<br />r
<br />
<br />UJarranty Cemetery Deed 83' .
<br />,-IN- - UU3869
<br />
<br />of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />a cemetery association
<br />incorporated under the
<br />cemetery laws of the
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />
<br />THIS IXDEXTI'IU:: Mad. (hI"., Zo.;;Lday "L FliliruJU'y, .k j)" 195!:1."
<br />betwf:"~n nTATI....\.\\'X ~EMORIAI... (tARK CEMETERY OF GH"\~n ISLANn. ~.~nRASKA. l<""ir~:t Party.
<br />""0 llOAry,.1.1.ll011llCK . Jr.< ,.."1~l'ri6da..l.ie.balltllt
<br />
<br />. ,..J~ll.:lJ::linct.._irL'L 1'dfs:... U. .lQ11l~. tefWl,U...llJJo...Il9t. alL tAuantJL
<br />
<br />J.llCS1m;;,OlJ~ ,.lfHl1rio:ht (Jf.5u.rY~\'orlll:1ip
<br />
<br />Sl:'Cnnd P1'lrty
<br />
<br />\\'fT:"\''ESSETB:- That Fi!"fjt Partv flcT and in ,'("U~hh:rlltJ'-m c,f th~ ~um ot
<br />
<br />,Ornt..i~9~;J1::r.._'1}1,q 9~.b>er _ YJ!J.~_~g.~~ _, ~QO;1_~d"eratiQ,ns
<br />
<br />
<br />thg r~:~l'pt wh1l'-T-e'f.~f ~N hi.!ff'h~' ;J.d-in<;:,~;,,:h...j~1~J. lHl..3 soh! hfl,j tly 1hesl:' prf'~wnt8 dot's ~!"aJ1t. ennvey and confirm
<br />
<br />tWitl) the- 14.~"('(J{'jd Party ~l't-d !.r)- ~t.ynnd Pa.rty's hf'lnl &.nd l..;;.:,.tf;T.~
<br />
<br />or t.Q, JtlUra .a."llt
<br />
<br />.&a.:l1,tlUL..u.!. _the. Sll.r"lt~.i v'or Q1'. them... forever 1 l.o_t ,ru..unbar. .91, ~____"_
<br />
<br />.8:PJlCC.S. .1.-2::-:J-h~S. _,and. 6... s.ec.ti.on tTc tt
<br />
<br />"~f \Vl<:STL..-\ \\"~.: .\l.!<::.MOIUAL PARi'\:
<br />
<br /><It Grand bl"nd~ :'idrt'Wika, t!-!lu~tcd in Hajj Cuunty. ::'-;d),nt,S)t>t :': <:'1 mdf'r)' tp b' u.!.Wtl fnT if'llt'rmt"l1t pr:-=~
<br />;1>(j,j:ooi<;il .-miy, b~'lnK &} d.-r:Oh,:.t\t'...:! .\u:<-I d....'la.fo;"'.1, U,€' f"13t ..r /':dld ,'..-i1H kry b"'-'H1J( n"'.'onlf".1 in ttw I)Uk~' of ttH'
<br />Ht~i;l.,!(tH d n~~b ;,,( HltH ("OUhP,~. :>:ebTuka.
<br />
<br />11Ull .J~ 1:!t ii:ubj:t:'rt tr~ .1111 lawlt I<t ~h(> t';'f."l~' d ):dHl'l."'-Kn. ~Hld b' ,.til b\',l~...-" rult'~. nnd r!'~ul11U{;ng
<br />tIt \VEST1,.A\\v;o,: ME).t(,iktAt_ FAHK (~!::MET":RY 'J( f~rand tshf,n-ct .~,;,'hro..:'!-h:&, 1Ul'.1 {II a,ny chan~t'~ in tiilid
<br />taw',", by..ttws, rula and rV'h'"1J.l.athlil"_
<br />
<br />1"() HAVE: A:-':O TO HOL~) t"ht" prvn,;lt-f'.n J'l.t;o1n'~ ,h;.M,)'.tbf,-;j fnf 'nl'''r-'l~H.!"t[ ,.>t \mly 'f~e \\'h:t~ {',\-Ul'lL"lia.n
<br />
<br />Ha.,"it'
<br />
<br />A,ny tr'l1n~t€'t ~"f t:U'f' If! &~y paTt -.'! Lh~~ atK'n' 'kw'nht'~,~ pHp.:r-t f ~ha.i1 :";!. h,' nlht1 untH OH:, ~.-anw
<br />1;,1l~ h~~tll r~"..}-f-d(-rl Ur"fl1'~ thr tXJ>l'i.K3 u1 th", VIr:!.! Party
<br />
<br />\-Vlt..~n..A\\,'N ME),tuftlAJ" PAHK l"~iE"rt-:HY '}fi' '..H:A;,\;D IS-LAXV, :'>iF":HHASKA. lwr(-by (.()Vt':~
<br />ru~n~ ;a,na .a.pfijjl V-J' all~ ',"'Hn flit z.l:n~tJn-d !->llt'ty ~n.:' \-'. tU; tht' ht'H"f!; u:r-...f a~'ltl~n~ .;;f t.t1~ S('t'-ond Party. that
<br />at thl! tH.n.... ~.! t.h~ ~Xot>l.__tiU!-J!i at->d 0dH'{'~'Y <.:1 UH''''~ l~(t':tte':,;t,~ :t b. b:wfuUy ~H'i:e.*-'.d t,.! !!:ald pn-flll..."t',J!l; that it has
<br />1t~~1 nght lUlU La.wtw l\\JO'l{jrit)' t,... ,'min')' th't' !SAm~, :!\at th~y ~r'~ trt"e :'rm':; H~(-umbnWH~ and F!ntt PII.T'ty
<br />,j<.~ h~n.t:ry ~'f>\"e-uAnt h] wllffll..'1t tiJld deh'nd tht:' fH"fSfnHh'lS &~l1in!i:l't the ~a',\'fuj l ii:f.lmn i.d aU I""r'Wtlil \....ho)m~o-...
<br />evB'.
<br />
<br />\\'-UTL.AWN :t,UC)tOH.IAL PARK t:'i:41.}:-f'ER"f nil ta~A;';lJ iSt...A:SO. SE1U{ASKA, iJ,grf"elil tn fUr~
<br />ntm ~rpt"nuU ~.IU-o:'. \i.dl'lJWatr-AUtttl iln-\! tl;.n.hll-'!'lHil-l'H:'lf' d th~ ii:;bn"1'!' d~$("ntx-d prt!miae!l "-,$ IJf(}\,}(h:.'d by its hy-
<br />Law..
<br />
<br />l.st.,.A....~D. NURA.SKA. .n... b<<~w-..tQ c.,~ lts eorporatlt ~f:W t(. b<1 utflx<<'d and th~ pr~nts to be .idgned
<br />toy ltll ~ Ute <lay aM y...r flnl ,,"".. "nth,,,,
<br />
<br />
<br />By.~ . __~r: :\,':i ,J:.::e:._:r:--cfi~"C
<br />PT~si.jt"nt
<br />
<br />STATE or NJII8ltAllKA.
<br />
<br />.,.,
<br />
<br /><lOu:wrY 0lIt. JU.l.t.
<br /><1>l t!lk_~_..<l..y Q! .
<br />
<br />..r~b..~__
<br />
<br />19__50.,
<br />
<br />~....tbe: ~ed. II notar)' pubUc jn and fur- ~d i:f,unty and .$t4t'~. j}ef'mmailv raOH'
<br />
<br />_ ,~l-._.n._ U-eme.a._.. _
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />~l oj W..ua\ftl). M~n)()l'l&l PaNt Ct'.m~tffy of Grand Ldand, X~bru:ka, tn me personaUy kn!Jwn tn ht;
<br />~ ~t aJ:id: the idWlUC8.1 P'Ji"s-.(tfl w~ name 1.8 afttx~ to the abov.... c'lm"'rYl\ll<'t:!, 3nd adu'J.owli'df;;'t'd
<br />1:JIe ~ thereat \;i)- ~ hia v(;.ftW;tary aet a.nd dfl!!d M ;iuch {,HtN~r o.u.-d f-.he voluntary {'ti::t arhi d~'d u( tho('
<br />~ W......9:b. Mm~ Park (~i:'.mde1':{ .)'( Gra.nd I.!fh.\.nd. NMJ-T'uka. n.tl-d that thf' n~n.O(.rlllt" ~-l"aj of the f<.iilid
<br />W~. ~t J~k Ge:l'H00h..-.r-y of Grand ldIuld. N-cbn.\.Ju WM th~:rt.t~) aHlx('d by !t~ ~\lUH>rity
<br />
<br />. ~ day R11d yelir 1ul abet"", wt1~k.
<br />
<br />J,..-7-(C/
<br />/.." /' -.'/
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<br />;-----;r
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<br />,;::.'11/f/~~~.
<br />;lvt-3.f;.: r~iJt"l-...
<br />