<br />r
<br />
<br />EXTENS lOti AGREE~iiL
<br />
<br />83-003841
<br />
<br />In consideration of the extension of the tine of paynent of the original promissory
<br />note hereinafter described, the undersigned, .)e.rrYl<l,~Q~.MrL9!HLYj.'dan~~~
<br />Husband and WHe , hereby covenant and agree to pay to the First
<br />Itattonal 8ankof Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, or order. the principal sum
<br />of Fourteen Thousand. and 00/100 Dollars~u_u--::---u---u----u-----n---nu--_u-
<br />($14.poo.OO ), together with interest thereon at __._-1l~!L_ percent
<br />perannumfrem the date hereof, such SlIDl to be payable on ,November 10, 1983
<br />Interestshall be payable at maturity on .__._.NQY!!~~r_J9,~_J2.~,_,~_....
<br />
<br />The original principal note in the amount of . Fourteen Thousand and 00/100 Dollars-
<br />__________________________u__u______:: ($_l.'hOOQ~QQ===~::_,___J\'as executed and
<br />deiivered by the undersigned under the date of,'__~!lY_J.i....:l~,~.L_, to The First
<br />National Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, and was due and payable on
<br />the _--1~th day of.--11..?1Ll2~__" together with interest at 17.00
<br />percent per annum and secured by Real Estate Mortgage to the 'irst National Bank
<br />of Grand Island, Grand lsland, Nebraska, recorded ,", Docunent #82-001967
<br />in the Mortgage Records of.._J[~}I:::::::::_:::::::::-=====-_=_ County,
<br />
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />The undersigned agrees to Day such extended baldflce of principal of Fourteen
<br />. T~~!ld d'll! 00/100 1!Q! lars ---:=:':'::::':.:.:.::::" ~J4,~OOO .O.CL.______==..i ' -together--
<br />witt} interest thereon at ~OO . .. percent pey' annum, such principal and
<br />interest to be payable in"T:'l.wful mOney' of the Unite" ~;tates of I\,~rica at The First
<br />National Bank of Grand island, Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />An of the covenants and agreements in ouch o.-i'lin;!i note dnd the Real Estate 140rtgage
<br />above described, other than hereinbefore modified, q'<ll1 t>r: dnd remain unchanged and
<br />in full force and effect during such extended periorl. if default be made in paYlfent
<br />of any principal 51Jl11, the entire p,-incipal sum witt: jpterest there()n, shell becone
<br />ilmlediately due and payable at the ejection of ~i1" ]1'9il1 Mld!;r thereof.
<br />
<br />In further consideration of such extension of tifft! of payment of wch indebtedness,
<br />I herehy ratify and confi rill such llJOrtqilg.? retord(~d iJS DQcunent il82~0001967
<br />t n Rea 1 t ~ tJ te ?1(H.tqilfJ:{~ -re-co-Nfs~-f)'f -~ ."--Hm.~~-'~"--"---'--
<br />CountY:-~Nehraska -'--"'..--<-------<-- 'I as the f l rs t n':)rt(]dq(~ 1 i en lipon the -realfJr-fJPerty'
<br /><1eseril;).e1::l therein, an<f-rhe--wh'oJe of the title tile!'(;to ,15 now owned by 11'e.
<br />
<br />The undersigned l':'x-ecutes Uds Extens'~()n: :~greenlf:nt ~~d u\ !'.efe~nce to dnd on the
<br />faith and credit of their pmperty, "mlch they now own 01' have an interest in or
<br />hereafter l1'.ay acquire; the (express intension t'elfll! to chal'ge ilnd to continue
<br />to charge allY iHH:! a11 of SiKh pmp;ert:r .11 tn t.he pa/inent of the indebtedness, the
<br />pa,YnJ?-nt ,)f which is herein extended.
<br />
<br />ll'i WiTHESS WHEREOF, the undersi!jned 'lave her>:i.I!lto .,,!'t theil' hamj$ thlS )~.h._,_.___
<br />day of .~~. 191:13____,____.___.,.,
<br />
<br />f
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<br />\~ ",-l~J,;~ 4; U,1}<~: .
<br />,,~----_. ---Je~7 r"aer:.--:,--.. J ~~------
<br />O~1ta- J 15~
<br />.. ---vri(lifu---S:"1f6Wden' -..--,-~-------
<br />
<br />--)
<br />
<br />
<br />Nebraska )
<br />.__._~----)
<br />
<br />Of. ..........._ Hal]________..,_~}
<br />
<br />was ad:nowledged before me thi,; 14th day of
<br />'. .19_~_,__ by ..~:~'!,_w,:~.~<1en~.?:~~v:=~~~n=Cl{~=_.,-...
<br />
<br />~*ll)e-$l.:rlvtJQn: ,,~!':2.:!:.~__.!!L_!.'.'-?~~.!~~ liQriie Coul1tr~r Club, ft, Subrlivisl011
<br />J~~HQ:lI,mty. rtttbl"Jl:SKa
<br /><'...,~""_;,q,,,~~...,..,..,;-,,.,..u......'''e";;.,.,.'''''.;.= _'~"<,,"'" .,<""^:,.
<br />