<br />J
<br />
<br />
<br />8j-003842
<br />
<br />In consideration of the extension of the time of payment of the original promisso~
<br />note hereinafter described, the undersigned, Steven R. Styskal and Diane L. Styskal,
<br />Husbgnd and Wife , hereby covenant and agree to pay to the First
<br />National Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, or order, the principal sum
<br />of ..1;19I\t Thousand and nO/l00--------------------:----------_::.---------------:.=.:.:::_
<br />($ 8.000.00 ), together with interest thereon at 13i percent
<br />per annUlI! from the date hereof, such sum to be payable on,. "January 6, 1984
<br />Interest shall be payable at maturity on ___..J.i!.nuarv 6, l~&4..._,
<br />
<br />The original principal note in the amount of _~jE~t_Ip~~$2..~_1Lnd QO/I00--~~~
<br />-----------------------~.::::=:::..:.:::..::.:.:: ($?LQQQ.,QQ,..,________lwas executed and
<br />delivered by the undersigned under the date of _.,Eebruarv 7. 1983 ,to The First
<br />National Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska. and was due and payable on
<br />the_e-llth.-__ day of July ___.__' together with interest at. 13.50
<br />percent per annum and secured by Real Estate 1.10rtgage to the Fi rst Natio,:a,1-Bank
<br />of Grand Island, Grand Island. Nebraska, recorded as Document #83-00071~_
<br />._ in the Mortgage Records of ,_jIa11 __,._________ County,
<br />
<br />N~raska
<br />
<br />The undersigned agrees to pay such extended balance of principal of Six Thousand
<br />anll 001100 Dollars ___________ (~9___'OOO.00 ), together
<br />with interest thereon at 13~ _ pet-cent per annum, such principal and
<br />interest to be payable in lawful money of tile United States of America at The First
<br />National Bank of Grand Is land. G.'and is land, NebrJSKa.
<br />
<br />Al1 of the covenants and agreenents in such original note and the Real Estate Mortgage
<br />above described. other than hereinbefore modified, '.,hall be and remain unchanged and
<br />in full force and effect during such extended period, j f default be made in payment
<br />of any principal sum, the entire principal WID wi th interest thereon, shall become
<br />i!llllediately due and payable at the 1'1ect10n of tile legal holder thereof.
<br />
<br />In further consideration of such €?xtension of time of payment of such indebtedness,
<br />I hereby ratify ,~nd confirm such mortgage reco.'ded as ,Document #83-000716 ~y
<br />________._.__.__...___._ in Real fV<lte Mortg<lget~c(;r-d'$-o-{.-}f~=___=__.:::==_.:::
<br />County, Nebraska .. .. . . . as the first nlOrt'ldge lien !JPon the real property
<br />descrioi!d therein, ar;7f"th"€i" WiiOle of the title thereto as now owned by we.
<br />
<br />The undersigned executes tflis htension {,qn".:ment with ntference to and on the
<br />faHh and credit of their property, \',hJc:h th8y now Own or have an interest in or
<br />hereafter may acqui re; the express intension t,eing to charqe and to continue
<br />to charge any and ,111 of such property I,j th trt'; P,1ynCnt of' theinclebtedness, the
<br />Payment of which is herein extended.
<br />
<br />INWlTNESS WHERtoF, the undersigned nave hi;>Peunto '.e1. their hands this
<br />day of ,__.~~!__..._.___.__."._,
<br />
<br />11th
<br />
<br />II
<br />
<br />,€~~~,
<br />~ ;;;f ,ib-:-", ~ . ()
<br />1fli~lisTai.-..:~~~----
<br />
<br />srATf Of Nebraska
<br />
<br />
<br />CootHY UF l-Ia 11
<br />
<br />ged bdore me this. 11th ... day of
<br />S~.eh~LR.'-}J.l.s.~!.'[~!i!~D}~~"I:::=J!_~'1jlJ,_._. __
<br />
<br />1,.,.1 Oefl:(;rllHi~'fl; ,_.~!tlP!!~_,t~1.J_~!'2~!Vi!lage~ 7th Subdivision to the City of
<br />~r.nd .It lam!.. . ~11 County, NtIDr~t;a
<br />""'-,<;"-"'*"""""<<"""""",-"""::~",,_<,;-~,c,,-,,,,,~~,,~""'("'",-,,,,-/_:-:.._,-.-.~~,,, '_''';'' -,,', e_,_'_ '."_C,, .".'_
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