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<br />r <br /> <br />MOR1'CAGE <br /> <br />83- 003834 <br /> <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L ::>4 , 11 Q <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY TIJESE l'RESENTS: That Dario R. Beazley and Patricia.J. Beazley, each in his <br /> <br />and her own right: and as s p:>use of each other, Mortptar,whethc:,oneo,more,incoosidemioooftbclWDor <br />FOurtBPn. ThnI,,,,,,,tvi and l"Q/IOO DOU.ARS <br />IolIIood to....'*"'...... byl'be f',qufuobIe lluiIdin!l and L.oan Association of Grand ldand, Nebrub, Mort@llllOe,upon 140 sbaMsohtodc of <br />..... ASSOCIATION, CettlIlcok No. L 24,119 ,do hereby gnRt, wmoey and mort_ untO \be _ ASSOCIATION \be folJowinl <br />clooc:riIled real _, oituated iD IbII COWIly. _..., <br /> <br />wt Pive (5), in Lucas I Addition <br /> <br />to the City of Grand Island, <br /> <br />Hall County, ,\jebraska. <br /> <br /> <br />I~ _ ~ .Ite ._t.. hNedt_ .mI """"'''''''"'''''' In..cunto ~. iOO""'", .,1JIcbed floo, ro_inp. all window _. <br />- .-.., bbndl. ""'At -.10""" .~, hnt~, "" ooMd""""l!. and Jl!wnIlintI and Witte, "'IUIJIfD01!t ami_ theteto. pumpa._. <br />~0Il'. W "'''''' l11t_ and "'JWP'll"Bl ...... Of hm:oI1", ",tadted 10 '" ...-.i ... connection with laid mil _e, <br />ADd wIler_ 1M Aid _._ .... ~ and dooo h<telJy..-"" .!\ot the """I~ 1ihaII and will pcy all laxc:s and _ Inied or <br />_ upon.... """"""" .nd ""''''' ,!iii """t_ and lhe bond "'<>lTC<I !hw,by b<Joro the _ shaJI become. delJoq_l; to fumioh approwed <br />-"""" \be~oo __...wtIC<linth......"'IS 14,000.00 payabie t" Aid ASSOCIATION and 10 deli_ 1<>_ <br />ASS()('IA TIOH lhe "'..... t", _ _; and "'''' 10 ,,<_ ", l""nu1 ..., ..Ute "m Of .bout ..ud prembeI; <br />In ""'" of def.till '" In.. "",._... 01 ..., L<t In.. ..".... and c__ of th.. """'PI!" Of the bmuj _ed hereby. the rllOftppO shaJI. <br />"" ~, be> ...tilled 10 ~i. ~ of .it< I\'1OfIPll"'l """...... .nd Ill< "",.1_ "",eby iUiIicM, (...wen and .... ower !o the <br />~ a1hbe> ""'10, f_ and """""" 10 be> dct:1w<I It_IIv mor~ "'_ d...~ ouch !_ .. the ......... i..d.bted..... obaII re-m <br />""""";and 1_ """'"'" obaIIhaw lhe 1"- '0 ~t uy _. o. ~. II may _ rOt the ~ <>f repoiriQa aid "",_and mtline <br />the _ and ~... tlte .-.. __ oM '......"".oM It _y pcy "". "r aid "'"'''''' ill e~ vi' "'poirina said pt_ and ~ <br />.....-..."f_ imtI ~~ _... ''''''...0Ad ~ lhe...... and of "JlIoct... ...0" ,hetetrom; the btdaace~. it any. 10 be <br />oppfjed -.llhe dilichat"" ". Aid ......____, ._ ,r;!Itu "I lit< """ll!JIl!:f'e may be> e__ .t allY 1_ ""riIIII'lv #xistenco of mcb <br />d1QlIb. ......,.,.,.M 01 DY '-"y _ <>f tbe ....... <br />'"""" I"tum... h<Jwcwr, .... ...... lbe Conohl"",.li1at tf .ho ..ld M<N'tIill<" >i>oU aid loan on Of bef"", lite ....too!y of $lid ob_ by <br />PIY-; pcy _thly '" ~ AS.';;OCIATION 0111>< """ rpI\aI'ir:d '" the Ilosd "",...ed ""'<by .. ............. Illd principol.... _loan, on or bef_ <br />.be ~tb do)' -)( -.b tnd ~ motttlt, ""hi _ loan .. lully potd.; PlY oil..".. tnd _blo..ed qaiMl aid prembeI 0Ad 0\1 !his Mflttpp <br />arad ,t.e Ilootl ..,.,.....u theteby, hekn~; fur_ .pp'.-d .................... tlteb~ u.a- '" the _ oU 14,000.00 peyablo <br />to Aid ASSOL'lATION; '_y to aid ASSOCIATION upon ~ aIllOftMy by i. paid for ""'" iaUI, _. ami __ with ",-'1 <br />tho. ............ fat" _.r_"" aI PlY_I all 01. _ ~ ""'<by..._ to pcy;"",_ JIO w_on_ premion;keop and comply <br />witltall.....-.. . ltIId__.oflhe 8o>Dll f." S 14,#000.00 Ill.. day lll- by.he laid /do,....... 10 laid ASSOCJATION,and wmpIy <br />with all tbo. f~. '" lbe C._...;oo ond 8yu- ... aid ASSOciATION; .hen U- prcaoaI' !Iball bocotM mdI and void, o!betwiJlo !boy <br />obaIl mmoiIi in full lor"" ond _ he fO<Odooed .1 the oplioo of .he laid ASIlOCIA 1101'1 ,u'!er fllilllre for !lufIe IIlOIUbs '0 mak. allY of lIIitI <br />~ Of he Ibhlo IIlOIUbs ... .._. JO ~.aid _thly pay_a. o. to koop and rumply with !be ...._14 ami comlitiottI of lIIitIllond; <br />1nd.....\N!>f ........ haw. .,,_ ~I<>d fonlt_ to.....rt f.....~e _~. <br />Ii llloIo .. ."Y ..... in --."c.... ,eat_ ......~ """"". by .. Of o!betwiJIo. ,hq .... entire .......... itldebtetlMa IteIeb,y <br />~ .... allhe...'1f\ioa <>fl'be ~ BIliltIitt& and U-..........tiot>"c (:r.u.d lllutl. Nel>nlob.~ immedlately due and pcyllblo wilbout <br />r,.. ~ ..... 1110 __ ~ If... ...... Aid ltoo>il, and any odlof bond for Ifty addiIionaladwncoo made tllolOWlder, sIWl. f<_ the <br />_01"..-- ofJllli.hptiooJ.bA< .........,'" the .......auwnlopl_.and !his olO!l1JllF ""'>' thco be foredolod toatiof)' \be __ ",,"""aid <br />~any.~ '-l fOf ~ ~ i~ with all_ potd. by aidl'be F~ JluildlII and Loa AtIoc:itltioItof Grudlllutl. <br />NollInlbf.,. ~._and_.and~utcfIOi<Jn~ with ituaat ~. from date of pcymoat II tbe muimum <br />..-. <br />AI <br />.~ <br /> <br />. .. *' 8oI!Il, --..i /oood>;'. wbillJ tItis ~............ in dff!Ci !lw............ _y lIolaf!<J ad_ ~ _I<> \be <br />llial:t!l. .... .....or _ in in_. wIIld>.......obaII be witltot \be -unty of tItis ........ <be ..... ..the fUDda orfIiaaIly <br />.!l\lO ~tidIt.,.,. Ie ~ JIl any titoe \be oriPW __ of tItis__" <br /> <br /><>f July A. I). 19 83 <br /> <br />;; ......... . <:J.4..... <br /> <br />if-=::t.. <br /> <br />0It.1!\rio <br /> <br />20th <br /> <br /><lara.. July 1'l83 ,be{ore_ <br /> <br />tbI>.............. "'-Y .1'olllIe m and for _ C_y, ,.,........,_ <br />l)Q,1OR" ....ley a.nd Patricia J. ~J..ey, ~'h in his and her own rWjtt and as ~ p <br />~i . ~ <br />-..*~............__ are ~...tlio......~..~ <br />~1I" tl:mr .........,...and~. <br />~..,."'h_~W!beilatlUl\:I,""""'. <br />-(;~~~,~.....Pifl <br />~..... ...".. .....:..:~.!.;;....'..:.....~..,..~ .' . <br />..c...b;; ... '. <br /> <br />~ ~~.') <br />/' / . <br />..~ ..? I. : <~.. /. <br />~. . 'J4~~'-,.\L,..~",,~. <br />