<br />83'""03853
<br />
<br />
<br />John E. Pfeifer and IDis .A. Pfeifer, each in his and her own right GRANTOR. in conskleratlonoj.,
<br />and as spouse of the other
<br />---one lXlllar ($LOO) and other valuable coosideratioo DOLLARS received from GRANTEE;
<br />
<br />The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, a Corporatioo,
<br />
<br />conveysuto GRANTEE, 111& follOWing described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Slat. 76-201):
<br />
<br />IDt Thirty-two (32), R & B Subdivision,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />
<br />GRANTOR cOVltnams Heinl!y and _rally. ,\ morl! than 0""1 w.lh GRANTEE lhaIGRANTOA;
<br />
<br />(1 j \$1 lawfully se,sed of $lien r"a! estate and that It IS free from encumbrances
<br />
<br />(2) NtS kIgIIlll-GW(t( end lawful authoniy 10 convtr't lhe liama;
<br />
<br />(3\ wanant, and will 6l11end !lU.. to ttle fllll; ,,"'late agamstlh.. lawfUl Claims oll1ll perwons,
<br />
<br />Executed" July.
<br />
<br />:'>1
<br />,~1!-'t"-.J, ,
<br />
<br />19t!3
<br />
<br />//~({~~s~;.. /( t?,l>
<br />". .~. '.. ....' .(.... '.' .,/;,.'(;..-d:. . ~."}.........."........
<br />/' . Jc1bt1"'}!;. Pfe~>
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<br />" ..'j;r:(Pf~fL. .~l4"4.~'L;...
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<br />$TAte OF ~
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<br />) $&,
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<br />
<br />Tl'Ie !or~ing Inltfumool WQ liCknowkKIged before me on
<br />
<br />.July,..... 2.1~,... .............. 1983.
<br />
<br />bV ,Jsa.l" ,Pf~ifer. J.1Qd lois. A. l'feifel:. each. in .his ~owu. r.igbt. .and. as.~~ -of. the......
<br />ather. r~/.--/ . /1 ./
<br />/.{ " ./'y/ IV
<br />~fI!,lmr'~~1 // ~_(t:~ /~ L/;,,::~
<br />JAMES W. Ol.$Ot-l '-"Notar~ 'Pl.JbliC . .rames ''i~' CIS on" ..., .
<br />"'.~tflI.Nkt2.1~3 I d
<br />My commllision &xPlres novo .~~.~, ,19."!~.,...
<br />
<br />
<br />._"......~, coum,.. ,.. ,.. . .. """
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<br />.,~tw~" and ~8d in l'4umetiUllnde".Ot\, .
<br />
<br />19
<br />
<br />at
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<br />O'Clock . M., and
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<br />~m...~~d.
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<br />Paqe "
<br />
<br />CO';.1flly ;.w oep.;ly C~U;'IY Clerk' . ..
<br />ReQlster Of o.poty Reg/1I1er oJ Deeds
<br />
<br />~r_tl
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<br />C<1{IrrJtjM ~ ;~/J~.'''~ ;,uflr;"", ~$"",~,,"" PAGE t 011 PAGE
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