<br />
<br />~'
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<br />
<br />
<br />83-003878
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />)
<br />)
<br />)
<br />
<br />55.
<br />
<br />Bonnie B. Volquardsen, a single person, being first du~y
<br />sworn, states as foltows:
<br />
<br />Tbat she snd her daughter, Leoh S. Volquardsen, were named
<br />as Grantees on a Survivorship Warranty Deed recorded in the
<br />Register of Deeds Office, Ha 11 County, Nebraska, on June 27, 1983,
<br />as l}ocument No. 83-003363. She further states that her daughter,
<br />Leoh S. Volquardaen, is only five years of age and itw,as not the
<br />intention of the parties that she be named as a Grantee, and it
<br />was an inadvertant error that the deed was written showing Leoh
<br />S. Volquardsen as a Crantee,
<br />
<br />The undersigned hlnher states that her Contract for the
<br />purcha5e of the reat ;"fitate in questi,!O, legally described as:
<br />
<br />Lot Thirty-seven (31), and the West half
<br />(W~) of Lot Thirty-eight (8), Bllenavlata
<br />Subdivision, Gund Island, itall County,
<br />/iktbruka,
<br />
<br />was in her name alone and that ail. ui her negotiations for the
<br />pur;;:hast! (,f the real elltate ,.nd the procuring of a fir!;;t mortgage
<br />loan agaitat the rut t?sL'He frOOl The Equi table Building and Loan
<br />Aasoc iat ion ot Cr'llld L\lland, Nebr a aka .\Jall based on therepresen-
<br />tation that IIhe alone would be the owner of the real estate and
<br />tl'uHthe inllertion of the name of LtH.h $. Volqullrdsen as an addi-
<br />tional grantee W8$ t;rroneOtlll Imd was not lntended by any of the
<br />parties.
<br />
<br />TIlt': lJn-:d~r$igned rur-t:h~r lii\t.atCtl that 7lhc i~ thtt mo-t:her of
<br />JAuh S. Volqu4rd5~n, wno i# fiv~ year~ or age, and that she
<br /><lH'J;'tmeOlJIIly ClHIIH!d the namil: of 1.<l1'oh S. Volqullrd!len to be inserted
<br />It" il .loint grantee for the <'"('..son that she thought more than one
<br />R1illlle ha;;.t to llVPi!{lr as t;rllfllet!li on II de!~d. l..l.~oh S, Volquardsen
<br />furnished no c.:mlliderllti,m h,r the purchalH~ or the above described
<br />real eU:at::e.
<br />
<br />This. Affidavit it> made for tile pUr(H:tlie of (',ltplllining the
<br />Corrective Warunty need recorded in the Re!i;i!lter of Deed Office,
<br />iUlll County, Nt'!bnukll, all Document !i{L })]-
<br />
<br />, - "
<br />
<br />,.1;1'1-11./.'~ /i,'~<.i;'~1..1'{:"iu,_,
<br />I'lforinfe B', V'~lq~r se-;'
<br />
<br />stAn 0." Ki8&ASKA )
<br />) u.
<br />COUtfty OF, HALL )
<br />
<br />Th~. fongoing iustrUll\ent was acknowledged oetore me this
<br />04Y ot July, 1983, by Bonnie IL 'lolquardll.en for the pur-
<br />therttinll't.l:f.!d.
<br />
<br />~<-~<_, _ ~:~r< C"~~-t-'f (,._L>l~~'''' ",{'~/
<br />Notary Kb~rc
<br />
<br />e~i$siQn expires;
<br />
<br />
<br />(I.. r....... . '''':'' '"",, :,fl""'-
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<br />