<br />r
<br />
<br />83-"03910
<br />
<br />not personally liable on the Note or under this Deed of Trust. and (c) agrees that lender and any other Borrower
<br />hereunder may agree to extend. modify. forbear. or make any other accommodations wilh regard to Ihe terms of this
<br />Deed of Trust or the Note, without that Borrower's consent and without releasing that Borrower or modifying this Deed
<br />ofTmS! as to that Borrower's interest in the Property,
<br />12. NGtIee. Except for any notice required under applicable law to be given in another manner. (al any notice to
<br />Borrower provided for in this Deed of Trust shall be given by delivering it or by mailing such notice by certified mail
<br />addressed to Borrower at the Property Address or at such other address as Borrower may designate by notice to lender
<br />as provided herein. and (bl any notice to lender shall be given by certified mall 10 lender's address stated herein or to
<br />such other address as lender may designate by notice to Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided for in this
<br />Deed of Trust shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or lender when given in the manner designated herein.
<br />13. 6oYem1na LawI SeYerabIllty. The state and local laws applicable to this Deed of Trust shall be the laws of the
<br />jurisdiction in which Ihe Property is located. The foregoing sentence shall not limit the applicability of Federal law to
<br />this Deed ofTro.t. In the event that any provision or clau.e of this Deed of Trust or the Note conmct. with applicable
<br />law, such connict shall not affect other provisions of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be given effect without the
<br />conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of this Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be severable. As
<br />used herein. "costs". "expenses" and "anorneys' fees" include all sums to the extent not prohibited by applicable law or
<br />limited herein.
<br />14. Borntwer'. CopJ. Borrower shaJl be furnished a <'ont<,rmed copy of the Note and of this Deed of Trust at the
<br />lime of execution '" after recordation hereof.
<br />IS, RehablUladoa Lalut Agreement. Borrower shall fu\till all of Borrower's obligations under any home rehabilita,
<br />tion, Improvement. repair or other loan agreement whicb Borrower enters into with lender. lender, at lenders option.
<br />may require BOtTo"'er 10 execute and deliver to l.ender. in a torm acceptahle 10 lender, an assignment of any rights.
<br />claims or defenses which BotTOwer may have against parti", who supply labor. materials or senrices in connection with
<br />improvements made to the Property.
<br />16. Tnmafer of the P~. If Borrower sells", ttanslers all or any part of the Property or an interest therein.
<br />,'xcluding fal the creation 01 a lien t" encumbrance subordmate to this Dcoed of Trust, (b) a transfer by devise, descent. or
<br />by operation of law upon the death of" ,Ioint Icn.1/lt. or ld the granl of any leasehold interest of three years or less not
<br />containIng"" optt<m to purchase. Borrower ,hall ,'ause to be wbmitted information required by lender to evaluate the
<br />lransf",,,,, as If a new loan were being made to the transferee. Borrower will continue to be obligated under the Note and
<br />Ihis [>-1 nlTrust unless Lenderrclea,es Bom)wer m writmg.
<br />If Lender. on lhe basis <4~y,infurmati'm obtalDt.'t! regard 109 the transferee, reasonably determines that Lender's
<br />".''''\lmy may be impaired, Of l!~ there is an unacceptable likelihood of a breach of any covenant or agreement in this
<br />Deed III Trust. or ii' the requ"nl'\;'lbritIatifon i, nO! \ubmm,-d. t."nder may declare aB of Ihe sums secured by this Deed
<br />,_1f Trust in I)(' tmm~i.atr-t~ due and pavahk. If Lender cler-chcs. such option to a(.'1..'deratc. Lender shall mail Borrower
<br />nOlu.:c of aC<'"ekr-auon to a,(,'{'ordanl-"t: wllh p.aru~r;l:J.lh 12 hert'of. Such notice shalt provide a period of not less than JO days
<br />hum the d~He tht notltt i\ maJit.':(j (11 delIVered withm which B{lnnWer molY pa\' th.e sum~ declared due. If Borrower- fails
<br />~.(j- p-ar \ut:'h <ioums p-rit"rt to the- expir-atkln 01 \Ul:h period. Lender mav, without further nO-lice or demand on- Borrower.
<br />"'V<'~'" an. r'-"""<li,,, pcrmHte<j by par.lIfaph I 7 her""f
<br />,N(_~ -lI~lFf)gM ('nvE~_-\ ST\ a..}.!T{"w~r ~f!d Le~r further 1;<1ve:nani and agree a_~ (oU(Wi'\-:
<br />17 < ~; R-..dln, E.wq>t as _Ided In p~ 16 ""'-t, upon Bene_r'. breada of...y ,,,,._t
<br />Of .._ of 8om>_1.. 'II'" o...d of Tna" Ind'"Jl... ~.. l.uun 10 pay, by ,he ead of 10 ealendar cia,. after
<br />,-, - dft, ...y ._ ...",nd by IlIloi Deed "f T .....t. Le.... prior '0 IltCele..tion .hall gin noti"" 10 o..r.-o-r as
<br />provided In paraat1lplt 12 '--f ,pedfJl.... HI tbe bnach; L211be ac,1on "",aired 10 c"'" such breach; (31. clak, Dot
<br />~ than 20 days from lhe date lite ....Utt Is malled 10 u..n..-r. by ..hi.... .uch b...ach mlllt be ~'Uredl and (4) that
<br />(allu..., ,,, "U.'" o1Id1 b......,}, .... or bel...... lhe date specified In the ""II<< may .......t In ....-deratloo of the .ums oecal'ed by
<br />thlo Deed of T......, ""d ,ale of ,he f>rotMn,. The .....Ice ,hall flUlher Inf_ Berrower of lhe rlpt to rem.tak aftef
<br />~ ..... the riabllo b.... a roan action '0 _ Ibe ..........15_'" of a defaall '"' ...y "'her defente of Berro_r
<br />to .......'Ion ..... sale. If 11M! b"""'}' .. nl>l "ared 00 or bel..... the date specified ID the nolke. Len.... ..t Len"",
<br />optlon, lItay ~ all of the ....... 5<<1lfed by lhIa 1>-1 of Tnall to .... immediately due and payable witho"t f"rther
<br />......d ...d mal in""..., the """'".. of sale and ...y other _C'diN permitted by applicable la",. Lender .hall be entitled
<br />to ~1 all .-.hIe ....1lJ ..... Up"_ l-..d In punain& the remedies "",vlded In thlt panoaraph 11. includIng,
<br />but ....limlted to. _1tItl a~' f_.
<br />If the power of sale is Im,*"", Tnottee ahaU -..reI. IIt>tJft of delault lA """D _Iy In WhleD lhe Property or __
<br />p&I't titN>oof is located ..a....l tall ""'f'k\a of ,udt _tb in the __ preocrlbed by applJeabIe law to Bono,..,r ....d
<br />to tile ...... peno1I5 pnac:ribecl by applJeable Ja",. Mt<< the lapH of .udt d_ &It ...., be "",,,lled by applJeable 1.""
<br />TtallM.halJ Ii" pvbllt ~ of.... 10 lhe.-.-..a Ie the __ praerlhed by applicaltltll.",. Trutee. withoul
<br />.....d ... Bom>_. tluoIloell the P"'fI"'rly at pubtie _Ion 10 the hltheat blddok at the time ....d place ""d under the
<br />t_ .........ted la lhe notiao of sale In ...... or more f'*"elo ..... in ndl ocder.. T.....tee may de_ioe. T,...tee may
<br />"""~ sale of all or ..y pared of tbe P"'fI"'I1y bJ pubUe "'__DI at the lime and pIaee of ..., previo...ly
<br />............l..eadeI'.... ........ ........... may pw-d1aoe the Property at an, we.
<br />UpIIlIt nceIpt of pay_ of the prke bid, T_ ,halt deiber 10 the PWTD_ Truatee', deed cODveylng the
<br />~ ..w. 1'he redlak in the Tnatee', deed $lull .... prima fade nldnK1< of the tnlth of the stat_Is made
<br />....... TtallM slIaIl ~ the 1"-* of tbe sale in the follo"inll order, la) to all ""'9uab1e <'OIl" and e5p"_ of the
<br />"'~DIlt_iialtedt9. T__..r-ac:tlItIllyluet.tnedof_......... than . ~f f. P.f..~... ~{,oCtheg......sal..
<br />pne..NOIl!rn'*.........,.. r- and __ oftltk ..ddeuee; \b11O.u..._ Heured by .hIt Deed of T,...I; and (c) the....
<br />_,If ..y. to doe penoa or ..--lepl" ~ tbeuio.
<br />Ul. ~.slti<tlu~. Nutwith$tanding Lemler'. """derati"n of the sum' secured by this Deed of
<br />TrUll, au.: II> Bwruwet.'ibreao."'h, Borro..." ,1t""1 tlJ"'~ th.. nellt 10 h"... any p",,:eeding, bellun by tende,. W enll"" Ihis
<br />l:li!:ed uf Tflut db,ro./>un(!lld al ..uy time pril>t to tile earlier to o"eur of iil the nlth day belore the sale 01 the Propertv
<br />PiI~t '0 the power ohai;: <'Otltained in this Deed ofTrw.t or tiii entry o{ a Judgment enloft'ing th.. l.ll....d ,,' Tru't ,(;
<br />j.1 ~ papi..#r>d<<!Ill wm. which ..<mid be tbm due under Ihi. Deed or Trust and tbe Note had no ace"ieta!i"n
<br />.'K:''''''''ed: {hI Bwr_ CUU$ JOIl br,,<<~ "f....y iltber rovcn.mt. ,,, <<grnn!en'. ,of Borrower ,'''"tamed in thIS Deed 01
<br />'hliSt;I"J ~ pay. al! MlIJi~ e.pen""~ "",utted by lendrt un<! Tfu,tee III enforcing the <,ownaHIS "ud
<br />~txof~ ""lrt;ll.m:d in this j)""d "I T ru.t MIll in enfurcing tender', alld T rust~'C 's remed",. '" p",,,ded III
<br />,.."ph P Mrt>ot'. illdU<l~, ",..t, not limited to, N.""""nable attorn"".' ("",; ami tdi Bnf"'''''''' tal<"" 'lIch ad,,,n a,
<br />l~ mill ~1Il!l:, ,cqlbre r<l J\Hu", tb.ot tile Ik., of th" f.ked or Tru.t, IA:,nier\ ,olen,,! HI Ihe Property .ud
<br />~'H'bUJ'ltlo!t Iv pa, In., 'Ufl.._v,.-.lb, Ih.. Dl>>d of I !Wit .halh"....tmU<: "Ill"'".",,,!. l't~"" 'Udl pa,ment and
<br />,..,." by ~.. this. (~o/ tt\..l MIll the "hljI1l1i<m~ ~<:%.!red hCfeb~ .ihaJl rem.w in (lit; Ii"", and dle..t .1\ :1 n..
<br />M"~j"", h..,; ,..."...~
<br />