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<br />lfORTGAC.E <br /> <br />83- (j(j3818 <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 24,11 R <br />ICNOWAlJ,IiIEl'IBYntI!SEl'RFSam;,Thal Elmer L. Norhain and Sheryl S. Morhain, each in his and her <br /> <br />(MIl right and as spJUSe of each other, MortpgOf,whether.-or rnore. in consideralioo oftbelUlll of <br />'l'hi.r1:y ~)..,.nd and n:),/lOO ..__ _ .-.--..--.,::====.==.==:,:==::::::::::::-:'::::'::::::::=:::::'::::::::OOUARS <br />......... to1lill -..... by Tht F.quibI>lt Buildins """ to"" AtoOcia_ of (;nwd Island. Nebrul<a. Mortpp, upon 300 "'""'" of stock of <br />IIiII ASSOt1ATION, Certlf_e No L 24,118 . do he.<by gmrt. COfWe1! and mortpt:e Wlto the sUI ASSOCfATION the followin& <br />dn<ril>od ,oaI _. "hllted ill Hall County. Nebmrk. <br /> <br />Lot Six (6), in WOlfe's Second Subdivision, <br /> <br />Grand Island, Hall CQunty, Nebraska. <br /> <br /> <br />\<901- ",,,It oil ..l>< -.. ""-_.. and 'Pl"'f'''~ .~", ~t. "'<~ .......~ lloor ~. ..u wiA<l<* .......... <br />......,.... .....~......... -......._ -.... '"' -"_,.00 pI"""""".nd ..."."'~.M.....,...,...,. _ro,pUI1IpI.sto",,". <br />rd~~~ lad (~ i't.uwn Uld ~t ~ b~ h;t;tt"~dtf't :an~ !ti Uf tMti m (;ufu~<hnf'l ..tit s;ud tt'ti ~.atr. <br />""-l ..-- ,1M: ~ """~ "'" """"'" _ "''''' !l<'tr.l>y 'P" .ia. ';'" '''''''_ >JIWl .l>d wdl pay .Il lJ_ _ _ts leYted '" <br />-" """" - ",..- ...0 _ I~ """'...... _ !lI<< '-<I ""'",00 ,n".rl>v 1><""" II>< .-- >JIWl b<<tmw o..liIIqucn.; I" ClImi1h appfO\'Od <br />-- """" .lw "'''''''''*'' ""...,.; ~ ""......<1 ",.l,. ...... ,,; t JO, ,,00.00 l'...ltlir ." _ .<\....'>l:X.unON and '0 u.w- 10 ,.;d <br />ASti(X1.ATlON~.iw- ~ t.:~ _ iMtJt_~'t_~' t~ !n <;;.::tmmn '.M pemUi;n'fv wmt- i)4i1}t a"buw: tiiUd~. <br />Iu CUI)! i,lt Mt., iA :ttK- p<<h-1d'~ tl<t !1m)' ..Jt~ f~ tlf'rf,N ;mt! .(,f.~~'!:fU ~'f{' fhil o:w.nt... Of 1M bofsd ~ )~. the lI>>ttJiIIC'C man, <br />~ ~" M mtii1r4 W ~~~t~ fk~m ~tf' tbt- rmU'~ ptr'AUi!I':I- ",nd the: tnm:~)! tw~ AiIiIPU* t:tl'Blo1ert .and Jet, oW!' to I~ <br />~......n U~ ~~-l., ~_lf~'.~ t,*,l~..~ IftmHw QW1~ ~l\Ih. dw~ ~ttWe_ ~~ _~~1haIl ~~ <br />~~ .u.l t_~. _~ ~ t_ p,:!'Wtf tu ~Jtrt'f.:JWy- .td ~J ~-t~ ,.1 1'tUrf dl"~'t' !-(if t.~ pi>>pvM \:\-f r-ep&mna -..wd ~ .ad re-ntm& <br />tit -- ~ t::o(~-t_i_ ~ ~''J.~ ~~,-..<<1ltJ ri~.., Pt,}' t~ Hi ~ rJ~~ 'I-N !:'''~J t)f Ifl.fJlHJU'tJ 1ilid pt~.nd ~ <br />-l,-"'~ ~ ~ .Di'W~_ W ~ ~ ~ t~ ~ ~lIt4 0.1 ,,'~!!t-~'1:'t.t'\'C flfYt&b tbt<<fm.m: [hi!: ~ te~ Jf .MY. lu be <br />~. _-'_' !i<.tW.-4 tiw -J~~ t-4 ~ ~_#~ ~. ~,'hr-. f~a-h.d .ht n.-.a~ -N:.." t:N: \".'Utt,, #tJ,y l~ 4uri:nC the U,_CfWC: of sudt <br />4d'Mh", ft~1:JW Hf ~ ~~"1' ..~ (# ~__ aI-liM'- <br />1~ Pt~lt,. hA.~-;-. ~ ~ f"'C~,~, ftwi d' ~~~. ~(.Of~ ~ ~~PiY ~ ki4n \.~. >;'t ~(Ule d_ rnalunt_y of 'fiud.nuft b')' <br />l'ly....IJl., l'O:t ~ '''' - ",,,'il)(:ti\ nil'" "" 'I>< """ ~io:>l '" ,... l\<Ql """,,,101 ~<l>y .. .._ .,td pt"""fOl "" _ ~_. 0" or bclOO: <br />lhltl'<ioy "j.........,.j ~ _'h,""",""" k_.. ,,,., _; l'lt >lll__..,g _..leYted -' _ ~ aud "" IblJ ~ <br />...... ,... .>l>ll-.....J 'IM:.~ ,Iw<"". ~,,,,y, '"",w. 'l'I",-<I __ _'n. hwW_ .""- '" In. ...... 01 S 30,000.00 poyablo <br />...... ~lA.nllN. '_Y ." _ !\.S.'ltXIA.lluN "1""" <~ oll_r by " _ t... ...... "'..... ._.. """ .......--' ".tIIlltlCtm at <br />ttw- #tQ,... ~ fttk: t~ ff~ ~-t ~;;f ~:;r~ ",H \J.- *~ MJ.-tMUf ~~by ~~~i t(~'pII;Y. petWtii -no wWU M aid f'f~~kftp and comply <br />...''It.1I ,"'" ._........,.....,_.>1tl>o!boo;)..., ~ 30.000.00 '....;.., _" I>y ,"" _ 14m..... h>....... AS!ilx;IA'nON. andwmply <br />- oil .110 ....--, '" u,. ,;,,,....,,..."'" ..,q Ily'......~ uf """ US()l.1A IltlN, ,l>otl u...., "",..,". >Ifill """""'" m.lI """ >uJd, othcl..... ,bey <br />.. ,~...... '" MI t",." """ ""r .. \.",,,,,,,,,",,, .. 11M: ,"*"_ >>1.1ft <0><1 ASSCJtlAIION oi'm I",""" Cu. ,b_ lI......ho '0 mfte ""y .>1 ,.;d <br />1'Of-. '" boo ,.~ - ... ........ ... ~ """ -l1>iY PlY-", '" '" Uol' """ ''''''Ply ""till"" ..._ta ..,q oomIrt..... or >otd B<lIUI; <br />mil............ ..._.<>Iuowo. ,_.... ~~ /."",,,,,.h... ....1> t....".___ l"~"'" <br />If tbou:....""t ~ ... _..., 0( llwI......_ _~!>own, by .. "" "',....,.,... u- tho ....... ~ in<lri>t.oo... hereby <br />___'IihIIIl..'lloo~t>l.'n.e~.~..,qI_ ...............ot'(;..ll!ial>oI,~,ll6wmo ~""""""~,.;tIloul <br />1'-' ....._. ud \lilt ...- '-" <1u< .....,. """ bolooi, and H)' otlw bootol fOt ~ ~ w-..... ~.1IhalI,f_l... <br />... of ,,_ t>l...~buI. _ '" lilt __. Uk.ud _ ......... -r u- be i........... I<! 1IIliafy lloo _....... Mill <br />l!lloi4.....y.....loooI<l b~",-, ~ _;oll_,.,oo by _ Tht f~ JklIIdias aDd u- ~ofGr....l$lao4. <br />~ * ,",--,1__ _,oM....a4....._ -... ""'" _.... !lI<!l_. if"'" _ of pay-... .1 the .............. <br />lttIl1I'$. <br />,\i.~.;;Io;l. -Jkoo.ooiI ~ -....",.... lbro _.... ,O'........ '" dt<oci lboo _~ .....y ~Ilr ~ ad4i!f<IIIaI ....... 10 ,be <br />~ "" -1lil!ood. ,....~,,,....""""" '" ..."'_....Itidt _1IhalI be .......... 'Jot .."""tty of _ _I.... Ibe ....... "1M (......."'~ <br />~ I~..o.. 1<;(01_ of"""""".... _. '" .""~... any h_.1>o ."...... __ "Cthlo~. <br />00IIlIit_ 19th .,... July ;\, fl,!'1 0) <br /> <br />--.'i_i~J;~~Z_l.1~c<. <br />.-.'..... lIiiiY ..... ~ ~?ic!.~'7I/.iyb~/ <br />';" .. '1 S. ., <br /> <br />$l.n>.,Qf.'~.1 lOa. <br />f~UFI"u.f <br /> <br />0.. thd <br /> <br />19th <br /> <br />day... <br /> <br />July <br /> <br />1'1 63 , bofilfe ..... <br /> <br />Ibe ~,. N<>taty I'>Jl>lk; ... orul Co< IIlll c.-ty, pcr......uly_ <br />~ .t~ ~ ~ S1l:Iw:yl S. Marh.:U.n, ~ :in h;iJ aOO .her~llg.l\\t,.,and as s~~ <br />~. ; are <br />.it>..*~~ lJ ......._ 8 4J:tl><,tlou......,.-.-..""'...s ....s tiK:l)' -.lly <br />-~-_.._~_~_" tbek mt~~uct4Ndo OJ <br />~.~.!w>#orul~l\iIal~._.~. <br />MJor. <br /> <br />....... <br /> <br />.....~--,,-- <br />J(f!r....~r <br />.... ........~ 1,,_- <br /> <br /> <br />/' <br />...i:,,~,~_ <br />