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<br />MORT<lAGE WAN NO. L 24.120
<br />KNOW AU. MF.N BY llIFSE I'lU-:SENTS: Thai John 1'1. .McElroy and Kathleen A. McElroy, each in his and
<br />
<br />her own right and as spouse of each other, loI_peor.wbelhc<oneormote.jn~ofthelWllof
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<br />~ 'I'hcn''''''n<:i and rJQ/~~=~=~:::,__,.,_. .---'-.---.'...----.'.--=======-==-OOUARS
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<br />"-" 10 sUI-..,.,. by Tha f~abIt 8uil6lng ond Loan """","lion of (;rn>d bland. Nebmb.loIor\pllOe. upon aoo ."...,. of stock of
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<br />sUI .usoclA'I1ON. Cen",_.. No, L 24,120 4" ~ gnnl, ronwy .nd ~ "!llo tlu> _ ASSOCIATION the followlns
<br />deoc:nb<d malesu.., _ in lUll C""".y, N--.o
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<br />1"he East Sixteen Feet (E16' J <.>f wt Seven (7J and ail of
<br />Fractional Lot Ei<;Jht (8), .w l:lluck Seven (7), i.n Arrold Place,
<br />and FractlOrlal Lot Eight (II) 1 .w Block One Hundred T"'Bnty-Three
<br />(1231 HI Koeru.g & Wi.~'s Addiuon. Ei:;.th ildditions be:lll'l
<br />Addit.i.ons t.o t,he City 0r Grand Island, Hall O:mnt.y 1 Nebraska.
<br />
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<br />-!-~~ '.nb .all 1'- !'.f'~n_, ~"~~l l!.r-.d .ll~tf'~l ~Mt-eti:AI-U hek~< u~ aUxhed fWot ro_nap.. III window iia'eImI.
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