<br />Form 1-76
<br />
<br />83-Q03907
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />To ~ submitted, in duplicate. to:
<br />Secretary of State, Suite 2300 State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509
<br />
<br />
<br />1. Now comeL.""J9ID:t,A...WQJ,.f,
<br />
<br />...., President. and..... ,H?~,A~..W9,J;J:,..."..,...._....m...'m.
<br />
<br />Secretary and/or Treasurer. who on
<br />
<br />. 19
<br />
<br />,., were duly elected as officers of
<br />
<br />,. BRENTWOOD .DEVE.LOP.MENTCOMI'ANY.. OF.. GRAND ,. I S,LAND.., .... ,,,...,,
<br />Corr1!1C{ Cor-por.tM N.,.~ 01' fcar.d m Atrt-du of ItJcorpor~lion-or mOlt n~Ctrnr Amtlndmenl
<br />located at .l'.~O... BoJC .428~ Grand_I.s~andL~..68f3,02 '. ..,
<br />PuN AddresJ "f PrinCIpal PI~ of I.h.,l,Sinl!'s:f
<br />
<br />a Nebraska corporation duly organIZed under and by virtue of the laws of the state of Nebraska, for the
<br />purposell of revising or renewmg said corporation.
<br />
<br />2, The existence of this corporation became (or will become) inoperatiye on.J\Pr~Jml,~~..,..um' 19 J~l.,
<br />because of dissolution by the office of the Secretary of State by expiration of existence, or for nonpayment
<br />of occupational taxes or annual fees. The revival of this corporation shall be perpetual unless sooner dissolved
<br />by proper action of ltS stockholders, or by due process of law.
<br />
<br />3. The registered office of thIS corporauon in Nebraska shall be
<br />
<br />.>111 te 201, 1'5.=1:: National Bank Bldg.
<br />p~ O. Box 428
<br />. - P' s;~~! -A4d;;;~ 0+. -~.... n' +._~m..."~. n~" on
<br />
<br />Grand Island..
<br />h n,. C'HY' U
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />Nebra.ska
<br />
<br />68802
<br />i:<"p' C';d~ "
<br />
<br />and the registered agent at such
<br />
<br />(',:}-o.IH}'
<br />
<br />address shall be
<br />
<br />John A. Wolf
<br />
<br />-., - -- - - --
<br />!<;,;J>!nl> -~',l R~i.~t-f:'r",d A"-1!tlH
<br />
<br />....4.ddrau sh4il ~ compWUJ. u.:mq fuH :;;tr~! .Jddre:u. A ti?)X ll:,,;mbe( n dcc~piabit< only H1 those cases wh<<e -street addresses an
<br />not rJvillabht.
<br />
<br />"'<ltIt tM lioo.....llim<<1' fi!tqt~t~ ~Y"tnt Of !f"ti'.f~t~red o(fu:'ti' Cf";.'1.stJ-tutc-,s <i r;:hangf! (rom rhft ;>ttWl0US desiqna,tj.on~ this information
<br />witt Gl' mt~ anfe tl'ti! I...-af'pa"ittu:nh r~ctJl'ds m tl~b OftK-e No t~ir:hf!'r noofU:d!JOfJ or fding of d ,;,;e-j.)M"a're form is n~ry.
<br />
<br />Dvm~it R~l\'<ii
<br />
<br />S2S_flt~}
<br />
<br />
<br />JOHN A.pWul..1"
<br />
<br />FlUNG FEES:
<br />
<br />Ii
<br />
<br />Nonprofil Re"vaL
<br />
<br />~!8,OO
<br />
<br />:::~~l~tary
<br />
<br />'~f~'Qt~r
<br />
<br />DOMESTIC CORPORA nON&. A .1"1. 'OJ< lam has I...." ftu.ct .~uut t"'~ c""PO'"I''''' nw li..n was W..o wilh Ihe counly
<br />CQft~ llut po$w Md..... of ,he l.utM",1>d ''''lIl'"",(t 'QOrl' c,btalM<l lrom tn.. ax ,~d. at the t._ 1m. corporalion
<br />lleciome dlaoJ\Old tor failmQ 1<) meet Il,e Ila.uIOfY doaw"... tOt the f.ltn9 d tll" '''U1\1i11 occupation tax ...pore
<br />
<br />The lien will bet tttle&ted whe.n thlli c#fuh~ d.OC'J;~nt i::S bled wHh th~ t:-rni!Hy de-rk and re91Jt~t of deed$ in th-e county tn wmc-h
<br />UlIt ~Ied <"!list"""; oifk$ ..... ,""'tm! a. .nown by the corp<>rau> '''''<xlii Ul tho- offi"" oi the S<lcretary of State.1 the time
<br />tiM u.m WlU; flied, Thisda~nt l~!!.cOO\Jp6tio~iivtll hlttd iJ.q..t.!.fU-t ,abo-ve !14moo corporation
<br />
<br />HQHPROf'1T CORPORATIONS. No,,<< h,.~ bMn ttI.idlI '0 tb.. aPP,op'...t.. C"'~MY tr.al ilia corporation failed to pay its
<br />blanIal __ TIle n<>tiol! _ !tied with the C,'U"IY C!1tlwnm9 the postai addles. of th.. !aI-named reqinered dqell.t obtain.ed
<br />from m.tu ~ at tll. Ume du. ~.tl<m failed 10 IMO't 1M ilatulory ~.. fOr payment of bi<tlll'..l<Il fees,
<br />
<br />11w DOtice win btt cltar.o when thu cenuifitd dtliCUUlit-nt is rUM WIth tbe C{}'..HUY dlMK m the county in whjch the dEtsiqnated
<br />~- otrlQt was.locatsC 4$liu:wm o'n tM -C'OqlOf'oitfl' ncord.'i m th~ ofut"e ot th~ Seae<tMY of State at thoe tim" the notie. was
<br />liIiI;L TIllsd_t ~.!!L.ll<)tlCllS filtrj aqamn abov. ".rned corpora""".
<br />
<br />
<br />I, ALLEN J. SEERMANN. Secretary of State. do he,,,by cerafy the ab-ove-namen corporanon to be in good
<br />~~
<br />
<br />lNTES'I'lMONY WHEREOF, the Secretary of State of Nebraska has hereoy afftxed his slgnatUfe or facsimJle
<br />"~ and lle.\l on tn.date li!lt out in the fl.'COfding data.
<br />
<br />l
<br />
<br />
<br />r,q
<br />
<br />
<br />'\ ;~,
<br />
<br />!!Iqj. ~~;d f.... ,~ of I.... "...~ "'-<Imtl dol.. .00 'l<i't.. _I 11..... l>Hn .,,,.,,,,
<br />-t'-'I>'"-,, 1'1-,' '.''''''-'', "'>>. ~" ''''t:.: "1' ,~., ~ !...., ,',', -,0""".. . - .of'! , . ..". ,_' ,.
<br />
<br />