<br />83...Q03874
<br />
<br />MORTGAC.ll See L 21. 500
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. . L?<I,116
<br />J(N()WALLMENBVnll';SRPRF~'1ENTS:That Janice C, James, i1 single person,
<br />
<br />Mo<tlll8<'f. whethet """ or _. ill comiderItiod of the _ of
<br />k).Y.e~~_~..lPLJ.Q~-:::--=:::-:-:=-==::-:-::.__ _., .__'___._____________ DOLLARS
<br />loone<llo said __ by The f~obIe 8tlildta8.Ad L...... A..ociation of Grand 'sland. N""",*-. Mortp&Oe. upon 50 sbmos of SUldI; of
<br />said ASSOCIATION. Cortiflcol" No. L 24,116 . 00 henby !!lint. <<>nwy and mort&at!" unto lhe said ASSOCIATION the f.........
<br />dttol:riIMd fnl est.k. ift""fed iA IbII (:......ty. _.....
<br />
<br />wt Seven (7) in Block Thn:-e (3), in Nagy's
<br />
<br />J\t.X:liUoo to the City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />
<br />c:ounty, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />t~t W'fth 4-it tbe l,~~> t~ftiW~Ji: aud "J1ppYll.~...lnt;~ i~-fiJm;f" bc.~~ ~~ att:Kbccl floor <<lWrinp:.,..aU wtDdow ~
<br />~ ~T ~. Ul.lfRJ ~r iS~. !~tmp:.,.~,IJ i,:'{'IAdib:~.md pi-umtm*<< _ad 'W..tcfeqtlipmt'Ql-.n4~. thentto"pumpI.~
<br />trluF'-MIbtf., cod (~ fanstn a$i ~ \',)Ii)lIf ~_!';"' httd!1t\'f ~u...t<:W to {~ mt'cU m ~~'1JQn wdJt DId tUt MUte,
<br />~9d __~ !hr __ ~)t"'~"Jf fl. ~ iJ;.nd ,k)t't wt'fbv.('<' ,f-....t t.he D-)Qf{~lt :thaN utd will pay an tna and .....-miS kMed or
<br />~ ..m am. F~" ~ ,.111. ~nn ~~~J(:t~ ,~ j;t:~ hond -u::.cttt~.j ttWJ'f'.ts:r' b<rfu!'t" the t;otfttC' shaB b<<ume--ddinqomt: to ftullish ~
<br />Otwt-~ upon ~bre ~ ~~ ~ ~ ut~ Wi tt\t t=..tro df S 2), WOO.. 00 }$:Y~ tu .Kl ASS(X~IA1't()N 1ftd to- ddiwJ- lO' aid
<br />A.."l~1_^ 110N (tK- pt.::o!~~ ~P:t ~ ~.U\dL :tm l'""\W--1'! iv ..:K~tmt m pct'mrt :.liAy 'W"Ui-t: 1m !if .ho-ut U prt'm'*'.
<br />l~ -t... uf ~..a m fM pe1t.ilifn~"'t' ~--l.m.r ~,lf tht" t~m" ~1 (..l..l,,};~btto<<B ni lb.->>. murt~ (~ the bwld ~ hat""~ the tJltJftppe thaU"
<br />(w.t ~_. l,'fe ~MiaW -w ~~ ~1(10 lH- ~~ nilUlt~ tJ4'~ ~ ~j.., rt'fiW~n ~ iUIIiIIJd. taosfen and xli OWl So the-
<br />~ I4i d. ~f1iU-. If~_ kGiJ ~ !-n-tM< ~frnm \M ~ ~ "b....1mdt (mwu:~~~"'remem
<br />~_; AM the ~i~ ~fqw t~ ~""f ~~)..~ ii:!:T! ~ pi ..~til It ffll!ry ~ f~'ff l~ -putf3'U'M vf r~ -JUl ~ aacl fmtiaa
<br />tM ~ ~ {_~ttJ'll.l tlk- ,n:~p.U,,, rt-~a"'4- ~ ~.-n_.;t00 d n1dJ)~ ~ "--.$-~ <.:d ~ l~'~ ..U e1.J~ of f"qJlI4lt.flJ ... ~ .aACi ~
<br />-a~1IM ~ It..pt~ '~'Qfl<<! 1# ~~Yiimt ~ J~ {hi: qmf :IJ:!-m d t;t.~t:t.ttqi: ,~'n,tAD thfichm:f!~ the ~ r~. ${ my. tQ- be
<br />~. h.~'li !fJ.W' d~~_ ,-rl .~. ~~ W'~-~\("l$, 1}~ f'ilt-GJi ,;~ H~ f'1lf)fl~ m.a'~ ht c!lUtl('.iw4.t ~t ume,duriJla tftc-.~ of.ueh
<br />dCi-u. tU~~~ 't){ 'Ut,- :I.~f1:"_'",,~ (,4 fhf! M~
<br />r~, j.Jt~tl. ~~-Wf:;. ~H' ~ l.tw '(n;A~i.d:~~_. T~t t! H~ j,ijj.l M<..\:f1~! u9l11 ~t'VWY 'l4itJ kww un. l-.'tj t~Wtc dte roa-lunty of ujd thar. by
<br />ptymttm, par t~.M>' hi ~ ,"~"it](1A nON. {".l f~~" ~w ~~fC'\t ....-"; t~ tkHiU ~$,,'tM-::.d ~'t .. mtet~ .tW pr~i otl ~ w..o. on ut be{on;-
<br />tbt r~i~t,h"- ~lf t:*---t~ a.ttd ~-.~'y -n1\.-m:\.ft. ",fj-hl wa4 i-.'~ !?\-t~ ~_~ t"",. ",jl W1tl >tltd~. k>~~ Iottid_ ~ ..t~OO thiJ~
<br />.. .be Iklhtl _..-I ,_~h-y, t..h... """-",,y, '",mJ> ."",,~ """,_ _"ll< ~,bm_ '" 'lIlt......"{l :;,000,,00 payllb'"
<br />'0 .-!4SJ>(lCl.A nON; ,_ ." .... A,;s.on.\nos ....... J#t_ .u ''''.~...... by,' jlOfd i,,, _ ...... _ oM ......._ with iA_ at
<br />it. .f~. "t>t l-hf~ i:tl'~ JMI;: ..xi l>>}~ l$.g"l,)f .~- Nt!UP4Jlf tl4tj'~h'y ..<<-1: iO-PJ'y.pr1twt hi) ~.OD:alId~~.lR4~
<br />w>tlt 011 d. ..,...,..... _<<__ u1'1\o< ll<><..; .'" ~ :., \iW. W '''''' doY ~_ by the _ lot"'....... '" wd ASSOCIATION. oM "","""y
<br />_ .a.Iw>,................." ""',..,_....._..-.1 IlYol..",...~ _A-"."iOI.'IAHOS..i!tm ,_ p'....m.1iIolI '-- nllll and """"~'Isoy
<br />.~ ,_... '" f,.li ["fue _ ''''y l>l! i".",,_., ,1\0< "1""'" '" .ho .... ,<.ss,lC!AHON .i"" f.lku. ,0. t~ mootIn 10 "'dO IllY of_
<br />".~ (K be f.bt'" ~1'ti: m a:t~lljl fo.a~,~ ~w.tW7 p:t,-UJf;ftU,.;;-"1 h> t"P. .00 ~vm~~.)' WIth 1M. .--mcuu llNl ~ Qf Jbd Uuftd;
<br />__ Mm'~- ~ (9 h1rffJl. ~~ ii~j~ ft,'!!'tkWi!U m: MiIi.Jl f-;;J-f-e41t~tt pt'(~~~
<br />Ill'" .. BY "'- '" '.......>luf..l.... ,..01_ ,_~ ~ i>y _ ". "'_. lholt !he Clllm! '............. ~l~ lI<!f~
<br />~ >IOIli. 'Illw ,"".... ,,j Tllc l~ .~_l.._ _""""'01 (;.......lsI.snd.~.a--~wdyd,;e _ payab"'",'.mom
<br />I\..tbot _.. """ I"" -' ,~du<.....Jo, """ l>o.-.l. IM."y <Jlbm """""futmy ..wil_34_..... lboRUtl4ot,ihaIl,t""" lboc
<br />.... o. UC.UIll of _._.t- "'tun! .. ''''' _lepl.....,,..,,j 11... """~ ....1' thoA he r~ to.....1' the _ll.... Ot\ laid
<br />""""l....,t....1' ~ llilIl4 (,.. ~ ""-. "'II"bo< ...u. til _ pOl by laid Tho I"lWtalJlt ~ 1M wan ^""",*liml of G,md I.....,
<br />!\/olImb .'" __. ,_ _ _,...u .lMu1d"'8 .""'_ dtat:..... wUlt ~lU_ u..._. hum ""'" ,,{ poytJlODl at lhe moximutD
<br />k!pl....,
<br />,b.~ill u.ll<>o<I ~~, wtuic 1M """~ ,_... dl<<1 ,he __ may he<eaf..... 34_ ~ _'0 lbo
<br />~."{ >Itill. a.m.l, ,_ ....... '" """'_ ill _.'$1. wil>cl> ...........u ... withm l.b< ......."y or u... ~ ,ho ...... .. .ho funtls "''liMlly
<br />,~~-" tM: -IOUt ~t gf pt~ ~ ~i-'<.Jf !vt:Jil"-t4 1ti om)' Uk- the t;~l'~ iU~( tj.! tM-ftlUflpF,
<br />
<br />;~ ~u.., llf' f ~<.oj
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<br />~-. -.,,-I";_.Z _: _ " .....''''''- iI_-
<br />..", . ~~c._Ja,J#_,"L~-
<br />-.'woe C. 3....
<br />
<br />July,
<br />
<br />~. n, 19l:lj
<br />
<br />STAn OF NliIllf.MlA.l ..
<br /><:OONlY rjf HAt.!. i
<br />
<br />(l,'lhis 18th
<br />
<br />d#y of
<br />
<br />JUly,
<br />
<br />1'~J
<br />
<br />,hef....._.
<br />
<br />Ill<: umle,,,*,,,,,,,. . N",..y ~ '" .nd iu. laid ell"""Y, po....... "*"'"
<br />
<br />..
<br />
<br />~~. C. J_. a Si.iigle peroon,
<br />
<br />"'00
<br />
<br />is
<br />
<br />p<<.-aIly u..wlt '"
<br />
<br />""'..... *~lo>oI~ ~ _ i~ .fllud to.he....... -,......",.. """'I>'ll'''
<br />~lllo:""~t"b<o het ~.... .nddoofd,
<br />~ms "'Y IWiIl4 -~JIf1w s...llitt..;w, af~
<br />lIft.(-..-...~ /l~. l!j / II i.,I
<br />
<br />~.. .....:.. ..~f....~::'~.-;..,
<br />.. tIiIII& bl>'" I. \"'"
<br />
<br />.nd she _<oily
<br />
<br />
<br />_~__._~<2~(t.;;f::~::
<br />, Sowyl'llI>li<
<br />
<br />--...
<br />