!100ths-- <br />---------.,___._______________-/JQllar' (\ :;.33.63 'f. romrnenclOg ,)0 Ihe fir, I <Iii, of <br />..Seltt. ... .._..ber .. ... . .. .. 19 8~' and .,n tM lirst Jay 01 (:.<h month lhe".lte, untii Ibc principal and in- <br />te,e" "lli~'JiIIlY PIWt, ""~pl thai the final {llI}men1. (,f princil"ll and iOlerc.l. iI. nol ,>OOller paid, shail be due ano <br />~.' .'~.lll'l... .tIIe. .flJ. M.da. . } 01 .' Au. IIUSt.... 2013. ; all Jlc<oroill!llo Ihe term, ,)f a .enuin promi" <br />SOff ft\)tjo of e'en <hole OOewlth "",<<uk.! bYlhesaid Mortilillt<>r. <br /> <br />Tlle.MOf~",in ordermurefuJly w prole<::II!>;:"..Cluily oj lit" Morl~, agree" <br /> <br />L~1u: wi!JP:llytlu: indttbtedll6~.lI'hefeinbeforeprovided. Privilege i, re""fved 10 pay lhe dcbl in whole. or in;1O <br />lItlIe\Il!l.ro_<< _ mootbl)"{llI.Y/l'lCl\IS 00 lhe prindpal thaI afe nexl due on the note., Oft I"" 1i,,1 d"y I,l any ",mllh <br />priQr'1O l!ltllwily;f'rovifkd.pev<:f, i!1aIwfltl.C1I lJOIke of Ii" iOlemum to <<efei", ",eb prlVll<:gc i, ghen at ie.,1 Ibiny t 1lI) <br />....}<lI~k\pr.y~ <br /> <br />t.~ 1_."'n14_in~Io,llu: lII\>>unly JlIIymellls orpri~l and illl.Cr<,III"y"ble under1he lefms <If tbc <br />1'lI)f!l......l!I:~_~}!.JlM,.M1ll1jl;lij!)f...ill.Pl!y l;)lbo!l\f.lIfl~.1>n the llntday ul elicit monlh untilth. ""ill !lore" full~ !"lid. lh. <br />r~.,~;... . <br /> <br />(ll;} ~ti!ll~l(ljlI~~q,i!J'lol.&rM(.uf will. It> I'"l' the ",,\( "K'llgagc lnwrlltM premIUm .. th.. <br />miU1lillMlllUd~,Il'lt. l!C<'l"""lm.b)' iW'W\lmJ, nr a rf.vtllllly ,tlafll" (m 1;,.." "1 g !!i,IYl"<i/I'" IlISfrfUfl.... pre- <br />~Jjfittq<lf.~d~ylll<>s..;I':tMY \JfU<I1;Mi,l!1Id OrbllnDevtlt}J>>llC.liI, a, j,,!low, <br /> <br />H) t~:_ ~ 1ilf-)0I!&___~ ~t(t_!~ott__~.d~,t\i~ Wr,t~_ _afltLttUlull5.:~;~rrtl-,nt ~JC tn\UH,J. ,_}f JcH~ fC!HS.UJU.1 !HhI,," I..h~ pro- <br />v.-~.<i t~ Na~lUf~_ U(~ -,,:\t;~, 3ft a-ft~OOftt Mlffl('~ilt l(t ~..;umu.hle tH {lu., hi1H<J~ IJI tilt' IJt~.j\->r ~~1te <br /> <br />~f'~,~1~~ ~~1M ~VM.H~t'f jf; f.\fr-llIJV.M-~i <br /> <br />STAfE O' m""~A <br />Ho~JO.~t'-'\JM H~ )'1Jj <br />. /4 i, T M liJ(.J H~U! <br />