<br />83-003800
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO, L 24,117
<br />Earl L. Walling, a single person,
<br />
<br />Mortpf,o<, whether ODe or more, in amsideiatlon oCthe IWD of
<br />
<br />~~rm.J.QQ:_.__...___.____._,_--~- DOlLARS
<br />
<br />loaned to_ mortpJOrby The f.quiul>le BlIiklinsllJld IAJOn AstOciatlon <>fGrmdlsland,Nebwb,Mor\pIee, upon 110 JIluuesofslodtof
<br />
<br />soicI ASSOCIATION. CertiflCale N<>. l 24,117 . d<> hOfl!by gnat. convey and IOOrtgage unto the soicI ASSOCIATION the f<>llowing
<br />do>cribed "'"' estate. m~ in Hall C<>Imly, Nd>nnI<a:
<br />
<br />The South One Half of the East One Half (S">E~) of Lot Three
<br />(3) of Vantine's Sulxlivision, iocated on a part of the Northwest
<br />Quarter (Wi) of Section 22, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of
<br />the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />l~ _db. aU lhe t(.~u.. hef.rdrtamr:t1U .and .1PVWt-~nan(.."'C' lhtrfeul'(O bckmprtg., mdudJna .ttadlcd flour wwriaIl~ aD window ~
<br />......dt... ~. hlin<l>. ,h><m """"_. ''"''''P. '-..... ." ""nd;t"",,,*. md p1um~ aad Wllt<l ",..."""",1 and """"""'"" lherNo,puIIIpI,~
<br />fddIlU"'-~~. ~ t'1lRef fll.tufn 100 tqw:pr:tJe,.t ~flW Of hnnht!t" .Jthd\ed tu 9'i -wed m amna.1.iiofl wuh said "* estate.
<br />"ad ...bet... .It< """ """,_" .... ....1 _ .1<.,. ho",by...., lA" lhe n""'-" _ ami ..w I'll)' all 11_ _ _10 Inied or
<br />a-.I ""'... -.I ~ and "pun ll... ""x'_ .nd ,Ilt' bond ..,.",cd tn...by 1><1"" ,.... ...... IhalI ~ ddinq_l; II> fumioh approwd
<br />--- "puo ,.... h~ '''' _ i"<'"..... ,,,...,<>4 ,n Ill< ",m 0' S 11 000.00 [Ulyable '0 _ ASSOCIATION and 10 ddiwr 1<> sold
<br />ASS(X'IA nrlN t.ht- ~ {(J.l vA! imur,~. and tint w t'{J~mtt t,f ~fm"J ..n,. .'i,.Ue tm (l:f .bOUl II" Pf~';
<br />In: aM" Hi .kiawt If! thE: peth}f~C (~t ah)' dt ihlt' h::tmt;md t,'OndilKlftl UI thu lnorl~ u, the bond ~cd htreby. the rnort.ppe -.a.
<br />06 M.manO. he 't'nfJ.lte4 tv imnt('.'l.-h:ah! P"~'trt uf th<- mt)t.t~ P<<'flmiC"i .,Id Itw ~lll,...t"")f hereby .t.RIlftJ. uaNfors and .-IS OWl' to tbe
<br />mm~ an tfit rents... In'eRue1o Pld mu..'fnt t~l t/IiI' df::{jv('d lr"nt the tl'lt""t~ l"~' dUlU'C ~ tUflt!' U the ~ ~ ahaD re:....
<br />Wi~~ ~nd Ifx' rttQft~ ~ M-\1If tbe p:~ ~'J ..ppUtn-t .,.~ .t'tt i.OI .qt;1lh H m.)' ~sue ft')f tbe ~ ()[ f..... ... ~ and nmtIaI
<br />tbr :JatPiC' ~,fkf ",~q (hi: fC'fttlc~ n"ft'ntln .i-td illUlIfftE'. a.nd !t mlO' r.-y UU1 PI utd IJ~ .all t.-~ of re~ uJd pnnnieI and nec:nat)'
<br />t.~ and r-~ mOln~ j" 1'taUftl ~ f~ the !IiiItnl!' .00 dt coiki."1m(t '",lab ttmeffOUl~ the ~ ~, if any. to be
<br />~ h.""''V~ die d~.. td a-Jd: rllort... ~,... the_ rtl(hh ,)f l~ fll')f'~ nUl)' hi: iCl-flClll!\i It any tw:ae-4UJlD1, the IWIlcace 01 sud1
<br />default .1rt~1.tw -(of dY h~.t.I4"-Y ~ uf" the .-nw
<br />~ ~u. f)(~~I. ,ue ~ ~Ct..\~ttl')tl. Tlut ti tht- >>to !lbl!J'~f \l-*.! ft;Pl\ty ~ luitn t~ \If bc~ dtc maturity o.r said'" by
<br />plIymcttl; pay mrnutuy hi Q.u AS..~)(lAnON nt HK' WQt it'1<<l.ikU tf\ (bot ""~ ~'lled hl;~'fet).,. u mttml'lt and PflRQpal Oft aid klan. on Of before-
<br />thr Tlfefthrthtb). oj' t"..K'h -..-w t"Wt)' tl}Qftlh. titU-o w..J k4ft t't hiliy pvc.i, M iUll.~,n I!-kS~"'h in1cdtpinsl aid pnl't1DICSandoe lh.is MorIp&e
<br />..,.j ,Ito Ilood """,..<I ,,,,,,..lty. ;",/v,. dchnq........., h""oo "I'P"-.I '_1"""" <tl'<", 'n. ~ ,hot_ mOw _ of S 11,000.00 ""yOlo
<br />10 ...01 ASSlX'IJl nON, """y h. _ ASSOClA HIlN "l"'" .!<utlUl<l .11 ...._. by " po..J .." wdt """. _1> and ___ ""th in_ II!
<br />1M ~ . r.h~' tht'-J~,",-\ lH>fU mt: i.lt V-)'ftWtH .Jj ,.1 ..hid> WOftlJllOf hotfeby .#1 tu pay. prtmit no ..at. 01\ ... pte.JIt:itoI~keep and comply
<br />WIth all !I.. ..._'.....h'<A<i"_. ..II.... lluNllm S 11 UOO. vO lbu i1ay ~..o by ,he _ "f....,...,. 10 _ ASSlXIATION, and """'PlY
<br />...tlh aIllhe I"'....._a.. vi 'M (",..,,,,,,,,,,,,,. _ lh ,I...., ;,t ...I ASS(JCI II nON. ,be" Ihn< "'_.. sAaIl bcw_ llull ami void, otherwilo they
<br />"II lelO&iP '" hill 'ut" ""d ''''')' be lu.<d...,j .t Ill< oP'JOO ../ ,be _ Ass(Jl'1A nON .ile, i..tu,. I... ,It_ moaths '0 rtliIk. any of .....
<br />I"lY_.N be ,...... _lit> u. .".an '" .nolI... ..ld "......hly ""~._I'. ,,, Iv 0..,1' and """Ply ...,th the _au II\d condit_ of aid &ad;
<br />- MorliP8Uf -..ee:to tn -haw .lI(:'a-f~1 ~kd t'Oflhwtth IIi1 w.:h h)f~'Cl: pcPt.:.~,
<br />111_ .. >my .......... m ""........., ",lllle ~....... """~ h<_. by .. '" otlletwa, ,hea tho .atite ~ ~ hetolIy
<br />"""""" llhaIl,.t tho <>pWtl ill .n.. I:qwtaI>I< ~ and u- """"'..'- .,( C;....d Island, Nd>t......__ ~ duo lI1<l payabloo ~
<br />f",tbet _. II\d ,Ito __ ............ <I... ..... ..id bood, and UI)' "'!1m bond f", ""Y adWtiooaJ ad__ made ther........llhaIl. ftum tho
<br />dalo of ....._ u! Jaid .>pi...... _ _ lI! '.be _lopI Ak. and W. .......... ""'y Own he f"""'*'-i w .1iIfy tho _ duo OR sold
<br />llolod. aM >my ..... bond f", ~ ad_. '''l!O'lbot ...tth all_ potd by _ 'fbe t'qui<ablo BWIdiIltt and u- A........... of ('...ad I........
<br />NolHuka {Of insur_,<,. '- &<tl! _u..... .bu....."'.... ul<mioo ~ ",tth mw... tne.-. from dalo of ""ymoal 01 tho ....-
<br />Iopl""".
<br />At ~ in tho 1I0o<I _....<<1 "',.0,.. MUlt: lbu """.... ,<ma.... on <itttl ,I>< """'- ""'y be,eatl<< ad'*k>> additional ....... I" the
<br />........ .,( I&ld 8oocl, thooit: ...... '" .............. 10 .",.,.,.., ..illch ........nall "" .."hut tbe ..~",ily of lbu "........ lbe .._ u lito fund. Ofiplally
<br />~ t~~ the, toiW.J.ftJUftl 01 pl1llcipal debt iWJt 10 ('-x~.at m)' htlJe the OJIIJiW.mount of uu. mo:r-tpce.
<br />~u... l'ith doty..t July ^ f)"l~ llJ
<br />
<br />~~..tr~.~~,..
<br />
<br />t!'J't\ttI(lf'~.l..
<br />1'(AA."rY (If' MAU.' . .
<br />
<br />OIl 1m.
<br />
<br />19th
<br />
<br />doty oj
<br />
<br />July
<br />
<br />! 9 ilJ . bei<we _.
<br />
<br />,ho ................ N<>Wy Pub... '" and (,.. I&ld I:u""l~. "",-uy_
<br />
<br />SarI L. WalUng, a i>l.nqle person,
<br />
<br />..iw IS
<br />
<br />jlOf1lMlOlly lL_n Iv
<br />
<br />....... ...........,........ ..bQa _ 18 ..f~... the _ _'_1 .. ~
<br />
<br />~._~ "'ho ilis """",",y "'" ..llldoot.!.
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